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Pokemon World V1.37

Dark-Zalor presents :

Pokemon World V1.37
Created by Dark-Zalor


Map Info

An epic travel in the universe of pokemon.
This map purpose to players to move in a pokemon universe to catch/train/customize/name Pokemons.

You can customize your team, the spellpack of each pokemon each time pokemons get new levels, hey can access to new attacks.

You can only battle with other players.

For any questions or suggestions please send your e-mail at: [email protected]

Visit my facebook page at: facebook.com/DarkZalorMapper
I will add a few more Pictures on the page.

All the Pokemons/Musics belongs to The Pokemon Company

Only works with 1.32 version of Warcraft 3 or newer.


Players starts in the game at a random location with one unit their dresser.

The goal of the map is to have the biggest numbers of victories or the biggest number of pokemons.

Catch a Pokemon :
In the game you will meet pokemons. To catch your starter you need to use your 'Q' spell, 'Launch Pokeball' to the pokemon location.
A pokemon has a chance to be catched or not. The miss chances are displayed by messages. For others you must use your R spell Taunt Target.
On the wild pokemons, it will starts a battle with the target pokemon. And allow you to catch it with 3 types of pokeballs.

The game llow only fights between players. You need to use the 'R' spell, 'Taunt Player' of the dresser on an other dresser.
And wait for the response of the dresser. The player taunted will see a pop up window with 2 choices 'Battle' or 'Decline'.
If the battle is ready you are both moved to a random area where your pokemon can fight.
You can send/get back your pokemons to fight by using your pokemon buttons on the left.

Manage your Pokemons Team :
You can manage all you catched pokemon by walking on Blue Cross on the ground.


This will open, a pop up window that will list all your pokemons. To change a Pokemon on your team you need to click on a pokemon in your inventory and
click on an other one in the list above. The 2 pokemons will swap position. Worked with empty slots. You can see on the right the clicked pokemon description.

Manage your Pokemons Attacks :
You can click on the Pokemon icon that you want to manage on the left.
The if you're not fighting a pop up window will appear. To change an attack on your Pokemon you need to click on an attack in your inventory and
click on an other one in the list above. The 2 attacks will swap position. Worked with empty slots. You can see on the middle the clicked attack description, damage, damage type.

Heal your Pokemons Team :
In front of poke center there are Red cross. Just walk on it to regenerate your team.



This game is a Rpg type map.
This is a list of the primary features :

  • 480x480 Map size LEGENDARY (divided in more that 22 custom regions) with custom textures
  • 395 playable and customizable Pokemons
  • 307 custom spells
  • UI life/mana/Xp bars during battles
  • Custom Game UI
  • 17 Pokemons types
  • Events for pokemon ghost/dark during the day
  • 40 official musics from the games
  • Name your Pokemons
  • Battles against wild pokemons
  • 3 types of balls to catch pokemons
  • Frame to customize your team
  • Frame to customize your spellpack
  • Frame to display forces/weakness of types
  • Pokemon spawn system with probabilities
  • Custom battle system with funny Introduction :D
  • Custom Damage system with types Bonuses/Maluses/critical strikes/stabs
  • Xp custom system
  • Custom End with scores & credits
  • Poke Team Pagination for Pokemon Team management (more than 60)
  • 11 Legendary Pokemon Apparition

Mods :
There are a few modes in this map :
-dur XXX : to set the time duration as minutes to XXX. [20 - 180] Default 45 minutes.
-nodur : the game will never stops, until you types -end will stop the game after 5 minutes.
-sharevision : to share visibility between players.

-em : to active the Easy Mode.[/COLOR]

Commands :
There are a few commands in this map :
-zoom XX : to set the distance camera to (XX x 100) ranges.
-view : to reset the camera to the default angle and with the player set zoom.
-nobattle : to disable duels with other players.
-battle : to enable duels with other players.

Spells :
There is 269 custom spells. The spells have types.
And damage type spells Physical/special.
When you casts a spell of your type, it is stabbed, it deals twice your damage.
Damage have 20% to deals critical strike x2




























Coming soon ...

