North american civil war modern weapons

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Level 8
Mar 29, 2008
:spell_breaker::ned:ok its a war over oil after it ran out in the middle east we had discovered it between the middle of america and canada and how oil companies on one side of the country wanted it and comnpanies on the other side wanted it the war eventually had begun it had ravage through america and led into canada now the countries divided down the middle 3 teams they r blah blah blah im not telling u anymore but i have almost finished the map and i need a couple of people to finish it with me so i need a custom skinner i am an awesome editor so i can edit everything sept custom skins cus comp crashes everytime i try using the program and triggers and music but other then that i could edit ur head up ur ass 3 different ways so any takers yes i am a new member but only to this i am beast editor :pal::pal::pal::spell_breaker::pal::spell_breaker::pal::spell_breaker::pal::spell_breaker::ned::pal:
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