You have come to the right place. Let's take the war stomp thingy first. Get Fan of Knives as a base spell and deactivate the missiles and the effect (whatever effect it implies... so the knives no longer appear). Change all the damage stats to 0, icon however you want, name and description idem. Ok, now we need to create a dummy unit. Dummy units shouldn't be able to be seen (make 0.00 collision, change model to none.mdl, change its size to 0.01) or be targetable (add locust ability). Now, create an unit ability based on... let's say Thunder Bolt (use the Neutral Hostile - Unit version). Set the missile to whatever you want the projectiles to look like, duration to how long you want to stun the units and damage again to whatever you want. Change range to 999999999 and mana cost to 0. The rest doesn't matter.
Give this ability to the dummy made for this spell. Hopefully you can do small triggering or I will need to make the trigger step by step for you to understand. Hopefully you CAN do triggers though... Ok, here we go.
Event of the trigger is (Unit starts the effect of an ability) and condition is ((Ability being cast) equal to "Yourability"), where obviously "Yourability" is the name of your HERO ability. Now, we'll go to the actions.
-> Pick up every unit within x range of (Casting unit) and do Actions; [NOTE: x is a number you can change depending on what AoE you want. I would suggest the War Stomp AoE]
- Create 1 Dummy for owner of (casting unit) at position of (casting unit) facing whatever... [Note:through whatever I'm telling you that it doesn't matter]
- Order (Last Created Unit) to Human - Mountain King - Thunder Bolt (Target unit of Ability being cast)
-> Wait 0.10 seconds
-> Pick up every unit in (Playable Map) matching condition (((Type of (Matching Unit)) and ((owner of (Matching Unit)) equal to ((owner of (Casting Unit)) equal to Dummy and do Remove (Picked Unit)
This obviously means that only ONE unit may cast this skill per player. Voila, your first spells should probably work.
For the second stuff... I don't know what you need that for and so, I cannot really help for now.