If you can send me your games replay I canf fill this section with them, with credits of course :D

Work In Progress

  • Still working on Xp gain.
  • Terrain
  • Spell Damage
  • Pokemon stats gains/lvl
  • Pokemon Evolution Level
  • Pokemon Spellpack
  • Desyncs (fixed normally)

  • End tables/Scores
  • New Type "Fairy"
  • Pokemon models sprite in management UIs
  • Pokemon descriptions
  • Dresser custom pick (maybe)

  • some zones are quite empty
  • arenas customizations
  • pnj to add

I had some crashes dure to frames. (Your feedback is appreciated)


V 1,3 :

Fix bugs in lower kick spell

Add better model for Smoochum

V 1,35 :

Fix Twineedle angle spawn
Balance Spells

V 1,33 :

Add 3 Pokemons Learns
Add 30 Learns
Fix Hypnosis, Spike Pin Bugs

V 1,31 :

Add Trainer Radar (in game you will have the directions of enemies around).
Fix bugs with evolutions at the end of battle.
Add cooldown for Balls.
Add 2 musics for dresser battles.
Increases Mana/Life Regeneration/lvl
Add 4 Spells Packs
Marshadow is not a starter Pokemon anymore

V 1,29 :

Fix spells bugs
Fix Battle bugFix bug not updated stats after a fight
Change word "Dresser" to "Trainer"
Fix bug with in game description.

V 1,28 :

Change name to replace "," to "."
Sprint Ability allow the dresser to move througth units.

V 1,27 :

Add 14 Pokémons spells packs
Add models for miltank, Mightyena
Add Game intro
Correct bug with leaving pokemon
Correct bugs with leaving players
Set Dresser speed to 350 ranges/s and added Sprint ability
Correct spell Bugs
Add 13 Attacks
Option to display SD & HD Graphics
Add mode -nodur (no end game, type -end to stop the game)

V 1,25 :

Add 12 Pokémons
Add 19 Pokémons spells packs
Add 3 Attacks
Rework Ai Script for wild Pokemon Battles
Add UI functionality to swap in your team between the first pokemon and an other one
Improve Terrain
Rework Pokémon areas and Pokémons number
Correct bugs with Buffs when a pokemon is catched

V 1,20 :

Add 31 Pokémons
Add 26 Pokémons spells packs
Add 16 Attacks
Correct bugs with Spawn
Correct Toxic, Steel Wing bugs
Correct bugs with Buffs

V 1,18 :

Correct bug with spellpack when customized

V 1,17 :

Correct bug with multi summon during battles
Corect bug with dresser balls height
Correct bugs about Pokeball throw during battles
Hiding during end credits of balls modales
Add new winner Category with the "Trainer" nbr max pokemon lvl 30
Increases Daylight sightrange 1200 -> 1400
Increases Nightlight sightrange 800 -> 1000
Reword Spells Damage
Reword Pokemon Life
Reword Pokemon Attacks & Team Frames (add Description, Specie, Size and kills)
Display Pokemon's Attacks on Poke Team Frames
Fix bug with mana regeneration and wild Pokemons
Added 3 spells

V 1,15 :

Correct bugs
Correct a bug with music
Add in game Description
Fix end game crash
Debug Psy Beam

V 1,13 :

Change attacks mana costs
Increase Base Mana by 10
Display attacks mana cost on modales
Display pokemon armors and speed on Team Management and Attacks Management
Display current speed during battles
Add sexes
Add starter system
Add 47 new pokemons
Add 18 attacks
Add 5 musics
Decreased model scale on sprite in modale Team and Attacks
Catched and Played with a Suicune :D

V 1,11 :

Fix bug with pokemon center
Fix Xp gain of the spell Confusion
Fix nbr player slots (is now 20)
Increase Base Life by 10
Add armor bonus when leveling
Fix follower pokemon blocking path
Fix bug in battle against wild pokemons for fainted pokemons

V 1,10 :

2 zones opened
Add UI Customization
Correct a few bugs
Correct types names
Opened 8 new Players slots
During the day Ghost pokemons are invisible and Dark one are faded
Add 3 types of balls to catch wild pokemons
Add 71 pokemons
Add xp bars during battles
XP gain rebalanced
Add wild pokemon battles

