mozzile firefox or microsoft internet explorer

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Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
Firefox is not slower and is definitely better at protecting you from viruses, spyware and adware, but if you have the proper protection then IE is just as good as Firefox. Personally I would go with Firefox (or Opera) because of tabbed browsing and extentions, but if you like IE then stay where you are.

@N00byStance and ragingspeedhorn: Can you back up what you're saying? As far as I know IE works if you're protected properly, and Opera is an excellent browser.
Level 7
May 6, 2005
Vexorian said:
People who use IE should be castrated.

Couldn't resist to quote that sentence.

Firefox owns IE. Opera owns IE too. I've tried all three, I've found Firefox best. Why is it better than IE?

1. Tabs.
2. Safer.
3. Built-in search engines.
4. Download manager.
5. Extensions.
6. Themes.
7. Search hotkey combination is CTRL+F instead of CTRL+B.

There are more, but it is late here now, so I can't remember the rest.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
hmmm i used firefox the other day and it screwed me around i couldnt get into my website (which is here)
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
well the sites i access go down 1 by 1, the otehr day i was in deviantart, then next day it cant connect, and same with dealins wc3 shrine and then the bw2 site and even BNET/ im screwed sort of, im pretty sure eventually i cant access this site or my msn either.
but i think this is with all my browsers.
At first i got too attach to IE and thanks for mecheon for tellin me to get firefox, i used firefox and im happy, i love tabs and hate popups..
Level 12
Apr 29, 2005
Blade.dk2 said:
7. Search hotkey combination is CTRL+F instead of CTRL+B.
Sure it's good but it's nothing compared to the fact that the search in Firefox is in real time. You don't have to press enter. 8)

Blade.dk2 said:
Vexorian said:
People who use IE should be castrated.

Couldn't resist to quote that sentence.
I knew you would say that. :lol:
Level 9
Jun 28, 2005
Werewulf said:
look..lets pretend your net plan is 512kbps/256kbsps ok?
now the server dl and uploads to and from u.
and several thing do the same, creating traffic, adn slowing net speed.
and your comp may be actin fugly due to this, low memory or alot of crap on your comp.

lol ok but the funny thing is i dont have much things on my comp and it still is low on memory lol wc takes up too much...
Level 8
Nov 27, 2004
extensions PWN!

you can get extensions for everything.

I have :

-Faster fox {even faster browsing}
-Mass Downloader Integration {a superb download manager}
-Context Style Switcher {Change Page Style via context menu.}

and there are a loooot of extensions , having so many things done by other people should mean it is good.
in fact is very good. FIREFOX FTW!

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Level 1
Feb 23, 2006
Firefox is crappy. IE sucks. U want Safari :p

The thing is that safari is only offered on macintoshes. So if we use windows, then firefox would be the best. Basically on the whole opinion for me internet explorer= internet exploder. Firefox all the way! :p
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