Night of the Dead: Angelic Days

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Level 1
May 26, 2008

Night of the Dead: Angelic Days
Map Creator: Saki_Sakurai
Staff: Saki_Sakurai (Terrainer, modeler, sound editor, GUI, and triggering systems)
Phase: Alpha Testing, Will not release until Chapter one is completed and abilities are completed for each hero.

General Map Info:
Map Size: 192 x 192
Playable: 180 x 180
File Size: 2.19 MB
Number of Players: A few good men
Max Players 10

Operation: …Classified Data…

Raven forward base, Riven
20th, December 2037
Current Weather: 27° Celsius 80° Fahrenheit
Forecast: Heavy Rain

Accessing Log: 1356… Second Platoon, Fox Company
Log: 1356 access….. Displaying Data
-Detachment 7
-Number of Personals in detachment: 10
-Commanding Officer: Captain Hellen Knight
-Second in Command: Alice Olivoira
…Sensitive Data….
Situation Report:
Raven is located in the north part of the city of Riven it spans 4 blocks of the city.
Riven is a surrounded by mountains on most sides and a river runs through from west to east the southwest contains a small dock to support patrol boats, gun ships and commercial vessels.
Situation Report 00:37
The outbreak occurred after a meteor shower at 23:52 20th, December. Riven’s outer defense ring was compromised and destroyed within the hour of the outbreak. Civilians and military personals were eradicated immediately at first contact. Raven base, once the finest research and developmental base for both the United State Military and civilian contractors, has now been overrun by the virus. Your squad has been assign as forward units to reclaim Raven, set up a viable defense for India Company and, if possible, retake the sector. Squad shall be deployed via air insertion and has been authorizes to use new, experimental equipments and cybernetic combat suits. India Company will be arriving shortly after your initial drop to provide assistance and delivery of classified information to Raven base. The ground commander of this sector is Captain Hellen Knight. She and her squad’s current location are unknown but are believed to be holding out somewhere within this sector. She is a valuable asset and Battalion would like to see her back in one piece, if possible. Reclaim and set up a defensive perimeter at Raven until Lt. Razack and his convoy arrival with the package. Link up with Captain Knight and provide assistance to her and her besieged squad. ETA drop in 12 minutes, Good luck and stay frosty commander.

Current Objective: Establish a parameter in Raven stronghold.

Featuring systems:
-Playable Marines
-Experience System
-Difficult Bosses
-Difficult Missions ((Example: Defending a base while trying to rescue 20 civilians if one civilian dies or base is overrun mission over.))
-Unique marine abilities (Ocean Bombardment)
-Selective Realism
-Notd: Aftermath Feel except in the Jungle
-Repick/Random/All Pick Tavern System

Q: Why another zombie map? And why call it Night of the Dead: Blaw Blaw Blaw...

A: I wanted to create this map because of a post made by someone on the NOTD: Aftermath forums. Which was about the back story to a popular game Notd: Aftermath.

A: This is by no means a Notd: Aftermath 2, it is just a fan map to compliment the series.

I enjoy self learning and I am working hard in learning as much as I can so I may better myself to develop a good map when Starcraft 2 comes out. I’ve read quiet a few posts and quiet a few manuals. I’m shooting for a map that will be polished, refined, and to be a very playable game before the first public beta.

I am planning to have 3 chapters. Each chapter will have fun and interactive objectives such as: to check out the abandoned township, defend civilians to an extraction point, and defending strong points while trying to survive the onslaught of zombies. Hopefully someday this map will be completed. (~Laughs.~)

What is the map type: Zombie Survival
What is the goal for the players: Survive and defeat a main boss once.
How will each obstacle prove a challenge to the players: Leveling and working together dodging zombies.
What is the overall theme: Zombie Survival

[X] = Finished
Step 1: Terraining [x]
Step 2: Preview Screen [x]
Step 3: Loading Screen [x]
Step 4: Tavern [x]
Step 5: Creep Spawn/Attack [x]
Step 6: Item Spawn
Step 7: Boss spawn
Step 8: Chapter 1
Step 9: MultiBoard
Step 10: Experience System
Step 11: Load Save System
Step 12: Chapter 2
Step 13: Chapter 3
Step 14: Classes "Physically" Created [x]
Step 15: Classes Abilities Finished
Step 16: Finish

--Classes will be filled out completely eventually--
Classes that will be included:
Rifleman: Knife, 9mm Colt, Weapons Training, Suppressive Fire, Morphine IV (Small heal pack).
Flamethrower/Firebat: Fuel Transmission, Napalm, Fortitude (Armor Aura) Flame Burst.
Medic: First Aid Skills, Heal, Desert Eagle, Knife, Vital Strike (Critical Strike).
Machine Gunner: Suppressive fire, Vital Strike (Critical Strike), Weapons Training, Knife, Desert Eagle, Ammo Attachment.
Air force Combat Controller: A unit that will fill in the role of as a designator for aircraft and heavy weapons fire He will be able to use indirect fire designations, such ocean bombardment, firebombing, orbital artillery etc.
Alice: It is like a combat robot used as a super soldier of the future. (Always need a terminator. :p)
Combat Engineer: Shotgun, Net, CE skills (Detonation chords, communication tower, knife, mana transfer) "mana" processor (Increases mana recharge rate with each skill.))
Chemical Engineer: Abilities Coming
Orbital Drop Shock Trooper: ((Must have Master Chief from Halo in a zombie map!))
Delta Operator: Abilities Coming

A: Mana: Not that real life uses mana, it's called something else but if I were to designate that many people would be confused.
A: Green Icons: Icons in the screen shot have been fixed that was a test for creep attack waves.
A: The loading screen has tons of typos, I know I'll fix it eventually.
A: The middle picture is me getting gang raped by an accidental spawn of bosses.

Credits to and sources:
Lt. Razack
Many many more for ideas and support.


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