Looking over some strange bugs in my latest version of Naznoran I'm working on, I found one that I really just don't understand how its not working.
WAY back in the beginning of development, I knew that I was going to put many attackable neutral passive creeps. I created a simple trigger to get it to work, and it did, until I tried AoE spells against such creatures.
P.S. Yes, Naznoran is not on the Hive Workshop right now, it will be posted back soon.
WAY back in the beginning of development, I knew that I was going to put many attackable neutral passive creeps. I created a simple trigger to get it to work, and it did, until I tried AoE spells against such creatures.
- Unit - A unit Is attacked
- (Owner of (Attacked unit)) Equal to Neutral Passive
- Unit - Change ownership of (Attacked unit) to Neutral Hostile and Change color
P.S. Yes, Naznoran is not on the Hive Workshop right now, it will be posted back soon.