Hello, everyone! Please be patient and read all of this $#!t...
This map is the thing that bottered(not sure about the spelling) me 2 months and still it's not completed. The creators are solely me and BladestorM. By now I think you wander: "WTF is AHOI?!" I will answer this in the end (grin). So read on.
The map is made so far to 35% or sth near it
-25% Heroes
-35% Triggers
-10% Items
-20% Abilities
-40% Terrain
-5% AI
Two teams of players and/or comps battle against each other trying to lay dead all of the opponent's heroes at the same time - before any of them resurrects. The fierce battles join almost entirely near the river that divides and connects (!) the two bases. The bases are located in the upper right and the bottom left corners of the map. Sorry that I can't put some shots, but I'm writing this from a Internet cafe cuz my net is down.
The only way a unit can reach the enemy's base and sucsessfuly stop the opposing force's hiding capabilities is to pass through the whole river. For Example if the Human Arcane Master is on the prowl for enemy forces he must go to the upper right corner then pass through the river down to the bottom left and then he is in enemy territory. This encourages the team play and the coordination between the players because anyone trying to enter the enemy base is under attack by the opposing forces which have gathered near the river to defend. This eliminates the need of creeps, impassable barriers and so on in order to force the players to find an alternate way in. Also the river encourages the use of sneaky guerilla tactics and alternate fighting style which is so different from the Hack&Slash style a.k.a DotA.
To effectively stop enemy resurrections and the delivery of dangerous goods one's team must destroy certain enemy buildings such as the market or the fountain. With this done the enemy is weakened enough to make a frontal assault. Otherwise it's suicide...
We have tested the map in this early stages and realised that NO FRONTAL ASSAULT IS POSSIBLE in the early game - no more rushes!!!(Damn that farseer and a grunt). Even later only the team with more sinergy can effectively disable enemy attacks and in the meantime strikes deep in their @$$. I have written a description of the game at the bottom of this thread.
Now about the Heroes, Abilities and the Items:
Right now only 6 heroes are completely done and another 2 are underway:
-Arcane Master
-Swarm Lord
-Forest Strider
Every Hero(allways with capital letters) has 3 abilityes, one ulti and one crafting skills. The basic abilities has about 6 levels and the ulti has 4. The crafting skills has different levels for each hero. Allways the skills are 24 so there are 24 levels to gain.
For now only 41 Items are done... Damn.
The Crafting system we use is the finest I have ever seen. However the Troll Survival has also nice system. Anyway it works like that:
When the Hero gains a level in this ability you can now choose one category of items to craft. If you gain another skill point you can now craft an additional category of items. However every hero can craft his or her class unique items and the different heroes have different types of crafting cathegoryes. For example the Inventor skills:
level 1-Craft Basic Items
level 2-Brew Potions
level 3-Forge Weapons
level 4-Forge Armors
level 5-Set Demolitions
level 6-Craft Firearms
and the Arcane Master's craft skills:
level 1-Craft Basic Items
level 2-Brew Potions
level 3-Scribe Scrolls
level 4-Magic Items
See. Their skill trees are totally different. Even the items one can craft can't be crafted by more than two other classes. For example both the Inventor and the Arcane Master can brew potions but the Inventor can brew only nonmagical potions and the Arcane master can make mostly magical potions.
The comment system is very fun but I don't know... I'm not shure about them, about that some players may find them distracting. The comments are little words that appear above the unit's head. When it's seriosuly wounded it can show "Damn, I'm bleeding all over this friggin' place" or something similar. The comments add flavor to the game atmosphere(spelling-?).
Please tell me what you think about this map. Any constructive help will do.
Now the Game:
First of all you do not need to read all of this but it will do no harm.
The very begginig:
Me and BladestorM start playing aganist two of my wc3-maniac schoolmates in the local cafe(phew I remembered to erase the map from that comp).
