Hi all, my trigger looks like this:
Can any one help?
sry for the trigger.. i don't know how to use the tag properly..
function Trig_set_cam1_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
- call SetCameraFieldForPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(udg_c_unit[1]), CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, 300.00, 0.50 )
- call SetCameraFieldForPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(udg_c_unit[1]), CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, 300.00, 0.50 )
- call SetCameraFieldForPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(udg_c_unit[1]), CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET, 100.00, 0.50 )
- call SetCameraFieldForPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(udg_c_unit[1]), CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION, GetUnitFacing(udg_c_unit[1]), 0.50 )
- call SetCameraFieldForPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(udg_c_unit[1]), CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW, 125.00, 0.50 )
- endfunction
- //===========================================================================
function InitTrig_set_cam1 takes nothing returns nothing
- set gg_trg_set_cam1 = CreateTrigger( )
- call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( gg_trg_set_cam1, 0.01 )
- call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_set_cam1, function Trig_set_cam1_Actions )
- endfunction
Can any one help?
sry for the trigger.. i don't know how to use the tag properly..