The Poppy Persona, Who is Poppy?

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I'm not sure if you have heard about Poppy or not, but she is a famous Youtube anomaly. Her videos often are very artificial with staged emotions and hidden meanings. One example of her videos:

Turns out she is actually a character created for musical project That Poppy which parodies every aspect of pop music, culture and celebrities.

More information regarding musical project and Poppy can be found here.

So far she has released an album titled Bubblebath on her official VEVO account.

What do you think about her? Do you find this musical project awesome, weird?
Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
One example of her videos:

I'm so intrigued. That one in particular was surprisingly unsettling for me... I didn't expect that. That's an amazing job that they did there.

I personally find her music is a bit less interesting though (but not necessarily bad), Lowlife has a nice ska with pop elements going on, and Money is definitely a regular pop song. Very contrasting with the uncanny vibe of some of her videos.

What do you think about her? Do you find this musical project awesome, weird?

I think her musical project isn't bad, meets all the standards expected for a pop musician, but isn't something I would feel like listening to when I'm at home. However I personally like the ska mix, she could do it more often haha.

What do you think? You didn't tell us!
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