I choose the Inventor and BladestorM starts with the Tweaker. The other folks play Swarm Lord and Duelist. I start creeping in order to find useful items to make some badass weapons. BladestorM goes to infiltrate the enemy base to see if they are posing a treat right now. They are! When I finished with some murlocs and roobed their bodies from 1 Wood I found a little Iron laying on the groung(BladestorM have passed but forgot to take it). I make a hammer with the two items and I see the Tweaker running furiousely to the base. I quickly finish some creeps and gain level 2, taking a point on my only offensive spell. While I guard the Riverbed BladestorM hase somehow managed to heal himself and he comes to make an attack. We start running in the river, hideously sneaking to the other end. No defence yet. Then I see 24 little funguses trying to kill me off. I blaze them and they all die(the funguses are created by the Swarm Lord. He makes many creatures but they are very weak). BladestorM holds ground preparing spell to cast quickly when the menace comes. Suddenly I see a shadow before my, whick hits me for 45 and it disapears(this is the Duelist using his Dimension Door Spring Attack-Blink, Attack, Blink back to previous position). In the mean time Bladestorm starts blasting everywhere with great speed(the Tweaker casts puny spells for puny mana with puny cooldown). I start running for my life. The Tweaker also does so. However as we run to save our bacons a large swarm of stinky creatures pop up next to me. I have no time and Mana to Blaze them so I continue to run. BladestorM turns and blasts 14 of them for about 2 seconds but I'm already dead. He manages to escape safe and to assume defensive position until I ressurect (Whew that was close).
I stand once again and go to change the Tweaker which I Send him with the task to find Thunderweed and Quartz. We have a bad Surprise for the opponents. While he was away they attack but from my high ground I easyly keep them at bay and even manage to kill the Swarm Lord and I gain 3 level. I choose Crafting Skills again, thus allowing me to brew potions(Damn I forgot that I must be near a fire in order to craft them-and the only fires I know are in my base and in my opponents base). We switch and I go to base crafting both glass and brewing a simple grenade. I put it an activation device and go creeping until I gain 4 level and choose the teleport. I know that this spell allows me to infiltrate enemy base but now it's no use to me for that purpose - if I do I can't handle against two of my opponents AND and swarm of their friggin' minions. I recklesly charge in the river and when I saw the Duelist standing before me I quickly attacked. He delivered a lot of blows thus crippling me(a passive ability - %chance to reduce move and attack speed) Suddenly my escape becomes impossible unless I use my new spell. I start retreating when another swarm of funguses and this time - murlocs charges me. In the meantime BladestorM chooses a hidden location near the riverbed so when they pass by he can blast them. I'm on 180 hp and I'm dying! I drop the Bomb and teleport a short distance forward. When the Duealist step on it he was blown to pieces, and the little fuguses folowed him, scorched from the Tweaker's spellz. I go to regain life and mana and creep a little til I gain 5 level. Then I choose the crafting skills again. I already had some Iron and Wood, also the hammer so I run to base, station near the fire and forge a two little Daggers - One for me and one for BladestorM. By the way to the river I'm attacked by a Swarm Lord(!) (what is he doing here?) I manage to kill him blastin him and his minions every time he summons them, but I have no mana anymore. The Tweaker is dead but soon resurrects and I found some poisonous plants so I cover the Daggers with them and I gave one of them to BladestorM. After some tyme of creeping I gain 4 levels and gaining 3 skill points in craft and one in the teleport. During that there was a few attacks. Obviously our opponents have mustered their forces, preparing for a final attack. I craft a Sniper rifle and ducking in the bushes start shooting at the duelist, knowing that BladestorM kand handle the Swarm Lord alone. The Duelist disapears in the shadows and I see that I have only 2 bullets left and I cant go anywhere because the Duelist will escape(probably he has the Shadowmeld item). I wait for the dawn and I see the Duelist standing in the place I have saw him during the night. He blinks and hits, crippling me and I try to change the position, teleporting behind the nearest trees. I wait and I see that BladestorM is dead - Probably they ganged him somewhere and I didn't even noticed! I look through the treeds and I see the Duelist Near me. I shoot at him. He blinks and activates his ulty (makes copyes of him that deal damage but last for only 4 sec). When he blinked I saw many Duelists kickin' my ass so I Blaze them. I'm crippled and they dissapear. I start running home but about 30 little nasty critters gang me and before I can Blaze them all to continue, the Swarm Lord and the Duelist arrive and finish me.
They win.
