• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • Vote for the theme of Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to vote! - Please only vote if you plan on participating❗️

Monster Defense v0.5.2

Monster Defense

Challenging base-builder survival map.

Defend for 30 minutes against hordes of monsters! Select from one of 3 unique races and use their unique structures and units to survive! Progress through your races tech tree to unlock more powerful units and structures. Arm yourself in preparation for the final boss.

Striking a balance between investing in your economy and investing in your defenses is very important throughout the game. Mismanage your economy and you won't have enough funds to support your defense as the difficulty increases, but invest too much into defense and you won't be able to reach the powerful technologies required to survive the final boss.

The game is designed to be difficult. Most players won't last more than a few minutes in their first game. Victory is hard fought. Good luck!


  • 5 unique races with entirely unique tech trees and economic structures!
    • Dwarven Kingdoms, Druidic Groves, Goblin Tinkers, Blood Elf Citystates, and Cults of Necromancers!
    • More coming soon!
  • Defend against 30 minutes of continuous, scaling monster attacks ending in a final boss battle!
    • 4 minor bosses to increases the challenge
    • Advanced monster priority system, giving each player an equal number of monsters and their own unique bosses to defend against.
  • Mana transfer system creating a grid of magical energy.
  • Codeless save & load system to track kills and victories.
    • Kills and victories used to unlock more advanced races.
  • Terrain with over 35 bases of varying shape and size.
    • Always enough good terrain for all players to succeed in the game!

Screen Shots







Change Log

Version 0.5.2 - Wintersday​


  • Added winter season based on the current date!
  • Added Wintersday Event, which goes from December 19th through the end of the years!
    • Meet snowmen, play with sparklers, throw snowballs, and wear hats!

  • Added an item to give AoE magic damage shield: give 150 magic damage shield.

  • Increased Tobair (Moon Well) max life from 110 -> 130.
  • Increased Tobair life regen from 1/sec -> 3/sec.
  • Reduced the damage dealt by Sithiche to 80% of current mana.

  • Fixed bug where smoke screen increased enemy speed, instead of reducing it.
Blood Elf:

  • Fixed the tooltip on Chain Lightning.

Version 0.5.1 - Druids Rise! And Balance​


  • Fixed issue with the Multiboard being overridden by team shared resources (maybe).
  • Fixed races being no longer displayed after survival mode started (maybe).
  • Added another handful of rabbits to the map :)
  • Mana transfers to flying units are no longer at ground height.

  • Put a limit on the monster spawn rate in survival mode.
    • Should prevent the slideshow that happens after 15 minutes. May need adjustment.
  • Adjusted scaling rate to increase a bit faster as the team gets further into survival.
    • Hopefully keeps survival times about the same and more fun.
  • Change shockwave cast behavior for Ogre Lords; should always be used when damaged.
  • Reduced Ogre Lord shockwave damage from 30 -> 25 damage.

  • Reworked Sìthiche (Faerie Dragons)
    • Now gain mana by consuming a Caora using a spell. Does not provide gold.
    • Attacks now require mana and deal damage based on current mana.
    • When out of mana, Sìthiche will automatically find a Caora to consume.
    • Added upgrade for the Sìthiche, increasing damage and mana.
    • Affected by the new 'Slàinte nan Bheathaichean' for durability.
  • Added ability to the Cruth Dion to disable (and reenable) their attacks.
    • Enables druids to contribute to a team base, providing walling.
  • Reworked Cridhe Damh (Fainee upgrade)
    • Added attack speed, removed max hit point bonus, rescaled poison slow bonus (nerfed).
    • Added 2 additional levels for survival mode.
  • Added upgrade 'Slàinte nan Bheathaichean' which increases max hit points and regen for units.

  • Added tech tree requirement of the Mechanized Fountain to all goblin buildings.
    • Will help new players find the fountain transformation item.
  • Added tech requirement of the Research Laboratory to build Advanced Towers.
  • Poision tower nerfed significantly - this thing was poorly balanced to start.
    • DPS brought inline with other goblin towers, was previously MUCH higher.
    • Trying to encourage balanced tower compositions for goblin.
    • 25% reduction in poison DPS at all upgrade levels.
    • Attack damage reduced by 50% at all levels.
  • Added new advanced tower: Void Tower
    • Advanced tower with significant range to fill out the back line.
    • Includes an upgrade like all other advanced towers.

