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RtC - Reinventing the Craft
Q: First off, what is RtC?
A: Project "Reinventing the Craft"(Thanks to Whitehorn for name idea!) is a project that aims to add more functionality to Warcraft III, while at the same time keep it a low size, so it's still useful for mappers. RtC will be available for any type of mod, be it a map or a mod, or even a Total Conversion.
My Goals are to make a small expansion for Warcraft III, that i hope people will use for their maps. It's already really easy to install, doesn't contain any intrusive files, so you can safely use it, and then switch to normal wc3, without any hassle. I even have a "Jass" wishlist, where you can request natives that you think are missing in wc3. I'm already planning to extend wc3's Math natives and I've already added Mouse natives.
Q: What made you start this large and exciting project?
A: Well, first of all, I've always hated some of the small quirks Warcraft III, like missing Math natives, that should really be included, and takes no time to add. This was the first things that sparked me to do this. After seeing what my possibilities really were, i decided to add some more natives to that package too. When i realized what I'd made, i decided to make it a mod, for people to use.
Q: Why did you choose to call it WarSoc?
A: Because of the name windows uses for network traffic. Windows calls it WinSockets, which at first made me call it WarSock, but later, WarSoc.
Q: Did you start this project completely alone or do you have a great team?
A: Currently I'm working alone of the WarSoc project itself, but i'm also working on a map that's using it, where I'm working with a friend of mine.
Q: What are basic features of this project?
A: The project called WarSoc, aims to add WinSockets to warcraft III, so people can use it for all manners of network communication, one easy feature would be mIRC. Other features includes Mouse Support and Extended Math, but they're part of Reinventing the Craft.
Q: Is it true that you actually play as singleplayer? How does it work?
A: The game itself is started as singleplayer, but when you play it, it will look like multiplayer, by synchronizing how the game looks on each computer. This will also introduce a unique new feature, that allows client side only variables. Every client will look like the server, but only the server will decide on what happens on the clients.
Q: How would you make multiple team colors for players?
A: You can't.All enemies will be one color, all allies will be one, all your units will be one.
Q: Do you have a full-version release date?
A: So far, there's already an alpha version released of Reinventing the Craft, which includes the basics of WarSoc. The alpha is stable, and has a single demo map too, that shows Movement using a mouse. But the extended multiplayer part is far from done.
Q: Does use of RtC overwrite any of wc3 in-game files?
A: No, it doesn't overwrite any of your Warcraft III files, and you'll be able to switch between RtC and normal Warcraft as freely as you want. RtC is completely standalone, all it requires is that Warcraft is installed, so it can start itself, using the files
Q: With WarSoc, how many people will be able to join a game?
A: This is soft capped, meaning, the better you code, the higher the limit.
Q: Does project "Reinventing the Craft" means that creation of first person shooters will be far easier?
A: Yes, and many more things, involving the use of the mouse.
Q: Will there be a any key detection event?
A: Nope, but there will be key state checking, so that you can check to see if a key is pressed. That, along with a periodic trigger, will make custom events easy.
Q: Is RtC going to use already made attaching system, such as Structs and HandleVars or a new, native and custom one?
A: For now, you'll have to make do with HandleVars for attaching to units, but i'll add a native system at some point.
Q: Are there any large obstacles in creation of RtC? Like hardcoded stuff etc.?
A: That's one of the beauties with RtC, the main thing it does, is breaking hardcoded things in warcraft III. One thing that aren't possible yet, is to use wc3's own types, that is, location, unit, boolexpr and other things like that, since we don't know how blizzard handles them. That's the same reason i can't make functions work for a specific player. As you would see using my MouseAPI in->
Multiplayer would cause a desync, and there's no way around that yet. But i'm working on a way to make it possible.
And with the help of some skilled users, i think it's going to be possible.
Q: Is use of this custom engine legal?
A: Using this modified engine is perfectly legal, nothing is being reverse engineered.
Q: What kind of connection is needed to run such games?
A: Same as Warcraft III does now.
Q: What kind of editor would mapmakers need in order to make maps with those features?
A: They wouldn't need a special editor, everything in this pack will work from a normal editor.
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