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[Trigger] Spell Editor Help for New Abilities

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Level 2
Jul 1, 2009

I have been creating a suggestion hero for the popular game DOTA that has met a lot of praise on playdota.com

I have limited experiance with worldedit, and figured I would save a lot of time / aggrevation if I came to the pros!

I will give a brief explanation of the spells I need to code and a link to my thread on Playdota.com to show the full explination and to show you the hero =)

Any help you can give me will be fully credited , but you should be helping me to help, and to further your develope your triggering skills!

That being said

Mogri Felblade - A raider hero with the model of a Chaos Raider (from the RoC orc campaign when all the orcs turn red)

Demonic Blade - The first ability for my hero : Throws a fiery sword at a point, it arcs (much like rexxars wild axes) hits the point, and arcs backward. This ability would make a complete circle from the origin, and its halfway point (direct diameter) would be the point. So depending on where your target is, the circles size would change.

***Deals damage , deals bonus damage if unit is under a DEBUFF***
This is the difficult part, I want the ability to deal damage to everyone in its path , and deal bonus damage if the unit is currently debuffed, IE Silence ,stun, slow etc***

Noxious Breath - Deals damage for 3 seconds, reduces targets agility by 25% for 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 seconds. Each length for agility reduction is based on spell level.

Merciless Instincts (Passive) - GIves a percent chance to ensnare an enemy attacker, but if possible I wouldnt want the cast to interupt movement or anything, and be able to proc while he is in motion.

Ultimate - Reckless charge - The hero loses all his abilities temporarily and charges around the battlefield. Enemies he passes through / by are knocked back and dealt damage. lasts 6/7/8 seconds

Death from above - A subskill - only castable while ultimate is active, once cast the ultimate is cancelled.

Leaps at a target (like miranas leap from Dota) stunning it and dealing damage, once the hero lands on the target his normal abilities return.

Any help you can give me would be invaluable, I am currently working on the hero concept with a friend and this has helped balance our ideas.

With workig abilities and a test map, it could draw some serious attention to this idea and potentially get some recognition and who knows, maybe even be implemented!

So if you know your way around spell editor and your interesting in helping me, send an email to [email protected] or PM me on hiveworkshop, or playdota.com (my account name is pyro.archer.)

Thanks in advance!


Link to Hero

Level 8
Mar 12, 2008
Dem. Blade - Based on channel - You'll have to use units and not missiles for it to make them able to travel in archs. I barely know anything about math formulas for carcs, so you'll have to ask someone else. I don't know how to check if a unit has any buffs, but I do know how to check if they have specific buffs.

Nox. Breath - Based on any ability that gives a buff - Then run a periodic timer and cause Mogri to damage the unit that has the buff. Also, add an ability that removes agility, then check for the buff to be gone, and remove the agility reducer.

Merc. Inst. - Based on a passive like a 0% Evasion - Use a trigger that activates when Mogri is damaged. Add a condition that checks if a random number between 0 and 99.99 is less than or equal to the chance %. Then cause a dummy to ensnare the attacker.

Reck. Charge - Either based on channel or Metamorphosis - Either remove all abilities (don't know if will bug) and change pathing to 0.01 (possible?). Alternatively, morph into another unit.

Death from above - Based on Wind Walk - Not sure how this spell works, exactly.
Level 1
Jul 7, 2009
Dem. Blade - Based on channel - You'll have to use units and not missiles for it to make them able to travel in archs. I barely know anything about math formulas for carcs, so you'll have to ask someone else. I don't know how to check if a unit has any buffs, but I do know how to check if they have specific buffs.

Nox. Breath - Based on any ability that gives a buff - Then run a periodic timer and cause Mogri to damage the unit that has the buff. Also, add an ability that removes agility, then check for the buff to be gone, and remove the agility reducer.

Merc. Inst. - Based on a passive like a 0% Evasion - Use a trigger that activates when Mogri is damaged. Add a condition that checks if a random number between 0 and 99.99 is less than or equal to the chance %. Then cause a dummy to ensnare the attacker.

Reck. Charge - Either based on channel or Metamorphosis - Either remove all abilities (don't know if will bug) and change pathing to 0.01 (possible?). Alternatively, morph into another unit.

Death from above - Based on Wind Walk - Not sure how this spell works, exactly.

Death From Above looks like Mirana's Leap Effect in DotA. He leaps at the target and causes a stun.
Level 2
Jul 1, 2009
Wow thanks for the reply smiddle, im not very good at coding this sort of thing, and if i attempted it (which i have) it will take a very long time, and most likely cause my computer to explode. Any chance someone could make a test map or something based on his suggestions for coding these things?


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