  • Repair kit can no longer repair neutral mana fountains.
Blood Elf:

  • Lightning Tower upgrades now have 3 additional levels for survival mode.
    • Survival levels slightly nerfed from non-survival levels, due to how cumulative the effects are.

Version 0.5.0 - Less Monsters Edition!​

  • Monster Spawn amount REDUCED by 25% for standard mobs.
    • Max hit points increased by 40% and attack damage increased by 20% to compensate.
    • Monster abilities buffed by 33% to compensate as well.
    • Most balance changes to the races are to adjust for this change.
    • Does not affect specials like Salamanders, Flesh Golems, Felboars, etc.
    • Tiny relative increase to the the amount of melee mobs at the very start of the game.
    • Survival mode is affected.
  • Fixed Bug with lumber harvesting upgrade icons for dwarves at level 3+.
  • Survival mode now ends when your last structure dies.
  • Tutorial rewards increased by 50%. Both resources and units.
  • Tutorial now stays active until you have a win.
  • Survival Mode hit point scaling for late game type monsters slightly reduced.
  • Survival Mode armor scaling slightly reduced.
  • Dragon Turtle attack range reduced. Less likely to attack through walls.
  • Doom attacks against air no longer deal splash damage. This was wildy OP.
  • Magic Immunity replaced with Resistant Skin on all monsters.
  • Bosses (that were missing it) now also have Resistant Skin.
    • Resistant skin gives reduced duration for most effects and immunity to certain spells.
  • Increased Reinforced Walls damage reduction from 3/6/9 -> 4/8/12.
  • Added Survival only levels for Reinforced Walls upgrade (flat damage reduction).
  • Military Drills now increases attack speed by 5/10% and affects Gryphons.
  • Increased Neo-Bhàsmhorachd (item) damage reduction from 15 -> 20.
  • Reconstruct Wall Armor research time reduced from 20 + 10 / lvl -> 16 + 6 / lvl seconds.
  • Wall base armor increased by 2 at all levels.
Blood Elf:
  • Wall max hit points increased from 150 / 195 / 260 -> 180 / 270 / 360.
  • Advanced Shield Techniques flat damage reduction increased from 6 / 12 -> 8 / 16.
  • Seaguard flat damage redction increased from 8 / 16 / 24 -> 16 / 24 / 32.
  • Elemental Engineer damage block increased from 2 / 4 / 6 -> 3 / 6 / 9.
  • Improved Leather Armor bonus life increased from 15 -> 20 per level.
    • Should help deal with Doom as a Blood Elf.
  • Improved Plate Armor bonus hit points increased from 20 -> 25 per level.
  • Optimized Soul Collector mana collection performance.
  • Soul Collector mana gathered increased by ~1/3 at all levels and upgrades.
  • Teambase Nerf: Soul Collector mana gain reduced by 50% and gold gain only is 1 when the dying unit is targeting an allied player (does not impact solo play).

Version 0.4.2 - Survival Life​

  • All Races: Upgrade max level doubled, but new levels only unlocked when Survival Mode starts.
    • Most upgrades that just bonus a unit or structures raw stats affected.
    • Some economic techs also impacted, when appropriate.
    • Gives people something to splash cash on in Survival mode.
  • Fixed bug where survival time was being displayed wrong (was rounding, not flooring minute calculation whoops).
  • Added code that will prevent games from loading codes from future versions.
    • IE if you play 0.4.2, but your code is saved by version 0.5.0, it will tell you and fail to load.
    • Prevents losing information in your save file, as old versions cannot handle data added in newer versions.
  • Survival mode rescaled
    • Starting count of doubled, but overall scaling speed reduced.
    • Life scaling reduced SIGNIFICANTLY for monsters that normally come late game (was previously very high).
    • Ranged unit count reduced and max hit points reduced.
    • Air unit count reduced slightly.
    • Special count reduced.
  • Fear Comes From Within Range redueced from 400 -> 350.
  • Fixed bug where Hyper Tower upgrade was only giving +2 damage per level, instead of documented +3.
  • Tinker attack range increased from 400 -> 525.
  • Wall max hit points increased by 10 at all levels.
  • Wall upgrade gold cost reduced from 10 + 25 per level -> 8 + 22 per level.
  • Wall upgrade lumber cost reduced from 30 + 40 per level -> 30 + 35 per level.

