Description : Model that i did few weeks ago and i think its enough to upload/share it here , if you have suggestion , post it below. Remember that its my first model using Blender, MDLVIS and War3Model Editor.
Credit : Give credit if you want. If not , then .........
Useful for Modern Science Fiction Terrains [I was inspired to make these after playing "Hard Reset"]
Purpose : Doodad / Destructable [I dont really suggest to use this as Destructible since it has no portrait camera , so just use it as doodad]
February 3 2014
February 4 2014
>Added "Non-Corrupted" version of it , its is the uploaded as "Portrait" model.
TV , Computer , Sci Fi , Scifi , Future , Hard Reset , Game , TV , Television , Decoration , Stryder , Zero , StryderZero , Blue , PC , Screen