Stacking Hardened Skin with Spell Books?

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Level 4
Nov 20, 2006
I have done some reading on this and on other forums and I can't find a clear answer.

This is what I would like to accomplish:
I want a skill that has a 50% chance to reduce damage by 10, but if that fails it will reduce the damage by 5.

I have tried setting one skills with a 100% chance to block 5 damage, and another with a 50% chance to block 5 damage. That doesn't seem to work.

Is there no way to add up the damage deduced with hardened skin?

Somewhere someone had the suggestion that putting spellbooks inside of spellbooks could accomplish this, but I haven't been able to get it to work.

Level 9
Dec 12, 2007
you can't just simply do it like TehFr0zen0ne suggests.

you need 2 triggers:
1. a trigger that register all units in the map into trigger 2, with the event "Unit takes damage".
2. a trigger with no event, first checking if the unit has the ability, and then do it like the TehFr0zen0ne suggests from there.

if it seems to be complicated, try search in the Spells section, it has some good example of what you try to achieve.
Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
The problem is, that usually the 100% overwrite any other chance.
If you read a bit through the threads on (yes, I know.. doo, the evil enemy!), you can find some threads about vanguard (%chance to block damage) and poor man's shield (100% chance to block damage) stacking. Basically, it's a question in which order you aquire those items (means: abilities).
Try messing around with giving a unit one of these abilities, then after that the other. If things turn not out as intended, do the other way round.. should be working then.
Level 4
Nov 20, 2006
The problem is, that usually the 100% overwrite any other chance.
If you read a bit through the threads on (yes, I know.. doo, the evil enemy!), you can find some threads about vanguard (%chance to block damage) and poor man's shield (100% chance to block damage) stacking. Basically, it's a question in which order you aquire those items (means: abilities).
Try messing around with giving a unit one of these abilities, then after that the other. If things turn not out as intended, do the other way round.. should be working then.

Thank you, this is what I was looking for.

I tested this and it turned out correct.

Multiple hardened skin skills do stack. When the unit is attacked, it will first check the most recently acquired skill. If that damage reduction doesn't trigger, it will go to the next most recently acquired skill, and so on.

I was able to do the same thing without triggers by using embedded spell books. It checks the skill in the top spell book first (the one you see first when you click on the spell book in the game), then it goes on to the ability in the first embedded book, and so on.
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