Thanks a LOT for everybody who answered !
you was great !
you understand me at all ways an you make me a way throw ... ( damn now i need to do a high quality map
About saving system i already did it by my own scripting ( not EZ) and it will consist of:
saving artifacts and campaing items ( cost of artifact will be 0 ) i wanna to make load system that will wok at each map for 15 seconds from the start or unit main hero never will die (i use replacing main hero by loaded hero, but if main hero = 0 than loaded hero restored at the center of a map (i'm too lazy to fix it by removing the loaded hero if "hero" = dead
custom abilities ( i made only 1 ability that main hero may level up )
his rank ( for example now i'm doing a warrior that may choose between church with their paladins and bandits with there stealth and fury)
Emm may be i'll do the 3rd way, the way of a barbarian
about schools i'll make some competitions at random time and you'll have a message at all maps that the competition will be soon
about caps of exp i'm thinking now for
towns = 0 % exp
first 10 levels for about 2-8%
boss will give much exp by himself because WE's object editor may change it to unlimited number
__() i also want to work with game contants because after playing D&D i remember icewind Dale with there barbarians and a wizard with death touch..
(P.S. i finish all NWN and it's a pity that their max level = 20 , monks rule)
about will be an impossible hard work to save all quests throw maps and about good\evil side i also remember icewind dale with there quest to kill good king , and when i went to him he gave a quest to kill an evil king
1)"10: None, just do good terrain" i thought you know me by my maps :roll:
2) i hae enfors as much as DOTA
Hard of creeps will be changing by triggers and hp from 35 ( first bandits) to for about 2.000 hp with underworld units and demons) also it will depends on defence , atk, magic bonuses and a miss rate
(without any evasion ability)
about secret areas i mean those areas what you'll need to find for getting some units ( for example rescue of a priest with healing ability or just taking some potions)
Also here you may take a retinue with you now it's a wisard and a priest ( at my test map )
last thing need i to share it now to see the coments about what i did ?
because i update that campaing at 20% from 100%
i made a tavern ,weather element.
1 more thing i wana to make global time (if you end one map at night than at next level you also will have a night) ( timing for challanges )
Question about size: what size may have an RPG, because i wanna to use a lot of models for different regions .. Near Vulcano will be fire elementals and some sort of small creeps and worms
at villages will be cows,chickens,sheeps and bandits, so villeges willn't be so unweaponed as they are at WE
Remember only now:
what about some shipping to another islands ?
MRMaestro i already make a high quality trigger for saving buyable abilities. this map is here:
but i don't know relly,because i remembmer that i change save\load system several days ago but it could be only for multiboard class bug..