Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst PC/Steam

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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Is this game worth 39.99 euros? I just noticed there was a naruto game for PC when browsing Steam today, and I happen to have that amount of money to spare.

Reason I even consider this game is because I had Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution for Wii, and I LOVED it :p But then my Wii broke because it's made of cheap ass components, and that was couple of years ago, I dunno if these kind of games can still attract me...

Could anyone who has played this game tell me if it's good or not? ty

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Just bought this yesterday, have been playing it for 13 hours, very addictive story. All I can review is controls, story this far, overlook of content and how much of a naruto game this is.

I saw negative review about using keyboard to play this, good thing I have X360 controller for my PC. The controls couldn't be any better :)

I'm at the last chapter of the story, shame there wasn't any bonus quests or stuff like that, the story is /just/ fine, although it seems pretty short as I'm at the last section of the story after just 13 hours. I couldn't beat D3 or SC2 in under 20 hours, maybe it's just me...

The amount of content is tiny as h*ll, given the price of 40 euros, I bought SC2 for 20 euros and got A LOT MORE content. Maybe it's because the game was originally for console, you pay more for all the comfort of couch and controller you get.

For a naruto game this is really good, although I still need to play this game a lot more to be sure about this. This is definitely a good buy for a lover of series, but I can't suggest this for someone just looking for a game, it isn't worth its current ridiculous price.

1 being bad, and 5 being good, this is 3; average.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I guess its name is because of dlc in it, not sure though.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

What the fuck, I played vs bot, I couldn't counter his jutsu with block, and he could, it felt like he was cheating all the time and I couldn't do a scratch on him.

Then I won him and it felt I was like the cheater, my every jutsu had him and I survived with nearly all the hp left.

Then I remember this is only a fighting game; if you want stability and balance, play sc2.
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