V 1,06 :

Add more attacks
Add Dressers
Add 20 new Pokemons

V 1,04 :
Correct a bug that freeze during battles
Add 9 new Pokemons
Add credits list

V 1,02 :
Correct a minor bug about pokemon not folowing the dresser

V 1,0 :
First Official release

V 1,10 Beta :
Corrections of Desyncs due to frames

V 1,0 Beta :
First release


Special Thanks:

  • The Helper
  • Hive WorkShop
  • The Warcraft 3 French Community
  • Blizzard
  • chaosrealm.co (for awesome Pokemons models)

  • Zodd (For the awesome POKEMON models)
  • Vinz
  • JetFangInferno
  • Bon_Jovi
  • SuPa-
  • doom_sheep
  • ChevronSeven
  • Callahan
  • Matarael
  • Elunes-Guardian
  • Champara Bros
  • Weep
  • Pyritie
  • florent86
  • NightSkyAurora
  • UgoUgo
  • DCrimson
  • tillinghast
  • Mike
  • HerrDave
  • exfyre
  • Infrisios
  • RavenBlackbird
  • stonneash
  • Frotty
  • Hantoo
  • Rubellu Sidus
  • ChevronSeven
  • Kwaliti
  • ironmaiden
  • Ujimasa Hojo
  • nGy
  • General Frank
  • Iyzz_Fryzz
  • BurninRose
  • EmawWyvern
  • Vile
  • Mainy
  • War_Golum
  • DeadEnd123
  • Tiki
  • Darkfang
  • JesusHipster
  • WaggaWagga
  • The_Spellweaver
  • Stefan.K
  • johnwar

A HUGE thanks to TAYSEN for UI Frames answers. His very complete tutorials. All the informations he gave to me and without
it that map won't be that far.

Tahnks to xorkatoss and Porg Val for the very interesting reviews and their patience.

Thanks to Twilac that helpls me with models.

Author's notes

I really put a lot of work and I really enjoyed for the moment the work I add in there. Even if warcraft III UI system is a pure nightmare.
I hope you will appreciate it and find it as fun as I had when I played Pokemons. I know that it is far away from a definive project.
And I still have a lot of work to add. I really need some feedbacks and maybe ideas to debug.
So I hope you will be patient to lacks, crashes, bad spelling and other stuffs that can ruin your future plays.
I didn't made that project to benefit of the pokemon fame. I really want to offer new experience to players. And this kind of projects makes time to buid.
I hope the few screenshots will give you the envy to PLAY that game. :D

If you have some ideas about spells, events, modes, just send me an e-mail at : [email protected]

Keywords : Arena, Battle, RPG, Fight, Anime, Pokemon, Death, Kill, Spell, Game, Ability,

I appreciate feedback and suggestions!
I really appreciate if you can send me some streams of your games. To improve my description. With credits of course.


Pokemon World V1.37 (Map)

It's a nice summon brawl game but as Antares A implied, it needs more stuff going on than ball throw grind. Also, some pokecreatures are anooying to target maybe because of their hit boxes (no, I'm not referring to their evasion skill). Approved.

What's your favorite Pokemon?

  • Mewtwo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bulbasaur

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pikachu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ninetales

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blastoise

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragapult

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gardevoir

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rayquaza

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sylveon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Umbreon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mimikyu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lucario

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Greninja

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mudkip

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scizor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Luxray

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Torterra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Snorlax

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infernape

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kadabra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alakazam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Noctali

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Skarmory

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sableye

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nidoking

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Absol

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aggron

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aron

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steelix

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tyrunt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tyrantrum

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Feraligatr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Totodile

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Typhlosion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gyarados

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lapras

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Muk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cloyster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zapdos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Articuno

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moltres

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chimchar

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hello guys,

A new version of my map will be released soon. I added more Pokemon and attacks in it.
I added a feature to allow the player to change the first Pokemon inthe team. And I added tooltips.