Version 0.4.1 - Survival Patch​

  • Fixed issue where survival mode was not triggering properly.
    • Occured when a player left with Death actively spawned for them.
  • Doom Spills Fourth Rain of Fire cooldown increased from 15 -> 20 seconds.
  • Doom Spills Fourth max hit points reduced from 10666 to 8666.
  • Doom Spills Fourth hit point regen reduced from 15 -> 6.66 per second (still has +15 from aura in addition).
  • Hyper Tower upgrade attack speed bonus increased from 3% -> 5% per level.
  • Gryphon base armor increased from 5 -> 6.
  • Gryphon hit point regen increased from 1.0 -> 1.5.
  • Gryphon base damage increased from 18 -> 20.

Version 0.4.0 - Survival Update​

  • Survival Mode Added:
    • After you defeat death, the monsters return with a rapidly increasing difficulty.
    • Time is saved with your code for each race. See stats with -survival command.
    • The leaderboard shows your best time and race for all to see. Survival stats are hidden until someone in game has them unlocked.
    • Playing an old version of the map may remove all your survial save information without warning.
    • Mileage may vary as this mode is pretty hard to test!
  • Felboar attack cooldown increased from 3 -> 3.6 seconds.
Blood Elf:
  • Wooden Wall max health increased from 130 -> 150.
  • Wooden Wall base armor increased from 3 -> 4.
  • Hyper tower max health increased from 100 -> 120.
  • Hyper tower upgrade damage increased from 2 -> 3 (10 -> 15 max level)
  • Hyper tower base damage increased from 4 -> 5.
  • Added Gàirdean Làidir upgrade, which increases the range of Cruthaiche Cogaidh.
  • Increased Sìthiche (Faerie Dragon) max health from 155 -> 210.
  • Increased Sìthiche health regen from 1 -> 2.5.
  • Increased Sìthiche base damage from 13 -> 19.
  • Increased Sìthiche damage cide from 1d12 -> 2d12.
  • Increased Spreadhadh (Sìthiche ability) damage from 55 -> 80.
  • Added new item: Gromtrek's Hammer
    • Increases hero damage by +8 and damage dealt by Thunderclap by 35
  • Belt of Dwarven Strength attack damage bonus replaced by +6 armor bonus.
  • Belt of Dwarven Strength bonus strength bug corrected, now gives 12 strength.
  • Item shop rearranged.

Version 0.3.4 -- Bigger Badder Monsters!​

  • Added simple effect when Death is killed to make it more visually clear.
  • Boss names are now all colored with the same orange color as the map title (MD orange?).
  • Nether drakes come slightly earlier with slightly more of them.
  • Salamder max health increased from 135 -> 180.
  • Added new type of special monster "Thick" that will not fit through a 1-wide gap.
    • These units will make gap bases a little more difficult, as they will attack side walls.
    • Felboar, who comes at 3, 3:45, 4:30 minutes, upgraded into one of these. (added 2 more spawns)
    • Flesh Golems, who come at 12 & 14 minutes, upgraded as well.
    • Dragon Turtles, with 3 spawning around 22 minutes, added to the game.
  • Felboar buffed with more HP and damage to make him more impactful.
  • Spawn message for Corruption Lurks Underfoot updated to mention corruption.
  • Death Comes For All damage increase from 80 + 2d40 (avg 121) -> 90 + 2d45 (avg 136).
  • New Boss: "Fear Comes From Within" spawning at 16 minutes.
    • Elder Voidwalker model, short ranged magic attack with spirit armor. 1111 health, 5 armor, 42-85 damage.
    • Has Aura of Fear reducing enemy unit and building's attack speed by 25%.
    • Has Forked Lightning, dealing damage to 4 organic units.
  • New Boss: "Doom Spills Fourth From Hell" spawning at 25 minutes.
    • Doom guard model, Cursed damage and Demonic armor type. 10666 health, 15 armor, 66-120 damage.
    • Has Rain of Fire, dealing big damage in an AoE and burning units.
    • Has Warstomp, dealing minor damage and stunning units in a HUGE area.
    • Has Cripple, heavily slowing a hero for 10 seconds.
    • Has Unholy Aura, providing nearby allies with 15 health regen per second.
  • Khadgar's Gem of Health cost increased from 65 -> 105.
  • Khadgar's Gem of Health regen reduced from 4 -> 3.
  • Worker max health increased from 50 -> 65.
  • Rifleman upgrade damage bonus increased from 4 -> 5.
Blood Elf:
  • Worker max health increased from 35 -> 50.