Any comments are wellcome!!!
This map is the thing that bottered(not sure about the spelling) me 2 months and still it's not completed. The creators are solely me and BladestorM. By now I think you wander: "WTF is AHOI?!" I will answer this in the end (grin). So read on.
The map is made so far to 35% or sth near it
-25% Heroes
-35% Triggers
-10% Items
-20% Abilities
-40% Terrain
-5% AI
Two teams of players and/or comps battle against each other trying to lay dead all of the opponent's heroes at the same time - before any of them resurrects. The fierce battles join almost entirely near the river that divides and connects (!) the two bases. The bases are located in the upper right and the bottom left corners of the map. Sorry that I can't put some shots, but I'm writing this from a Internet cafe cuz my net is down.
The only way a unit can reach the enemy's base and sucsessfuly stop the opposing force's hiding capabilities is to pass through the whole river. For Example if the Human Arcane Master is on the prowl for enemy forces he must go to the upper right corner then pass through the river down to the bottom left and then he is in enemy territory. This encourages the team play and the coordination between the players because anyone trying to enter the enemy base is under attack by the opposing forces which have gathered near the river to defend. This eliminates the need of creeps, impassable barriers and so on in order to force the players to find an alternate way in. Also the river encourages the use of sneaky guerilla tactics and alternate fighting style which is so different from the Hack&Slash style a.k.a DotA.
To effectively stop enemy resurrections and the delivery of dangerous goods one's team must destroy certain enemy buildings such as the market or the fountain. With this done the enemy is weakened enough to make a frontal assault. Otherwise it's suicide...
We have tested the map in this early stages and realised that NO FRONTAL ASSAULT IS POSSIBLE in the early game - no more rushes!!!(Damn that farseer and a grunt). Even later only the team with more sinergy can effectively disable enemy attacks and in the meantime strikes deep in their @$$. I have written a description of the game at the bottom of this thread.
Now about the Heroes, Abilities and the Items:
Right now only 6 heroes are completely done and another 2 are underway:
-Arcane Master
-Swarm Lord
-Forest Strider
Every Hero(allways with capital letters) has 3 abilityes, one ulti and one crafting skills. The basic abilities has about 6 levels and the ulti has 4. The crafting skills has different levels for each hero. Allways the skills are 24 so there are 24 levels to gain.
For now only 41 Items are done... Damn.
The Crafting system we use is the finest I have ever seen. However the Troll Survival has also nice system. Anyway it works like that:
When the Hero gains a level in this ability you can now choose one category of items to craft. If you gain another skill point you can now craft an additional category of items. However every hero can craft his or her class unique items and the different heroes have different types of crafting cathegoryes. For example the Inventor skills:
level 1-Craft Basic Items
level 2-Brew Potions
level 3-Forge Weapons
level 4-Forge Armors
level 5-Set Demolitions
level 6-Craft Firearms
and the Arcane Master's craft skills:
level 1-Craft Basic Items
level 2-Brew Potions
level 3-Scribe Scrolls
level 4-Magic Items
See. Their skill trees are totally different. Even the items one can craft can't be crafted by more than two other classes. For example both the Inventor and the Arcane Master can brew potions but the Inventor can brew only nonmagical potions and the Arcane master can make mostly magical potions.
The comment system is very fun but I don't know... I'm not shure about them, about that some players may find them distracting. The comments are little words that appear above the unit's head. When it's seriosuly wounded it can show "Damn, I'm bleeding all over this friggin' place" or something similar. The comments add flavor to the game atmosphere(spelling-?).
Please tell me what you think about this map. Any constructive help will do.
Now the Game:
First of all you do not need to read all of this but it will do no harm.
The very begginig:
Me and BladestorM start playing aganist two of my wc3-maniac schoolmates in the local cafe(phew I remembered to erase the map from that comp).