I fixes a few bugs and I reworked the ai battle script. Now fights are interesting.

You will find the map user friendly now. 😆

Here is my Facebook page:

Feel free to send me your replays, I will share them. And I will give you credits.

I'm still looking for beautiful pokemon models to add them in the map. I use Chaos Realm - Index page to get more pokemons.
So if you want to help me adding more pokemon and sfx, just send me a message.
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Level 12
Jan 4, 2014
Are you meant to battle the neutral pokemon for levels?
I've only played Yellow and I was a bit confused. I caught the starting 6-7 pokemon and from then forward when I caught pokemon I could name them, but then what's the difference between the first 6-7 you catch and the next ones?

I think the terrain also needs some work, it's a little crude.

The UI is impressive and the idea seems ambitious but i'm not sure about the gameplay yet. Your maps are usually very impressive i'll follow your progress on this one!
Hello man,
Thanks for downloading and playing my map.

I've improved my description to answer to your questions.

You are meant to battle against other players. By using your spell 'R' Taunt Player.

The 6 first pokemon you catch are putted directly in your team. The other one in your PC. To open your PC go in the circle with a Blue Cross. It will open a pop up window that allow you to manage your team.
There are pics in the description.

Red cross are useful to heal your team.

I know the terrain needs more work. It's hard for me because, I'm not good on it. But I will continue.

The gameplay is to catch pokemon and/or battle players.

I wanted to created multiple winning goals most victories or most catches... to reward different kind of players.

I put a lot of effort and work in that map. It's a V1.

Have a nice day man. Thanks for your review.
Level 3
May 28, 2012
Tried to play your map with friends.
Everything is fine, except for the battles.
We still haven't figured out what to do when two players go into battle mode.
Our pokemons just stood still and we couldn't do anything.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Please complete the credits list: Resources in use by Pokemon World V1,02

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Tried to play your map with friends.
Everything is fine, except for the battles.
We still haven't figured out what to do when two players go into battle mode.
Our pokemons just stood still and we couldn't do anything.
Hello man thanks for your review.

I've corrected the bug about battles. Now you have to beat all your friends!
You can send me your in-game videoes if you want, I will give you some credits of course.

Have a nice day
Played it yesterday with two friends and we had a good deal of fun. The combat system is great and I like that you didn't go with turn-based combat.

The terrain is decent. There is the problem that you're using a lot of assets from different games, which are clashing stylistically. Some of the ground texture choices are odd (creep from Starcraft 2!?) and a lot of the ground textures don't look great because they only have one tile variation. The rock borders between areas look awful, mainly because these rock models are awful and you scaled them up quite a lot. A lot of them are also floating in the air. The areas at the bottom of the map look great. I hope you can fix the only-one-tile-variation problem on your imported textures. That would improve the terrain a lot.

Catching Pokemon is one of the main features of the game and it isn't particularly interesting. When you see a rare pokemon, you just have to throw your pokeball over and over again to catch it. We all agreed that battling wild pokemon to catch them would be a great improvement. Alternatively, you could have the players buy special pokeballs, bait, locators, or other materials from shops to have a chance to catch rare pokemon.

Playing with only three players, it was hard to locate them. We constantly had to communicate via "I'm at the town in the west" "I can't find you" "Ok, watch my screen." I don't know if there's an option to enable shared vision, but that would have been great to have.

The combat system is fun, as mentioned earlier. But it was clear pretty fast that pokemon types don't really matter and it only matters which spells are easy to hit with because almost every pokemon one-shots every other pokemon. I had a Noctowl and it could defeat easily three of my opponents' pokemon because the Tornado is so easy to hit with and always one-shots. Then I ran out of mana and had to try to finish the job with my other, much weaker pokemon. It is also confusing that some spells are cast in the current facing direction and others require another mouse-click. I would move all spells to mouse-click targeting.

The game crashed shortly before the end.

All in all, a fun game with a lot of work and passion put into it. It just needs a bit more polish and more exciting pokemon catching.

P.S.: Couldn't find my favorite Pokemon, Psyduck, anywhere :pcry:
Last edited:

Thanks for your review, and for playing my map.

