Hello , Im trying to make a Telekenetic spell like Tele Slam, Tele Toss, Tele Tornado.
I want the Slam the Actually lift a random unit a drop him making a thunder clap effect.
The Tele Throw to Actually take another random unit and throw him at a group of unit and cause damage like a missle.
The Tele Tornado to Actually rake a bunch of units and swirl them round and ound, then toss them about
the Tornado I don't actually need can someone actually help me or can someone give me a clash course in making spells cause I like being independant
I want the Slam the Actually lift a random unit a drop him making a thunder clap effect.
The Tele Throw to Actually take another random unit and throw him at a group of unit and cause damage like a missle.
The Tele Tornado to Actually rake a bunch of units and swirl them round and ound, then toss them about
the Tornado I don't actually need can someone actually help me or can someone give me a clash course in making spells cause I like being independant