Hello everyone! I created a new semi-melee map called "The Great War of Living" which is a 1v1 map with a small scenario.
The gameplay is a melee one but you can be Undead or Night Elf.
-2 bases, an undead one and a night elf one. You construct them, like in a melee map.
-Melee characteristics like since it's a 1v1 map, it has 4 gold mines, some creeps to level up and 2 shops in the middle.
-Everything is balanced. The Night Elfs are not better than The Undead and The Undead are not better as well than the Night Elfs.
I want people's opinion about this map before I release it. Maybe I could change it!
( Also, please ignore the bump messages, I was globally ignored when I posted some of them. )
1. Undead base
2. Night Elfs's base
3. Some creeps (There are more!)
4. Another creeps (There are more!)
5. Undead graveyard. (Just a place, maybe to hide)
6. Night Elf village. (Same as the graveyard)
7. Middle of the map, where the 2 races may meet or not.
After thousands years, the races of Azeroth formed an united legion against Arthas, The Lich King. Having no escape, he ran into the deep forests of Ashenvale. Without knowing, Tyrande Whisperwind was spying him with her elf army. But the 2 leaders ran away, leaving their armies in a continously fight.
-2 bases, an undead one and a night elf one. You construct them, like in a melee map.
-Melee characteristics like since it's a 1v1 map, it has 4 gold mines, some creeps to level up and 2 shops in the middle.
-Everything is balanced. The Night Elfs are not better than The Undead and The Undead are not better as well than the Night Elfs.
I want people's opinion about this map before I release it. Maybe I could change it!

1. Undead base
2. Night Elfs's base
3. Some creeps (There are more!)
4. Another creeps (There are more!)
5. Undead graveyard. (Just a place, maybe to hide)
6. Night Elf village. (Same as the graveyard)
7. Middle of the map, where the 2 races may meet or not.
The Great War of LivingPROT.w3x216.8 KB · Views: 102
1 und base.JPG93.6 KB · Views: 155
2 ne base.JPG143.1 KB · Views: 156
3 und creeps.JPG160.6 KB · Views: 157
4 ne creeps.JPG153.8 KB · Views: 197
5 und graveyard.JPG111.9 KB · Views: 165
6 ne village.JPG125.6 KB · Views: 151
7 middle.JPG128.8 KB · Views: 147
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