[Role Playing Game] The Darkening of Tristram - Warrior Skills - Help/Suggestions/Opinions Needed

Level 21
Jan 14, 2014
Hey, there. It's my first time using the Forums to enter in contact with the depth of the Hive community.

As you may know, I am recreating Diablo 1 on WarCraft III. This map is called The Darkening of Tristram and you may find hints of its ever lasting development through my albums. And I must confess that I reached a crossroad (again).




You who played Diablo 1 know that each class have just one specific skill that is related to the class and everything else are spells from the Fire, Magic and Lightning elements. I am creating a demonstration of the map that will allow the player to use the Warrior and go through the entire Cathedral area.

My crossroad is about the skills the Warrior should have. I am using as base the three skilltrees from the Diablo II Paladin (Combat Skill, Offensive Auras and Defensive Auras) but I also intend to make the player choose the build it wants.

Example: The Two-Handed Warrior build will use, of course, only two-handed weapons and no Shield. However, within each skill tree, I've made the following choice:


Assuming the Two-Handed Warrior build with skills based on Diablo II Paladin's, the Warrior would have 2 useless skills, which are Shield Smite and Raise Shield. And I have no idea on how I should surpass this obstacle within my ideas. I've also had another idea:

  • Shield Smite(X0, Y2) (requires shield): Deals damage and stuns the target. At maximum level, grants Shield Mastery(X3, Y2) (Defiance), which increases Armor when using a shield;
  • Zeal(X1, Y2) (requires melee weapon): Increases attack speed for a short time. At maximum level, grants Weapon Mastery(X3, Y2) (Might), which increases damage with melee weapons;
  • Resilience(X2, Y2) (no requirements): Reduces magic damage taken by a %. At maximum level, grants Greater Stamina(X3, Y2) (Prayer+Vigor), which grants Life Regeneration and move speed; BUT, this refutes the quote from Pepin about only the creatures being able of regenerating health;

With that said, I intend to make only 1 "ultimate skill" for each class, when the character reaches the maximum level of a certain skill. Of course, any suggestion or help will be appreciated and I really hope you guys could help me.

Unless that I use the same technique many Hero Siege War maps uses. In the Hero's house, I select the skills the class will be using.

When finishing the demonstrative map, I will post in Hive for a beta testing.
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