This map is not possible to be approved at the current state. Here are some major issues to enlist:
- The map win and defeat conditions are missing
- There's no leak even when creeps reached their end spot
- There's no information when a new portal opens
- The player might not notice the ruins at first run (happened to me) and cost an entire game for them
- Tower tooltip needs serious rework
This is far below the subpar of 'Acceptable'. At the current stage, I would recommend a Substandard until major improvements are made.
Some suggestions:
- Change Ruins to Mud Farm and make it upgrade-able
- Make it clear when a new spawn spot appeared
- Make the tooltip informative to the player (damage dealt, special abilities, etc, etc). I suggest looking at Skibi Castle TD made by Blizzard.
- Add new tower options to expand playing possibilities
Provided a video just to make my points clear: