In this map you must chose a hero and buy skills for him some skills all chars can chose it but some other only specific chars can chose it every 5 minits aduel will started you must buy tomes and items to beat your enemys you can hunt bijuus in a area (bijuus=naruto deamons)
the bijuus will drop items and give you money and xp but some times when you have a bijuu item akatsuki will apeart and hunt you to ballance the game because when you die you will drop all bijuu items.
When you collect all 9 bijuus you will win the game.
the map is protected and optimized
Update version 1.10:
1.a lot of bug fixes
2.a new hero
3.a game end was add
4.a new command
5.Kankuro is play able ballance
7.leg reduce
In the next version:
1.more game ballance
2.more bug fix
3.Kakuzu as a new hero
4.fusion items with bijuu power and a new bijuu system skills
6.a campain
i will create it in this follow first the ballance and game fixes and then kakuzu ....
special thanks to flash.kisame for some skills and help with my map
a thx to illidan for the terrain
a thx to all modlers and spell creators on hiveworkshop
a thx to peple who create hero builder maps in that i have watching what my map needs and what items i can create
and at last a thx for the people who post in this map bugs and gave ideas and who host the map
naruto, naruto hero builder, hero, arena, builder, shippuuden.