Version 0.3.3 -- New Player Tutorial!​

  • Added New Player Tutorial to help Dwarves with less than 2000 kills!
    • Gives new players some bonus workers and resources as a reward, helping them get later game.
    • Will hopefully make the new player experience significantly better.
  • Added New Race: Merchant Guilds
    • Tester Only race since it is incomplete.
    • They focus on multi-structure production lines, similar to Economy TD or Factorio.
    • Currently can't make it past Corruption.
  • Added a handful more rabbits to the map, near non-base terrain.
  • Fixed issue where Dwarves could not rebuild camp after destroying it.
  • Dwarf King now mines immediately after constructing the gold mine.
  • Increased Stronghold damage upgrade from 5 -> 6 (5 total).
  • Increased Stronghold base damage die from 1d12 -> 1d14 (1 damage average).
  • Increased Gryphon Rider splash width from 60 -> 75.
  • Increased Gryphon Rider damage upgrade from 7 -> 8 per level (5 total).
  • Increased Gryphon Rider max life from 145 -> 165.
  • Increased Gryphon Rider armor upgrade gain from 2 -> 3 (max level total 15 -> 20).
  • Reduced Rifle Tower attack cooldown from 1.4 -> 1.3
  • Reduced Sniper Tower attack cooldown from 2.8 -> 2.6
  • Reduced Cannon Tower attack cooldown from 2.1 -> 2.0
  • Increased Flammenwerfer burning oil DPS from 8 -> 16.
  • Increased Flammenwerfer base damage from 9 -> 12.
Blood Elf:
  • Added new Seaguard ability for Water Elementals
    • Provides flat damage reduction against attacks absorbed by mana shield.
  • Fixed bug where Mana Shield damage ratio was calculated too low (fix buffs shield).
    • This is a significant buff to the water elementals' durability.
  • Fixed bug where Water Elementals could kill Caora.
  • Automagical Lantern reworked: Now transfers to nearby units without connections.
    • Makes casters 1000x easier to handle.
  • Increased max life of Cruthaiche Dion Nas Motha (wall t3) from 600 -> 640.

Version 0.3.2 -- Blood Elf Economic Revamp​

  • Death Comes for All has new buff which reduces the effectiveness of slows by half.
  • Added clarification to Merchant's Amulet that it only affects Tinker income.
  • Fixed flavor text on Tinker Enlarge Tower Boulders upgrade -- it's less flamey.
  • Add warning texts for the harder bases / non-bases to deter new players from basing there.
  • Added 100 gold bounty for killing Rabbits after 10 minutes.
  • Added Lucky Rabbit's Foot item dropped from rabbits.
Blood Elf:
  • Rebalanced the Tax / Ration happiness ratios to be more punishing for unreasonably high tax rates.
  • Add negative happiness impact of a soldier dying.
    • Lasts for 3 minutes, causing a minor amount of unhappiness per soldier.
    • Number of recently deceased soldiers can be found in the Empire Report
  • Added a Citizen cost of 2 to all military units.
    • The cost is removed from a house when training begins.
    • This puts a small cost to economy strength on training.
    • Added infocard describing this cost to the barracks.
  • Nerfed Ballista: this unit is too strong for it's cheap cheap cost.
    • Increased gold cost of Ballista from 125 -> 150.
    • Increased supply cost of Ballista from 4 -> 6.
  • Added Water Elemental
    • Short ranged, durable unit with mana shield and bouncing attacks.
    • Trained from the Tower of Mages
    • Can be upgraded at the Tower of Mages.
  • Added Automagical Lantern.
    • Upgrade for Magical Lantern with increased durability.
    • Automatically tries to transfer mana to units that come within range.
  • Added a 6th level to improved wall durability.
  • Increased wall max HP by 10/15/20 across wood/stone/reinforced.
  • Added research "Improved Structure Durability" with 3 levels.
    • Each level increases non-wall hit points by 10 + 20% per level.
  • Added new item Archmagi's Staff which increases damage dealt spells cast by nearby allies.
  • Added new item Amulet of the Blood Lord which increases happiness in nearby houses.
  • Removed tech requirements for the first level of Dragon Soul upgrade.
  • Enhanced tooltips with max level where appropriate.
  • Rearranged shop slightly.
  • Doubled intelligence gain from Tome of Intelligence.
  • Removed Spell Immunity from Pheonix and Pheonix Egg.
  • Slightly reduced size of Farm and Mana Generator floating text.
  • Fixed bug where blast staff was dealing significantly more damage than the tooltip specified.
  • Fixed an Enhanced Lightning wouldn't properly effect Lightning Towers.
  • Fixed bug with mana not being correctly calculated on tower upgrade.
  • Increased Fainne base damage from 14 -> 16.
  • Increased Fainne upgrade damage from 2 -> 4.
  • Added slowing effect to Orb of Venom of 20% attack speed and 10% move speed.
  • Increased Cruthaiche Cogaidh base damage from 5 -> 6.
  • Increased Cruthaiche Cogaidh Mor base damage from 8 -> 10.
  • Decreased Cruth Fas Nas Motha attack cooldown from 2.5 -> 2.0 seconds.
  • Increased Tidsear attack dice from 2d4 -> 2d8.
  • Fixed bug where Soul Vaults gained free mana when Energy Containment was researched.
  • Fixed bug where Skeletons would sometimes start running to the middle of the map.
  • Fixed issue where Frost Wyrms could kill Caora

