[Strategy / Risk] The Culling: Purge of Dalaran edition

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HD Model Reviewer
Level 34
Jun 22, 2013

The Purge of Dalaran


The Purge of Dalaran is a major event in the Alliance-Horde war that led to Dalaran being pledged to the Alliance after the Sunreavers and the Horde was purged from it.

This map is basically an asset flip of The Culling in Reforged campaign whereas the Humans are changed into the Silver Covenant, the Undead are changed into the Horde, the Infected Citizens are changed into the Sunreavers, and Mal'ganis is changed into Grand Magister Rommath.

  • Destroy the Brown-roofed City Buildings to force the Sunreavers out
  • Kill 100 Sunreavers
  • Do not let Rommath free 100 Sunreavers
  • Do not let the Horde break Aethas Sunreaver free
As mentioned above, there will be certain elements added in the game. At your base, Jaina Proudmoore is guarding Aethas Sunreaver in his cell and the Horde will attempt to free him. Do not allow them to destroy the magic pen walls guarding him.

It is wise to slay the Sunreavers while they are still unarmed. Brown haired female Sunreavers will turn into Sorceresses, White haired male Sunreavers will turn into Blood Mages (can cast Flamestrike), and blonde haired male and female Sunreavers will turn into Priests and Archers, respectively.

There are also Sunreaver sympathizers within the Kirin Tor, Sha'tar, and the Argent Crusade, slay them as well for loot. Anyone siding with the Horde is to be treated as Horde as well.

Units Available
Tier 1
  • Human Footman (same as WC3 Footman)
  • Silver Covenant Archer (same as WC3 Archer)
  • Highvale Ranger (can learn 3-target Multishot, Marksmanship, and Animal War Training)
Tier 2
  • Silver Covenant Priest (same as WC3 Priest)
  • Silver Covenant Sorceress (same as WC3 Sorceress)
  • Dwarven Mortar Team (same as WC3 Mortar Team)
Tier 3
  • Shen'dralar Spellblade (has Mana Shield, can learn Mana Steal [steals mana on hit] and Animal War Training)
  • Steam Tank (same as WC3 Steam Tank but can also attack ground units, and also load Archers and Rangers to independently attack while loaded inside)
Other upgrades
  • Highborne Blessing (all elven units will take reduced magic and piercing damage taken)
  • Incendiary Blows (Mortar Teams and Siege Engines will cause their attacks to also burn enemies)

The invading enemy forces will be any combination of the Horde forces:
0 Sunreaver kills:
  • Grunt or 3 Ghouls
  • Grunt or Blood Elf Swordsman
  • Grunt or Banshee
  • Troll Headhunter or Blood Elf Archer or Shaman
  • Blood Elf Priest or Shaman or Orc Warlock
  • Shaman Master Training is researched by default
20 Sunreaver kills:
  • Grunt or 3 Ghouls
  • Grunt or 2 Blood Elf Swordsman
  • Grunt or Banshee
  • Troll Headhunter or Blood Elf Archer or Shaman
  • Blood Elf Priest or Shaman or Orc Warlock
  • Kodo Beast or Glaive Thrower
  • Blood Elf Swordsman and Blood Elf Archers receive passive ability that reduces magic and piercing damage
40 Sunreaver kills
  • Goblin Shredder or Grunt
  • 2 Grunts or 3 Blood Elf Swordsman or 4 Ghouls
  • 2 Troll Headhunters or 2 Blood Elf Archers or 2 Shamans or 2 Troll Witch Doctor
  • Blood Elf Priest or Banshee or Blood Elf Sorceress or Orc Warlock
  • Kodo Beast or 2 Glaive Throwers or Demolisher
  • Blood Elf Priest, Blood Elf Sorceresses, Orc Warlocks, and Banshees receive their Adept Training upgrades
  • Troll Witch Doctor Master Training is researched by default
60 Sunreaver kills
  • 2 Goblin Shredders or 2 Grunts or [Tauren and Spirit Walker] or Abomination
  • 2 Grunts or 3 Blood Elf Swordsman or 4 Ghouls
  • 2 Troll Headhunters or 2 Blood Elf Archers or 2 Shamans or 2 Troll Witch Doctor
  • Blood Elf Priest or Banshee or Blood Elf Sorceress or Orc Warlock
  • Kodo Beast or 2 Glaive Throwers or Demolisher
  • Blood Elf Priest, Blood Elf Sorceresses, Orc Warlocks, and Banshees receive their Adept Training upgrades
  • Grunts receive Berserker Training upgrade
80 Sunreaver kills
  • Same as 60 Sunreaver kills but the waves are accompanied by a Dark Ranger (Silence, 3-target Multishot, Lifesteal) or a Blood Knight (Holy Light, Devotion Aura, Resistant Skin) or a Shadow Hunter (Healing Wave, Hex, Serpent Ward) or a High Shaman (Chain Lightning, Bloodlust, Endurance Aura)
  • All of their units receive max upgrades at this point
  • Banshees have Cripple instead of Possession

Terrain Screenshots:



This is my first map and so I expect the first release will not be so good, so any suggestions and/or criticism will be appreciated.

Resources needed:
  • Vereesa Windrunner
  • Dalarani banner props
  • Grand Magister Rommath
  • Aethas Sunreaver
Last edited:
Level 13
Jul 19, 2011
Damn dude, I always loved that moment from WoW lore, glad it's being represented in-game.
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