ok about this to end it, we have been working on this over a year, maby it is us u saw..
Otherwise i gonna tell you how i made this name up.
(dunno if i ever told the other in the team how i made it
i made this name from scatch using diffrent languages, mostly tolkiens elven and latin.. thogh also other langueages.
ok to sort it out.
Lands of Archanor
- Lands = gets itself
- of = Hmm dunno exatch what this mean :roll:
- Archnor = See Below
Arch = pure, from that Arch angel is made (Archo or Arco cant remember*)
nor = world, elven langueage (nora)
but it can also mean somthing else
Archa = Mistiry / Legends ( Arcani** )
nor = world, elven langueage (nora)
i actually though of making a new langueage for LoA, but so far i havent made anymore than the basic gramma, and it mostly uses the elven tolkien langueage, and latin..
* cant remember were i got this from, thinks its latin but not shure, else it elven, but im allmost shure its latin.
** Elven langueage, thoug not shure..
Correct me if im wrong