I deleted my resource, I used to have this not to pick more than 1 bag let's say. And the game's not in front of me -
Event: A hero picks an item (don't remember the exact name)
C: Number of items carried by (hero manipulating item) of type (The window will choose exactly the item you mean -say Your Sword) not equal to (or greater than) 0. (This will allow you to be able to to pick one)
C: Number of items carried by (hero manip item) of type Sword2 not equal to (or greater than) 0.
- you have to make the condition for every single sword you have, if you have 20 swords, make a condition for each of it, so 20 conditions for each sword carried by you not to be greater than 0
AND Another 20 conditions or 1 condition with 19 OR (Boolean) item being manipulated equal to Sword1 or Sword 2 or Sword 3 or Sword 4... so that you don't drop an item say cheese and you have a sword
Just copy+paste each function and change the sword, the rest remains, so you can make these conditions fast
Drop (item being manipulated)
The idea is if you already have a sword of any type, you will drop another sword instantly if you try to pick it up.
Now make a separate trigger with the same event, conditions the same as with the sword but now you choose a condition for every shield you have.
Actions: the same as up
You can add an action like : Text- Display text message "You are already eqiupped", etc.
With inactivity and the game not in front of me I can't say names and triggers with accuracy but if you 've worked with triggers before, this may give you how to do it