Updated . . .
Changes in version 1.13D:
- Unrigged emulator alien.
- Fixed a glitch that allowed shape shifter spawns to immitate into cerebrate form.
- Nerfed mental alien.
- Made the sonic suit's sonic boom ability spell blockable.
-Fixed a glitch with sonic suit's sonic boom ability that allowed you to start its effect without finishing it.
- Reduced cool down for the adv. repairing unit item from 30 to 20.
- Fixed a glitch that made the AI die permanently when killed twice.
- Fixed a glitch that kept the A.I.'s tank default range when it switched to siege mode.
- Allows the A.I. player to stay in game even when all spare bodies are down if the RSM is still alive.
- Updated some details in the README.
To Dr Super Good: if you would like to optimize the map more, I can give you it whenever I have finished updating it, your help is always appreciated. I think one thing that might be contributing to the in-game lag is the amount of custom created units, spells, etc used in it. 95% of the game's object material is custom, and it is quite a bit. I have been making it a habit in all of my other games I work on every now and then to limit the amount of custom units, spells, etc by simply editing the already existing standard stuff . . . it also really helps to reduce the load time. I heard about the widgitizer that removes all units, and stuff not used in the game, but I would prefer to do this way. I am also not the greatest trigger artist, what I know now is all from trial and error and the reference of other maps and skilled triggerers; I never took the time to go over any kind of tutorials and what not, but I am learning what I can. I think the best thing for parasite 2 is to recreate as much object data as possible through standard units, remove all non-used custom data, and redo the triggers from scratch . . . however, that is an immense task I am not willing to take, but anyone who wants to is more then welcome.