at the moment i'm working on a WoW based map, but i have a problem with the Shapeshifting Spells of Shamans and Druids... Every hero has about 25 Spells( i put em all in Spellbooks). I tried a few different things, Bearform, RoboGoblin(That tinker spell), the Shapeshift Spell from Demon Hunter, but none of them works correctly. I even tried with triggers by replacing The hero with his alternative form. The Ghost Wolf shouldn't be able to attack or cast any Spells, but he should be able to hold/keep all items. Easy so far. But my problem is, that if u Shapeshift, all Spellbooks(Hero ability) are empty, even if u shift back they stay empty... If i trigger the shift, it works pretty well, but i have to reskill all hero abilitys ( 3 Spells with each 20 levels), and i can't accept that because you have to chase enemys with Ghost form and Nuke em with your last Spell...
Help plz
at the moment i'm working on a WoW based map, but i have a problem with the Shapeshifting Spells of Shamans and Druids... Every hero has about 25 Spells( i put em all in Spellbooks). I tried a few different things, Bearform, RoboGoblin(That tinker spell), the Shapeshift Spell from Demon Hunter, but none of them works correctly. I even tried with triggers by replacing The hero with his alternative form. The Ghost Wolf shouldn't be able to attack or cast any Spells, but he should be able to hold/keep all items. Easy so far. But my problem is, that if u Shapeshift, all Spellbooks(Hero ability) are empty, even if u shift back they stay empty... If i trigger the shift, it works pretty well, but i have to reskill all hero abilitys ( 3 Spells with each 20 levels), and i can't accept that because you have to chase enemys with Ghost form and Nuke em with your last Spell...
Help plz