Yea- EZ is not using any JASS, to make an effective save load you don't need JASS (then again I only know the basics of JASS, maybe it can enhance the code somehow).
I am developing a new concept and method about saving integers (which would work in a similar method for saving heroes and other data). It takes the data, and breaks it up and spreads it among the code, making it less space-consuming, and harder to crack. This method greatly enhances the amount of data I can store into a single code, while keeping it even more protected. It also reduces the size of the trigger by a large amount, since there is no need to set a large amount of variables.
Here is an example of what I am talking about:
I want to save the number 2195-
Instead of setting 10,000 arrays of a given variable (one for each number between 0 and 9999), I only need to set 120.
The code firsts takes 2195 and stores it as a variable (we call that A). The code will then take that number, and divide it by 1000, and will round down. Then, it will store this number as another variable (B). After, the trigger will take B and multiply it by 1000, and stores it as a variable (c). Then, the trigger takes a, and subracts c from it, leaving 195. After that, the trigger will take 195, divide it by 100, and round down, and store it as a variable (d).
Now we have the 1000's, and the 100's. I am currently using this method to extract the 10's. As you can see, it's somewhat compicated, but it's a pretty easy concept to grasp, and its much harder to crack. It allows for much higher integer-saving possibilities.