Mercenary Wars is looking for skilled mappers to make a developement team.
Currenty open positions and requirements:
-Storywriter;the project needs someone skilled to make descriptions for the heroes.Descriptions should include a short story about the hero's origin,abilities,some additional information,and it should be at least 6 sentences long.This will be done through pm's;i send you the hero model ,spells,and race info and you should reply with a short story.If you want to apply for this position,send a pm with a 10 sentence long story of your free choice.
-JASS scripter;basic knowledge of JASS is required.It will mostly be used for making more complicated spell systems.This will be done by me sending the map,with a brief description of whatt needs to be done.
-GUI triggerer;advanced knowledge of GUI.I need skilled triggerers to do a leak check once every two weeks,not a hard job to do.
-Terrainer;a knack for making good and playable terrains is required.If you want to apply,you should post a picture or a link to your terrain screenshots.
There will be more positions open soon,if you are interested,send a PM,or post a reply.
Thank you.
Currenty open positions and requirements:
-Storywriter;the project needs someone skilled to make descriptions for the heroes.Descriptions should include a short story about the hero's origin,abilities,some additional information,and it should be at least 6 sentences long.This will be done through pm's;i send you the hero model ,spells,and race info and you should reply with a short story.If you want to apply for this position,send a pm with a 10 sentence long story of your free choice.
-JASS scripter;basic knowledge of JASS is required.It will mostly be used for making more complicated spell systems.This will be done by me sending the map,with a brief description of whatt needs to be done.
-GUI triggerer;advanced knowledge of GUI.I need skilled triggerers to do a leak check once every two weeks,not a hard job to do.
-Terrainer;a knack for making good and playable terrains is required.If you want to apply,you should post a picture or a link to your terrain screenshots.
There will be more positions open soon,if you are interested,send a PM,or post a reply.
Thank you.