I choose the Inventor and BladestorM starts with the Tweaker. The other folks play Swarm Lord and Duelist. I start creeping in order to find useful items to make some badass weapons. BladestorM goes to infiltrate the enemy base to see if they are posing a treat right now. They are! When I finished with some murlocs and roobed their bodies from 1 Wood I found a little Iron laying on the groung(BladestorM have passed but forgot to take it). I make a hammer with the two items and I see the Tweaker running furiousely to the base. I quickly finish some creeps and gain level 2, taking a point on my only offensive spell. While I guard the Riverbed BladestorM hase somehow managed to heal himself and he comes to make an attack. We start running in the river, hideously sneaking to the other end. No defence yet. Then I see 24 little funguses trying to kill me off. I blaze them and they all die(the funguses are created by the Swarm Lord. He makes many creatures but they are very weak). BladestorM holds ground preparing spell to cast quickly when the menace comes. Suddenly I see a shadow before my, whick hits me for 45 and it disapears(this is the Duelist using his Dimension Door Spring Attack-Blink, Attack, Blink back to previous position). In the mean time Bladestorm starts blasting everywhere with great speed(the Tweaker casts puny spells for puny mana with puny cooldown). I start running for my life. The Tweaker also does so. However as we run to save our bacons a large swarm of stinky creatures pop up next to me. I have no time and Mana to Blaze them so I continue to run. BladestorM turns and blasts 14 of them for about 2 seconds but I'm already dead. He manages to escape safe and to assume defensive position until I ressurect (Whew that was close).
I stand once again and go to change the Tweaker which I Send him with the task to find Thunderweed and Quartz. We have a bad Surprise for the opponents. While he was away they attack but from my high ground I easyly keep them at bay and even manage to kill the Swarm Lord and I gain 3 level. I choose Crafting Skills again, thus allowing me to brew potions(Damn I forgot that I must be near a fire in order to craft them-and the only fires I know are in my base and in my opponents base). We switch and I go to base crafting both glass and brewing a simple grenade. I put it an activation device and go creeping until I gain 4 level and choose the teleport. I know that this spell allows me to infiltrate enemy base but now it's no use to me for that purpose - if I do I can't handle against two of my opponents AND and swarm of their friggin' minions. I recklesly charge in the river and when I saw the Duelist standing before me I quickly attacked. He delivered a lot of blows thus crippling me(a passive ability - %chance to reduce move and attack speed) Suddenly my escape becomes impossible unless I use my new spell. I start retreating when another swarm of funguses and this time - murlocs charges me. In the meantime BladestorM chooses a hidden location near the riverbed so when they pass by he can blast them. I'm on 180 hp and I'm dying! I drop the Bomb and teleport a short distance forward. When the Duealist step on it he was blown to pieces, and the little fuguses folowed him, scorched from the Tweaker's spellz. I go to regain life and mana and creep a little til I gain 5 level. Then I choose the crafting skills again. I already had some Iron and Wood, also the hammer so I run to base, station near the fire and forge a two little Daggers - One for me and one for BladestorM. By the way to the river I'm attacked by a Swarm Lord(!) (what is he doing here?) I manage to kill him blastin him and his minions every time he summons them, but I have no mana anymore. The Tweaker is dead but soon resurrects and I found some poisonous plants so I cover the Daggers with them and I gave one of them to BladestorM. After some tyme of creeping I gain 4 levels and gaining 3 skill points in craft and one in the teleport. During that there was a few attacks. Obviously our opponents have mustered their forces, preparing for a final attack. I craft a Sniper rifle and ducking in the bushes start shooting at the duelist, knowing that BladestorM kand handle the Swarm Lord alone. The Duelist disapears in the shadows and I see that I have only 2 bullets left and I cant go anywhere because the Duelist will escape(probably he has the Shadowmeld item). I wait for the dawn and I see the Duelist standing in the place I have saw him during the night. He blinks and hits, crippling me and I try to change the position, teleporting behind the nearest trees. I wait and I see that BladestorM is dead - Probably they ganged him somewhere and I didn't even noticed! I look through the treeds and I see the Duelist Near me. I shoot at him. He blinks and activates his ulty (makes copyes of him that deal damage but last for only 4 sec). When he blinked I saw many Duelists kickin' my ass so I Blaze them. I'm crippled and they dissapear. I start running home but about 30 little nasty critters gang me and before I can Blaze them all to continue, the Swarm Lord and the Duelist arrive and finish me.
They win.
Any comments are wellcome!!!