Newcomer needing help

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Level 1
Jun 4, 2007
Nice to meet you wc3 mappers of the hive workshop :infl_thumbs_up:. I am starting my journey on this wide world of map modding and on this begining I will need lots of help. As a first step I am making an altered melee map on which I am focusing my efforts on changing some heroes' stuff.
I have already searched the forum posts trying to find some answers but until now I wasn't able to. Now to the questions:
- I've created a passive skill with the help of Ayumi's spellbook tutorial (presented on the helper forum) and this skill has armor bonus and damage % bonus. Both devotion aura and command aura are within the custom spellbook. My wish is that there were only one buff associated with this skill so I've created a dummy passive skill that represents the skill to the hero and with triggers I added the custom spellbook to the hero when he learns the dummy one (like the tutorial teaches). In order to hide one buff Ayumi tells to create a custom buff based on the phoenix buff. In fact the buff is there on the hero but with no icon on it and here starts my problem. If this hero gets in touch with another buff (positive or negative), the icon of this buff that affects the hero will remain on the hidden one. Does someone know how to fix this? Is there another way to mix this two aura within a single buff?
- The second question is based on a second aura that I've created. This time is a simple one, just an endurance aura, but I want it to affect just one type of unit besides the hero. Example: I want it to affect just Riffleman units. Does anyone knows a trigger that is able to do this?
Thank you all in advance.
Level 5
Jul 26, 2004
I'm not well enough versed to help you with hidden icons, but I may be able to help you with the second question.

The way I'm working out my necromancer's "only affects the necromancer's minions" spells is to have each minion classified as an ancient and then to have the spells only able to affect ancients. It works on my RPG map because I don't have a bunch of NE buildings wandering around, but it may be more difficult for you because you're simply trying to do an altered melee map.

Another method is to use triggers. Simply format the trigger to activate when any unit receives that particular buff. If the unit is not of type "rifleman" then use triggers to remove the buff.
However, I do admit that I'm not entirely sure how it could work with an aura, but at least you've got some more options to tinker around with.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
You could add something like "Ancient" to the rifleman's targeted as field. Make the aura affect only ancients (or whatever you choose), and you're golden. Admittedly, there is a problem with this if you actually use ancients (or whatever) in your map, but if you don't then again, golden.
Level 1
Jun 4, 2007
Thanks for the help FrostCyrus and Teh_Ephy. You guys surely gave me more ideas. Unfortunately the ancients tip brings some limitations to the usage of spells on my units (that usually not affect ancients) but that's ok. Any more ideas are appreciate.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
You can edit the spells to affect ancients, or you can use a different value. I'll go count how many there are, believe me you'll have a hard time running out.
31. :grin: Have at it!
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