Recommendation: Approval
Rationale: While this map could use a LOT of work, there is no real reason that prevents it from being releasable. It is pretty good and has well executed music and cinematics.
[x] Map runs properly, no visible issues.
[x] Map has nicely imported music and a nice opening cinematic that are great for the mood.
[x] The hero is a werewolf that can change form at will. I guess this might appeal to some people?
[x] Map is far too easy. Main character could solo it, but gets a horde of units to aid them that have level 2 armor and weapons, whereas your foe has level 0 for both. No match.
[x] Parts of the storyline don't make sense: when Illidan left for Outland the last time, Maiev was indeed his foe but Malfurion and Tyrande decided to let him go. The Furbolgs were all corrupted except the Timbermaw and those helping the Draenei. Orcs, Trolls and Humans were in the same cells. They left their prisoners armed in their cells. All High Elves became Blood Elves. Some Blood Elves do not follow Kael because they have lost contact with him. He is currently in Outland trying to satiate his people's addiction to magic with those giant mana tubes in the Nether Storm. Spell Breakers are an especially Blood Elven unit as well. (The original name, before the release, was actually Blood Elf Spell Thief.) All the prisoners wear the came color of armor except Raven. This is strange, seeing as they are different factions.
[x] The AI hero Death Knight and Dreadlord are unable to cast spells.
[x] The name is deceiving. Up until the load screen, I thought I was about to play a game about the Scarlet Crusade.
[x] Final boss battle is incredibly easy. I looked down to destroy some crates and I had killed him before I had the chance to look back up. You can also teleport out of the battle.
[x] There are absolutely no item drops whatsoever. There are also no items.
[x] The player is part of the force "The Orcish Horde".
[x] A lot of unnecessary cinematics that impede, slow you down, and frustrate EVERY TIME you free someone. The Raven one is probably necessary, but the others you have have the units give their transmissions without a cinematic mode.
[x] You can see gray's units on the map. This subtracts from the drama, because you know when a prison room is coming up and who is in it.
[x] Generic monsters are part of "The Scourge". Also: The Scourge don't generally operate in laval caves, those undead in the campaign where just ancient undead, not members of the Scourge.
[x] Terrain is unoriginal, it was made by Blizzard.
[x] Quest was not done correctly. Requirements were not listed in the requirements box, and no description was provided, except for the "requirements", which were provided where the description should have been.