Like I said in the other Post, all of those races are improbable. First off, murloc and ogres are already ingame, as are naga. Draenei aren't even on the continents of Kalimdor or Azeroth. High Elves and Blood Elves are not the same. High Elves aka Highborne most likely have a utopian type society. where as the Blood Elves have a lifestyle of blood and hatred. Related yes, but not at all the same. Nerubians are too large to be player controlled. Magical Contructs would be fun, but there'd have to be a ton of variety in them or they'd be kinda boring. Fell Orcs would be same as Orc only red, and Satyr would have no starting location, no realy allies besides the legion which is pretty much isolated in Draenor and their home realm which is not Kalimdor or Azeroth. Pandaren would also be fun but alas, no starting Location as well, most places are pretty cominated by the 8 races already there. Sasquatsch.... what the.... just one word No. Furlbogs are also in-game, as are goblins and centaurs. You can already play as Dwarves and Trolls. Don't believe me? Check out the Blizzard WoW website, I also have a friend who is palying the beta.