After several attempts to attach models to the head head,left and head,right to create the effect that the bloodelf mage (hero) has, with the floating orbs.. i found i could not. i am assuming that this is because the actual model should contain 3 orbs and the animation motion? therefor i would have to find a model that does this (which i cant)... it should aslo be of note that i tryed to attach the bloodelfhero model to the head of the unit (beliveing it to be the attachment), man did i feel like a noob.. i ended up with a bloodelf upon my head(try this if you want a good laugh sometime) ...i do not intend to get into modeling as i am already pressed for time just to complete my mod (which is a warcraft take on Elements from Starcraft, this was for ICE), but i would like to know this so i can make my mod look as good as possible ... Thank you for your time and knowledge