As long as you don't name any details about your multiboard, no one's gonna do anything... if you want something like this done, a) put it where it belongs - into request, not help.
b) What exactly do you need? Number of players, changing size of multiboard depending whether a player slot is occupied or not, may players switch their teams, are they moved around all the time and your multiboard is only a leaderboard with more values? What do you need? positions for icons in it, a header?
overall stats for a team?
So far, all this can be done in GUI.
IF you want - like e.g. in dota - A title that is player specific and values that are shown differently for each player, you'll need someone capable of JASS.
So in short: when you make a request, then first think, then write down the details... it's frustrating for people who are willing to help to first have to question for every detail needed before being able to even make the first line of the triggers needed.