For the terrain, I'm sorry, I try my best, I don't have all the ideas for it. I don't like terraing and everytime the result is disapointing. I will continue improving my terrain. I f you have good tips I'm interested.

I'm gglad that you didn't speak about my bad english. At least you understand spells.

For the wild pokemon catchs, I understand that is pretty the same every time. But creating custom generic Ai for each pokemon sounds a little bit too much.
And I'm afraid that other players comes during wild fights... (I don't have the idea, how change to make it more dynamic)

Does the naming feature interesting for you? :D

For the multi player, I can create a mode that shares vision.

Psyduck and Golduck are in the game. Little tips it's in the east. ;)

Sorry that the game crashed. I'm gonna look that.

For combat system I think I will increases hp, I did non know that attacks 1 shot pokemons.

I hope you had fun with the map and you gonna have an other try for next version.
Have a nice day. I will continue working on it to create a really funny Pokemon Game.
I think the best way to improve at terraining is to look at other maps and when you see terrain that you like, try to find out why it is better than yours and try to emulate it. You need new assets that work well with your pokemon style. I think the trees that are being used in Direct Strike, for example, would work very well with your style. For the cliffs, I would make a steep wall with the cliff terrain tile (try to find a tutorial on how to increase the maximum slope of the terrain), then put rocks and some trees on top. For rocks, I would definitely not use the standard Blizzard ones.

I like very much that you can name your Pokemon, but I don't like that you have to do it right when you catch it. I would just give it the default name of the Pokemon type and then later while at the pokemon center, you can customize the names. When you get the popup in the middle of the gameplay, it's a bit annoying and you just enter whatever to make it go away.

You don't have to program awesome AI into wild pokemon. Just have them behave like normal WC3 creeps after you attack them. Give the rare ones some special abilities, let the others just have auto-attacks. That's one route to go. The other one would be to make pokeballs a limited resource and have the players buy/craft special pokeballs to catch powerful pokemon. Also maybe you have ways to track down pokemon and get clues where they are instead of them being in a preset location.

Increasing hp will definitely improve the combat system. I would also make sure that all spells are not too hard to hit with.

Psyduck and Golduck are in the game. Little tips it's in the east. ;)
:goblin_jawdrop: Now I have to play again!
Hello everyone,

Little message to explain, what I've changed and what I'm changing on that map.

I worked on a system for spells and hit boxes.
This will create better fights and easier hit and run fights.

I added a mode to share visibility between players.

I didn't add new pokemons or attacks.

I took the advises of @Antares A in consideration. I'm working on a system to fight with wilds pokemons before catching them (cound be used for farming). Normally this shoud be released on the next version :goblin_yeah:

I did not worked yet on terraining. Because for the moment I don't have a lot of inspiration.

To do list:
Ais for players.
Player Detection (allow you to see players around you)
More POKEMOOONS (Because there are never too much)
More attacks!
Fairy Type (maybe depends if you've been nice :ogre_hurrhurr:)

So be patient some really awesome stuffs are coming to that map.
That map is a big project to me, I really put a lot of effort in it. And I'm very glad to see that It can intereset and entertain people.

Have a nice day. And a lot of catches.
Level 8
Aug 8, 2010
I like the new features! Being able to level up really makes the game less empty. I noticed a few issues though:
  • impossible to recall a fainted pokemon while fighting a neutral pokemon; only option is to leave the fight and enter again.
  • pokemon center (red cross) doesn't seem to heal properly anymore, I have to use the PC (blue cross) to deposit then take out hurt pokemons to heal them
  • the new capture system is good but it took me a while to find it (somehow I didn't notice the massive frame on the right of the screen) the old pokeball button disappearing after getting the first pokemon to then switching to a different system was very confusing. I think it would be best to completely remove the old system and have a new way of getting a starter pokemon (shop, dialogue buttons, custom frames...)
  • fights are still very volatile; it is hard to hurt neutral pokemon without instantly killing them, as a lot of abilities one-shot even without type advantage; right now the best strategy is to just use big one shot AOE from max range which is a bit dull. Confusion, sandstorm, and tornado or whatever it is called are way too good at the moment
  • hitting enemies in combat give exp, which is fun, but it seems to be a flat amount per hit? my Abra earned 20 levels in a single combat before killing the enemy because Confusion deal a lot of small damage ticks, which is a little bit insane
  • mana (which I assume is suppose to emulate PPs) doesn't seem to be properly working. A lot of pokemons never start fights with a full bar; mana is not regenerating while pokemons are out of combat, which means that we have to just run around in the arena until we have mana to use an ability and then run again. Some abilities have insanely high mana cost (such as low kick) while being much worst than many other abilities
I like the new features! Being able to level up really makes the game less empty. I noticed a few issues though:
  • impossible to recall a fainted pokemon while fighting a neutral pokemon; only option is to leave the fight and enter again.
  • pokemon center (red cross) doesn't seem to heal properly anymore, I have to use the PC (blue cross) to deposit then take out hurt pokemons to heal them
  • the new capture system is good but it took me a while to find it (somehow I didn't notice the massive frame on the right of the screen) the old pokeball button disappearing after getting the first pokemon to then switching to a different system was very confusing. I think it would be best to completely remove the old system and have a new way of getting a starter pokemon (shop, dialogue buttons, custom frames...)
  • fights are still very volatile; it is hard to hurt neutral pokemon without instantly killing them, as a lot of abilities one-shot even without type advantage; right now the best strategy is to just use big one shot AOE from max range which is a bit dull. Confusion, sandstorm, and tornado or whatever it is called are way too good at the moment
  • hitting enemies in combat give exp, which is fun, but it seems to be a flat amount per hit? my Abra earned 20 levels in a single combat before killing the enemy because Confusion deal a lot of small damage ticks, which is a little bit insane
  • mana (which I assume is suppose to emulate PPs) doesn't seem to be properly working. A lot of pokemons never start fights with a full bar; mana is not regenerating while pokemons are out of combat, which means that we have to just run around in the arena until we have mana to use an ability and then run again. Some abilities have insanely high mana cost (such as low kick) while being much worst than many other abilities
Hello man thanks for your review

I hope you had fun with my map.

I fixed the point with the center Pokemon, the fainted pokemon, the confusion problem.
I increased pokemon life bas by 10.

The spells damage are constant, they are not increased by stats. So if your spellpack is too powerful you will oneshot them. (like in the game).
But the damage reduction is increased by stats. Magic resistance for special damage and armor for physical damage.

I will work on mana costs rework. The mana and life are not regenerated outside the arena. You must use the center pokemon to restore it.

I hope you gonna have more fun.
Answered the poll, but it's hard to choose just one favourite pokemon, I basically have 2-3 favourites in each of the first few generations :alol:
  • Kadabra, Nidoqueen, Haunter in gen 1
  • Noctali, Tyranitar, Skarmory in gen 2
  • Gardevoir, Sableye in gen 3
Glad to see the bugs fixed :wthumbsup: keep up the good work.

Haha I just want to know the favorite of favorite. You can change when you want to change.
Thanks for your constructive reviews man.
If you have screenshots or video of your games. You can send me I will give you some credits on it.

I'm very glad that all your favorite pokemons are in my map man! :goblin_yeah:

Have a good day.
Last edited:
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
ok so I played this solo for 30 mins to test the map and see how it plays and I was amazed!
It really gives that "gotta catch them all" vibe when you get to know the map lol

1) I caught my first pokemon and started battling, and it took me a while to figure out how to capture more pokemon
-maybe make the "throw pokeball" window easier to see?

2) Would it be possible to add a no-time mode?? just free roam to have fun

3) I noticed some models missing etc. I guess you will add those in time

4) I wasn't able to get to Groudon, is the path blocked on purpose?
@xorkatoss thanks for your review.

