ya, like... before I was like this Cartoon figure, name's Skippy, ya'know, from Happy Tree Friends (luv that show ^^ ) and now, I'm like - a "me", and ya'know, I'm kindda like - a nude "me" with no clothes and looks like I just woke up... but that aint true -
when I took that pic, I had just returned from a long and tiresome journey. It all began a year before... or like, the day before, but who counts? And I was on my way to... well, nevermind the beginning, BUT! I was sitting in a black room, with strange and eerie noises resonating from every corner. Sounds that crawled down my spine, like a juicy cold lump of green gél, chilling my bones like the smiling lick of death. Death kissing my cheek in the dark, breathing down my throat, filling my loungs - as life slowly ran out. I thought of nothing but the agony of being claimed by the darkness. Spheres of light zizzled before my very eyes, yet the light was darker than the room I was in. Then a door opened, and the Warden came. His green skin still glowed faintly, as if his flesh burned beneath the skin. His redshot eyes, poked me in the heart. I feared this orc now more than ever. Having killed hundreds in the crusade, imprisonment was a punishment worse than death. The anger of his kinsmen was gathered in his very prescence. His lips drooled with blood - smelled like human blood, and I came to think of it - the screams of the previous prisoner they dragged out of the darkness, had allready died out some hours ago. The big Orc grabbed me by my chains, and dragged me down the prisonhalls. The dusted floor left me no release... atleast I thought so, until I saw it. Burried benath layers of spontanious orcish drooling, spiderweb and dust, an ironcladded piece of wood, lay hidden - probably the shaft of some old axe, yet incredibly how no one has managed to fumble over it - my lucky charm. I grabbed the wood, and struck the Warden with the metal piece, grabbed his keys and hurried out of there, got home to my own dimension and reality, and started to slash away at orcs in this silly little game called Warcraft III with an expansion pack and all....
so you must understand, thats a pretty important pic of me
xD lol, guess I got carried away - again