Survival of the Nature (SotN)

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Survival in the Nature (SitN)

Survival in the Nature

What's the map about
Its about few groups of people stuck in a abandon island (ice/dry land decided by terrainer).
In order to survive in this specific place, you have to find your own food, shelter, making stuffs like campfire, axe, bow, arrows, torch.
The systems that will be used in this map.

Cook System

Before cooking, you must make your own ''stove'' which is a campfire I suppose. It could store a food, the player triggers the cook and waits for it to be in the best state. The time the player stops the cooking will affect the state of the food that is raw, normal, perfect or overcooked.


This image shows how the cook system works.


This image shows the changing of color in the cook system.


This shows all the levels of food in the cook system.

States of Food [Queuing From Left to Right]
- Half-Cooked Meat [1 ~ 70%]
- Normal Meat [71 ~ 100%]
- Perfect Meat [ 101 ~ 105%]
- Burnt Meat [ 106+%]
Heat System

The heat system will be shown as gold. In the day time, temperature will not be a problem unless you were in the ice land. In the opposite, when its night time, temperature will drop and survivors have to make their own campfire or wearing animal hides to keep their body heat.
Thirst System

The thirst system will be shown as lumber. In the day time, thirst drop faster. When its night time, thirst wont be dropping as fast as day time. If you were in the ice land, you could grab some ice and melt it by putting it at the campfire or drink water from the river. Melting ice uses more time but easier to get and drinking water from the river take less time but hard to be found. Be careful when you drink water from the river, you may take damage if the water is unclean.
Craft System

This system enable survivors to combine a few materials together, forming another useful object. Materials that are needed can be found from the wilderness. An example of a combination is "stick + stick + flint = fire pit".

Project Recruitment

< If needed >


< If needed >

< Recruiting >

< If Needed >
Idea Suggester


  • Cook.jpg
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  • Ready.jpg
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  • Cook System.jpg
    Cook System.jpg
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Not many details, but it sounds like a movie, where you control the future of the main characters. Seems quite interesting. You should tell us though, how all this stuff happens (e.g. having some shelters made and such) and what is the goal of the game; when a player will actually stop playing = win?
Apart from that, the name of the map sounds dull, in your try to make a name out of acronyms. Survival in the nature would be gramatically correct, up to the map's concept.
I would not go for ice thing, cause from the concept it seems like a realistic event, but the current ice tiles and anything that depicts ice is rather cartoonish and/or unrealistic.
Place some more info to gain attention over the project ;)
[Screenshots too!]
Not many details, but it sounds like a movie, where you control the future of the main characters. Seems quite interesting. You should tell us though, how all this stuff happens (e.g. having some shelters made and such) and what is the goal of the game; when a player will actually stop playing = win?
Apart from that, the name of the map sounds dull, in your try to make a name out of acronyms. Survival in the nature would be gramatically correct, up to the map's concept.
I would not go for ice thing, cause from the concept it seems like a realistic event, but the current ice tiles and anything that depicts ice is rather cartoonish and/or unrealistic.
Place some more info to gain attention over the project ;)
[Screenshots too!]

Sorry for the grammar mistake, I fixed that..... The name of the map sounds dull? Well, not really good in making names, if you have some good suggestions just speak out.
About the goal of the game, maybe survive and wait for rescue? By the way, are you interested to join this project? Well, thanks for your comments here.
I am extremily busy with the project of mine, so, i wouldn't :/
Rescued by whom? AI forces? Now that would be what i call dull :p
You could make this tweak and have 4 forces of players (so, yes, multiplayer), the Force 1 would be an Ally of Force 2, Force 3 an ally of Force 4 and Force 1&2 enemies of Force 3&4. The Force 1 and Force 3 (the enemy forces) will be on that island, trying to survive in the way you described, the Force 2 and Force 4 will be in the sea, having some sort of sea battle with each other. In the end, the sea force will have to rescue the island's ally one. The island's force can supply extra resources to the sea forces once in a while.
P.S. Information has no plural, so, have an edit again on "Informations" :p
P.S.2 Change the thread's title as well for the "in" part.
I am extremily busy with the project of mine, so, i wouldn't :/
Rescued by whom? AI forces? Now that would be what i call dull :p
You could make this tweak and have 4 forces of players (so, yes, multiplayer), the Force 1 would be an Ally of Force 2, Force 3 an ally of Force 4 and Force 1&2 enemies of Force 3&4. The Force 1 and Force 3 (the enemy forces) will be on that island, trying to survive in the way you described, the Force 2 and Force 4 will be in the sea, having some sort of sea battle with each other. In the end, the sea force will have to rescue the island's ally one. The island's force can supply extra resources to the sea forces once in a while.
P.S. Information has no plural, so, have an edit again on "Informations" :p
P.S.2 Change the thread's title as well for the "in" part.

Don't like to say this but how do I change the thread's title? By the way, shouldn't it be the sea forces give supply to the island forces? Well, the idea you gave me was kinda like some sort of battle ship game and I'm aiming for a survival game. Anyway, good idea I guess, I'll think about it.
It's a combination, actually of battle ship game and survival, making it unique -i think-. Just Edit your post and there will be the thread title there.
The sea forces supply the island? How? By casting spells or calling the help of Poseidon? :p
Island forces would be the ones to give them stuff for the battle.
Whatever, i just made a suggestion ^_^

The title that is changed by editing the post will only change the title of the post but the thread's is unchangeable. The island forces supplying the sea forces? Do you know that the island dudes are stuck and they have their own hardship on the island? =D I like the sea forces and island forces kinda idea, maybe it'll be the rescue team and the stuck dudes xD
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
Hey I'm making a map with nearly the same theme.
Mine is called Island Survival. There is a thread about my map:
Much of the terrain is finished, and a start cinematic of a plane crash.
Maybe we can work together and use my map terrain as a basic.
But it's your choice, just look at it.
If you don't want, I do it alone.
Greets chilla_killa


  • Island Survival 1.01.w3x
    227.6 KB · Views: 56
Hey I'm making a map with nearly the same theme.
Mine is called Island Survival. There is a thread about my map:
Much of the terrain is finished, and a start cinematic of a plane crash.
Maybe we can work together and use my map terrain as a basic.
But it's your choice, just look at it.
If you don't want, I do it alone.
Greets chilla_killa

I think I'll do this map myself, it's different anyway.
PS: Thread has been updated

Seriously need a terrainer being recruited -.- please
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