Version 0.3.1 -- Necromancer Buffs & Boss Rage​

  • Fixed issue where watching replays would overwrite save files.
  • Added 'Rage Mode' to final boss.
    • After 4 minutes, the boss enters "Rage Mode", restoring all his mana instantly.
    • Every second he can consume an allied monster in front of him, taking 50% of the monsters HP.
    • Every second he gains +1 damage.
    • Gains a rage aura that gives increasing +2% attack speed and +1% movementspeed every second.
    • This should prevent the boss from being eternally stuck in mass groups of mobs and also prevent players from being able to turtle their way through a 15 minute boss fight.
Blood Elves:
  • Added Mass Banish ability to Blood Elf Lord
    • Banishes all organic units in the targeted area for 5 seconds.
  • Gave goblins ownership of the Mechanized Mana Fountain on conversion.
  • Allow Tinker to revive from the Mechanized Fountain.
    • Prevents early game griefing of killing the goblin.
  • Added the 600 mana / minute from the mana fountain to the displayed incomes.
  • Added abilities to show the level and effects of economic upgrades to economic structures.
  • Reduced the gold costs and research time of Skeletal Strength, Armor, and Animation.
  • Reduced gold cost of Empowered Lumber Assimiliation by 10 per level.
  • Reduced base research time of Empowered Lumber Assimilation by 10 seconds.
  • Reduced gold cost of Soul Batteries by 10 per level.
  • Added a 6th level to Soul Batteries.
    • This should be big for late game mana sustain.
  • Fixed Vile Soul Collector's ability not properly leveling.
  • Reduced gold cost of Energy Containment by 5 per level.
  • Reduced gold cost of Unstable Energy by 20 per level at levels 2 and 3.
  • Added indicator above the Necropolis for when Assimilate Lumber is off cooldown.
  • Added binding between Lich and Phylactery, killing the lich when the Phylactery dies.
  • Fixed glitch where Lich's Control aura was not sustaining skeletons.
  • Removed the ability to construct a second Necropolis from the Lich.
  • Increased Skeletal Champion base max life 240 -> 260
  • Fixed bug where skeleton mages would not be ordered to the rally on spawn.
  • Fixed issue where Necromancer's Staff was not in the correct button position in shop.
  • Added ability to Soul Collectors which tracks how much mana they've wasted to overflow.

Version 0.3.0 -- The Cult of Necromancers!​

  • Removed hidden mana transfer maximum of 50 mana transfered per second across all targets.
    • This didn't affect much for the current races, but Necro can burn some mana.
  • Monsters now leave corpses when they die.
  • All races now have structures considered 'Town Halls' for the purposes of teleportation.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes game start teleportation wouldn't properly be disabled.
  • Reduced Frost slow effect from 25% / 50% -> 20% / 40% attack and move speed slows.
  • Dwarves and Cultists have a new description in selection phase.
  • