The Legends of Krath - Act I - The Great Divide

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Level 2
Jun 27, 2009
This will be my first project if i ever finish it. Legends of Krath is an RPG Campaign where you unfold a dark mystery that is behind the closing of the Third Age. It offers you vast enviroments to explore and experience, like the dusty wastelands of Elokthar, the icy forests and peaks of Dethoris, great desert peaks, where it is believed to be the last stronghold of the Dwarves, their underground city of Bakkus. You can travel through the murky swamps of Fryron, and explore the vast jungles of Roktharus.


1. Ten classes with different skills
2. 100 hero levels in every campaign
3. Three epic campaigns with even more epic storylines
4. About 12 hours of play in each campaign
5. Weapons you find as well as armor, will get attached to your hero like other RPG


01. Warrior
02. Archer
03. Mage
04. Sorceror
05. Paladin
06. Necromancer
07. Hunter
08. Mineralist
09. Priest
10. Hydromancer


The warrior prefers to use the fighting style of the old, raging fury on his enemies, slaming them to the ground... His attacks are brutal, but his defensive powers are very limited.

Spell List:

1. Thunder Slam (level 1)
2. Fury (level 1)
3. Forcewave (level 15)
4. Strength of the Ancestors (level 40)
5. Whirlwind (level 65)
6. Stormrage (level 90)


The archer is an excellent user of the bow, able to send flaming arrows, even to change it's direction. An archer focuses the most on hitting his enemies, but he can dodge very efficiently, to not be hit.

Spell List:

1. Fire Arrows (level 1)
2. Dodge (level 1)
3. Execution Strike (level 15)
4. Fiery Spirit (level 40)
5. Chain Blow (level 65)
6. Dwarven Strike (level 90)


The mage focuses on the magical arts of water, soul, and wind. He can shield himself with air, can clear out an enemy soul in a chain reaction, and drown his enemies in a watery orb.

Spell List:

1. Air Shield (level 1)
2. Waterbolt (level 1)
3. Wind Elemental (level 15)
4. Twisters (level 40)
5. Drown (level 65)
6. Soul Strike (level 90)


A sorceror is to be feared, his unnatural attacks are brutal and deadly, he concentrates on the knowledge of fire, poison, and earth. He can create volcanoes, spread an acid wave, that mutilates the bodies of the enemy.

Spell List:

1. Poison (level 1)
2. Stone Boulder (level 1)
3. Chain Fire (level 15)
4. Earthquake (level 40)
5. Acidwave (level 65)
6. Volcano (level 90)


The paladin has auras to shield him, auras to help him kill his enemies, and holy spells to purge his enemies. But to manipulate strong auras, a paladin must train hard, the stronger the manipulation is, the stronger effect the aura will have on him.

Spell List:

1. Holy Bolt (level 1)
2. Shield Aura (level 1)
3. Thunder Aura (level 15)
4. Spirit of the Light (level 40)
5. Salvation Aura (level 65)
6. Bolt of the Heavens (level 90)


A necromancer uses dark spells, can cast curses on his foes, and the dead, to rise up from their graves to do his bidding. Necromancers and Paladins have long been enemies until a treaty has been signed, banishing necromancers to the murky forests of Fryron. They are very rare, some say they became extinct in the closing of the Second Age, while others intend to prove them wrong.

Spell List:

1. Dark Summoning (level 1)
2. Tubin Curse (level 1)
3. Hand of Death (level 15)
4. Bonewave (level 40)
5. Death Curse (level 65)
6. Wrath of Fryron (level 90)


A hunter knows his way around different types of forests, he can brew strong poisons which he adds to his bow, he can camoflage himself in the forests, and does have a handy knowledge of nature spells.

Spell List:

1. Camoflage (level 1)
2. Poison Arrows (level 1)
3. Naturebolt (level 15)
4. Swarm (level 40)
5. Lerimian Arrow (level 65)
6. Acid Rain (level 90)


He's a famous and ancient dwarven warrior, his techniques are legendary, but many think that the dwarven culture died along with them. He can create a large ammount of deadly minerals, that will in a horde, attack his enemies. He can activate runes, that strengthen him, he can trap his enemies in a crystal, he knows the arts of frost, ice and snow, which provides an ancient and powerfull culture in Krath.

Spell List:

1. Mineral Bolt (level 1)
2. Health Rune (level 1)
3. Crystal Trap (level 15)
4. Blizzard (level 40)
5. Frost Rune (level 65)
6. Mineral Dawn (level 90)


The master of healing, an adept at using spells of the light, and a man of philosophy. The priest can cast healing spells on himself, as well on his allies. He can cast light to appear from the sky purging his enemies, and he can purify his enemies to join his side and serve Dythus, the god of light.

Spell List:

1. Heal (level 1)
2. Holy Light (level 1)
3. Spirits of the Light (level 15)
4. Conversion (level 40)
5. Healing Wave (level 65)
6. Purge of Dythus (level 90)


The hydromancer controls the spells of lightning and water. He can send the tides to his enemies, he can summon great lightning spells, he creates sea minions with ease, and he can send wild tornadoes cleaning the battlefield of his enemies.

1. Waterwave (level 1)
2. Storm Shield (level 1)
3. Sea Minion (level 15)
4. Twister (level 45)
5. Thunder Rain (level 65)
6. Tides of Rethydon (level 90)

Well, that's it, the whole character database. Now I will tell you a small storyline spoiler, you are in the role of a wanderer who seeks adventure, you served once in the armies of Lokthar, but you were betrayed by your battalion, as you barely survived, you fled to the nearby forests of Thilon in the south, camping and hunting for 1 year, later you hear that all of the battalions were the same story, everyone everywhere betrayed the banners of the old kingdoms of Aeronia, Dethoris, Yarthus, Lerim, even Fryron and Elokthar. Remnants unified under the banner of the new general of Aeronia Crathom who promised that the betrayal should end and peace be returned to Krath, he used the new found fame as a general to find the betrayers, and with the glory earned, he became the new King of Aeronia. He later, decided to use the unified troops not to return them to the other kingdoms, but to conquer all of the kingdoms, he conquered all, purged all, defeated all in his way, only the city of Dethoris stands. You now decide to venture into the farthest reaches of the kingdom to if not find the main leader of the betrayal who was in your battalion where all of this started, but to at least try to help Dethoris from total destruction.
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a) Stormist sounds such lame, change that please :S
b) Dwarves are not famous for using bows, so, why Archer class has a skill called "Dwarven Strike" at level 90?
c) Ok, this is not an attack to you, but all of you who state this:
The paladin uses auras to shield him, auras to help him kill his enemies, and holy spells to light his way.
The aura is something you are born with, you don't use it. Maybe you manipulate it, which is somehow different than "use". This is how the aura looks like (through some sort of advanced technology scopes:

You see, this is something that you have it, you don't reach out and take some bits of it and gasp! you perform a spell.
Just FYI :)
Oh! Good luck, seems quite interesting.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2009
a) Stormist sounds such lame, change that please :S
b) Dwarves are not famous for using bows, so, why Archer class has a skill called "Dwarven Strike" at level 90?
c) Ok, this is not an attack to you, but all of you who state this:

The aura is something you are born with, you don't use it. Maybe you manipulate it, which is somehow different than "use". This is how the aura looks like (through some sort of advanced technology scopes:


You see, this is something that you have it, you don't reach out and take some bits of it and gasp! you perform a spell.
Just FYI :)
Oh! Good luck, seems quite interesting.

Not to derail this thread.
But listen here. An "Aura" is a word that has changed a lot over the years.
You can say someone has an "Aura" or an "Air" about them, and when it's used like this, they mean that you give them a certain type of feeling. So when a paladin has a Devotion Aura, it means that just being around them makes you feel more devout to your cause or faith, and thus, the defense bonus.

Auras, yes, are also tangible things, depending on who you talk to. And by tanglible, I mean it's a magnetic field that is given off by your body, which is why people can photograph it with certain devices.

Lately however, and this is not really a stretch of the normal use at all, the word "Aura" has become something that effects the people around you, often times granting them inexplicible powers. HOWEVER, it still draws from the fact that the word "Aura" is meant to inspire a feeling.

So, yeah. Words.
Level 2
Jun 27, 2009

the hydromancer idea is really astounishing, i'll take it and replace it with the Stormist, you're right.
Level 2
Jun 27, 2009
dwarven strike

a dwarf cannot shot with a bow very good, but they have exploding technology, the arrow, actually explodes on one target, and deals great, area damage. I think it can be very effective.
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