
I noticed that the Hiveworkshop dosnt have a Mascot....
Soooo heres a realistic (bee) hive...
All Hail The Hive !!!!

-Place flys next to it! Looks Sweet
Edit (08.06.08)
-Fixed Table Uv-mapping and name

Bee, Hive

Beehive (Model)

16:49, 7th Jun 2008 Pyritie: lololo its teh hive :infl_thumbs_up: Only thing I have against this at the moment is the unwrap on the sides of the table. Fix that and I'll approve this. Oh, and fix the name. 9th Jun 2008 Pyritie: Above stuff fixed...




16:49, 7th Jun 2008
Pyritie: lololo its teh hive :infl_thumbs_up: Only thing I have against this at the moment is the unwrap on the sides of the table. Fix that and I'll approve this. Oh, and fix the name.

9th Jun 2008
Pyritie: Above stuff fixed. Approved.
Level 6
May 13, 2007
Hmm... We need a good animator for this model... Maybe an alternate form that nothing but the model with a huge swarm of bees going crazy around it.
Awesome, I am going to download this once you've improved it. I've been planning on addings bees to mine and Noobly's game "Fort Wars" that pollinate the crops so they can produce. (By the way Fort Wars is still in beta but is definately playable, highly addictive with the average game lasting a whooping 1-6 hours long and is almost ready for it's release as a finished game, although we'll keep making new versions of it even after it's release.)
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Hmm... We need a good animator for this model... Maybe an alternate form that nothing but the model with a huge swarm of bees going crazy around it.

That's a great idea, but I don't like it. THat happened to me today. lol Baking soda lessed the swelling A LOT! :D it isn't even visable anymore on my arm and chin. XD

And communist orc, your idea about it being the hive mascot, I had the same idea and was going to post it here. lol You beat me to it. >:O :thumbs_up: