Well then I've got a few, actualy I think I have almost all of Ichigo's and some of Hitsuguya's moves. Anyway:
Kurosaki Ichigo
Gatsuga Tenshou (or however it's spelled)
{Level of Difficulty - Easy}
Basicly Shockwave with the an Attack/Slam Animation and a blue missile
Reiatsu Pulse (or howerver THAT is spelled)
{Level of Difficulty - CRITICAL if pushback, Easy if not}
If you can make it a like a pushback spell, (many tutorials exist for this) so it shoves all enemies away from him, and does damage, but if you don't want to (or can't) make it a basic War Stomp or Thunder Clap with blue nova/area effects
Bankai (his ulti is better)
{Level of Difficulty - Hard}
Base move would be Chemical Rage, then change the values to give him way beefed attack speed and movement speed, maybe even more damage and armor. (High mana cost)
ULTIMATE= Hollow Form [passive]
{Level of Difficulty - CRITICAL}
If you've ever played Dota, Rigwarl has a move like this, (this will require triggers) Make it so whenever he is dealt damage he has a chance to enter Hollow form (or when his HP drops to a certain point). [Hollow form could use that blademaster model in ur sig, fyi] make it like Bankai cept different model, black theme, maybe even attach a red missile like the pheonix's to his sword so is trails flames. Increase is HP, attack speed, armor and damage like the world is ending [maybe also make is attack chaos damage]. But make the duration very short, seeing as it is a passive. (As a side thing you could make it deal damage to him over time (like it's corrupting his body))
Hitsuguya Toushiro (I dont have all of these, and I dont know the names for most of his moves so please substitute them)
Freezing-Dragon-Missle-Thingy {Level of Difficulty - Easy}
Frost nova with high target damage and low nova damage, and a blue missle effect
Freezing-Ice-Circle/Pillars-Thingy {Level of Difficulty - Hard}
<TRIGGER REQUIRED> Make a ring of ice blocks in the target area, like a wall entrapping them, then have the enclosed area deal damage over time (you could even have the ice pillars be unmoveble LOCUST'ED units that have a form of Permenent Ice Immolation
One of those Jutsu's they have {Level of Difficulty - ??}
I dont have an idea for this one
ULTIMATE= The Ice-Dragon Bankai-Deal {Level of Difficulty - CRITICAL}
Ok, this move is cool and fits perfectly, use the Crow Form tirgger to give the Hero flying (MANY tutorials on this so just look it up) then create a special effect in the form the Frost Pheonix Model on his chest/origin position (it looks like the ice dragon is on his back and flaps it's wings and stuff, very realistic for the move (If you don't have the Frost Pheonix model, PM me and i'll send it to you)) then attach trailing ice/snow effects to his hands and feet so he looks like he's flying. For the statistics part, Give him a cold attack and super beef's to damage. You should also (if you can) give him a temporary move he can only use in his new form, and it should br wicked pownege, (like a Super Blizzard or something) but if he uses it three times he revert's automaticly, if he does'nt use them all, then he should just stay in flying from till it wears off. (If you want to try you can have it so each use of the move decreases the time left he stays in that form (like when he uses it the timer uses up 15 seconds or something))
Well that what I got for now, I have plenty of Ideas/Ability Themes for the other characters, (specialy Ikkaku scince he just got bankai [IT PWNS AND YOU CAN'T DENY IT]) I also know where u can get PLENTY of samurai/ninja/japanese-fighter models if you need them.
Hope all this typing helps, sounds like it might be a great map (and if you can, could you give me a rep? Ive helped a lot of ppl out, and i've been Mapmaking for over 7 years, but scince I just joined Hive no one wants to give me one X::::
(thats me crying by the way)
Good Luck!