It really gives that "gotta catch them all" vibe when you get to know the map lol
I really wanted to feel that to players. Musics helps a lot, I think :D

1) You're not the first player that told me that. I'm gonna add a message. I don't want to create a too big modale to let some space to the battle. I'm still thinking.
2) I will add it, it's an awesome feature. But you will miss the end :goblin_jawdrop: For the moment with the command -dur 180 you can set the game duration to 180 minutes, that is quite good I think

3) some models are missing If you find them I really appreciate it. I want to add a lot of pokemons. But some of them are rare so I try to do my best. I hope it does not ruins the immersion of the game.

4) wow you found a secret!!! if it's without cheating is good! ;)
Groudon is a decorative one. Too big to put it in an arena. This game is based on the world of Pokemon, with normal ones. I don't want to let too many powerful legendaries to players... not that realistic to possess in your pocket 6 gods!! :D

I'm really glad to see that my work is enjoyed by players. This seems easy, but in fact it's a looooot of works. And the balancing work has to be done for every version.

If you have some screenshots of the map or videoes your can share to me. I will give you some credits, of course. If you have more feedbacks, you can send it to me.

Trust me there is a lot more to add :D
Last edited:
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
After some Extremeee testing I am back again with more stuff!

1) Would be nice to be able to choose your pokemon trainer model instead of being random, if you consider this I will definitely link some models I want(Goku,Naruto etc. :xxd:)

2) Pokemon Trainer movespeed is slow and can be annoying sometimes when you want to travel far. I would suggest a sprint ability e.g +200 speed for 10 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds.

3) Weird Evolve Bug:
-Blaziken evolution at lvl 20(took too long)
-Blastoise & Charizard evolution at lvl 16(I suppose this is the normal?)

4) I noticed you don't use these Pokémon Center & Pokémon Mart in your map which look really good IMO

5) I also noticed you are forcing SD Mode, would it be possible to allow HD Mode? I'm asking because that's my prefered mode, it makes everything look better and not 2003 lol

6) Alakazam Teleport bug hard to describe, can be seen here

7) How you do access the cave with Tyranitar, Larpas and Ryperior? I was unable to find a way in. Perhaps you have to go to a specific place? IF that's work in progress then it might be nice to add a place where you go talk to a "Cave Expeditioner" and for 100g he takes you there.

8) Another interesting idea you can add is the Safari Zone introduced in Gen 3 where you can pay to enter an area for e.g 60 seconds and you have free safari balls and berries.

9) I would recommend when you win a battle, instantly make your pokemon invulnerable because sometimes I kill a pokemon and die immediately after from dot damage.

xorkatoss will be back soon with more suggestions. :grin:
Hello @xorkatoss

1) this would be complex to add (Above all I added during that version) and it's just a skin...

2) ok it's a good idea. I increased default dresser speed and added Sprint ability.

3) Yep you're right, I changed that only dragons have last evolution around lvl 18.

4) I use only the pokemon center. If you find buildings that cound fit or pokemons, you can tell me, I really appreciate it.

5) I don't know how to change that (is it in Map Properties / Options?)

6) Alakazam or Kadabra :D , I could not reproduce the bug. How did you do?

7) that cave can be accessed by 2 ways, it's a secret, I let players find by themselves.

8) good idea, I keep this for latert

9) sorry but it's the rule of the fight. It's real time, everything can happen between the start and the end of the fight.

Good your suggestions, thanks
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
new version, new review! V1.28~


1) In the minimap there are no indicators to show you where you can heal your pokemon,
I would suggest adding a dummy unit that shows the shop icon on map, test map (only copy-paste the unit)

2) I would suggest using my Mouse Movement System (or make your own) it enables you to move you hero/pokemon by right clicking and holding it.

3) The way we enter battle is kinda meh, I would prefer if it was the OG style, trainer throws pokeball and pokemon comes out
(not super important just nice eye candy)

ok now the bugs begin lol


1) Worst game breaking bug so far is the one where your pokemon keeps teleporting for some reason.
- Metang Teleport Bug 1 + Metang Teleport Bug 2
I really have no idea how this is happening, I'm just playing normally and it happens lol...
After this I enabled "auto save replays" and next time it happens I can give you the replay to maybe see what is causing it.

2) Second worst game breaking bug that has happened to me is this Kadabra Bug
I was lvling my Kadabra and he randomly just dissapeared from my team lol
I tried putting him back into storage and my team again but still nothing:

Now the least worrying bugs:

3) I have noticed that Health & Mana are not saved properly after each battle, video
-Start the battle with 47 hp, I stall to restore hp by moving around and attacking from range
-Win the battle with 63 hp and the next battle I start with 47 hp again

Another thing I would like to ask on this topic, why sometimes my pokemon start the battle with full mana and sometimes with low mana?:eekani:
-If I start the battle and us an epic move costing all of my mana and it 1-hits the enemy then next battle my mana is full again.

4) Feather Dance and Tackle are being used at the same time, video
-It's most likely a problem with the "Order String - Use/Turn On" Value or if you are using Channel ability "Data - Base Order ID"

5) Tail Whip description problem:
You can see the (R) being below the name instead of next to it.

Defense Curl no Description:
The buff description works though.

6) Agility has fan of knives special effect ( I think it shouldn't?

7) ok so this one is more like a personal annoyance of mine lol, spawned pokemon have strange levels
-level 8 Magmortar and Swampert in the wild, while a random mudkip is level 13
-same with poochyena and mightyena

bro why is Mew randomly watching my battle? lol
new version, new review! V1.28~


1) In the minimap there are no indicators to show you where you can heal your pokemon,
I would suggest adding a dummy unit that shows the shop icon on map, test map (only copy-paste the unit)

2) I would suggest using my Mouse Movement System (or make your own) it enables you to move you hero/pokemon by right clicking and holding it.

3) The way we enter battle is kinda meh, I would prefer if it was the OG style, trainer throws pokeball and pokemon comes out
(not super important just nice eye candy)

ok now the bugs begin lol


1) Worst game breaking bug so far is the one where your pokemon keeps teleporting for some reason.
- Metang Teleport Bug 1 + Metang Teleport Bug 2
I really have no idea how this is happening, I'm just playing normally and it happens lol...
After this I enabled "auto save replays" and next time it happens I can give you the replay to maybe see what is causing it.

2) Second worst game breaking bug that has happened to me is this Kadabra Bug
I was lvling my Kadabra and he randomly just dissapeared from my team lol
I tried putting him back into storage and my team again but still nothing:

Now the least worrying bugs:

3) I have noticed that Health & Mana are not saved properly after each battle, video
-Start the battle with 47 hp, I stall to restore hp by moving around and attacking from range
-Win the battle with 63 hp and the next battle I start with 47 hp again

Another thing I would like to ask on this topic, why sometimes my pokemon start the battle with full mana and sometimes with low mana?:eekani:
-If I start the battle and us an epic move costing all of my mana and it 1-hits the enemy then next battle my mana is full again.

4) Feather Dance and Tackle are being used at the same time, video
-It's most likely a problem with the "Order String - Use/Turn On" Value or if you are using Channel ability "Data - Base Order ID"

5) Tail Whip description problem:
You can see the (R) being below the name instead of next to it.

Defense Curl no Description:
The buff description works though.

6) Agility has fan of knives special effect ( I think it shouldn't?

7) ok so this one is more like a personal annoyance of mine lol, spawned pokemon have strange levels
-level 8 Magmortar and Swampert in the wild, while a random mudkip is level 13
-same with poochyena and mightyena

bro why is Mew randomly watching my battle? lol
1) I just look at the code.... I really have no idea

2) How did you just change the blastoise? with button to 1st place or in computer? Same for the pt 1. the rezplay should fix it

3) Ok I foud that bug.
Pokemons starts battle with full mana.. I don't know if it's a good idea
If you fight 2 times a wild pokemon his mana will be restored the second time.

4) Thanks for that, I need help with that.

5) Good corrected. You're very good.

6) Done

7) pokemons spawn over the time with a random lvl, like in the game.
Their spawning level grows in the game so old pokemon can have a smaller lvl compared to new one. As simply as that.

Extra) Legendaries can move everywhere in the map. I've heard that Mew was curious ;D

A new version has been released thanks to the suggestions of @xorkatoss and Porg Val.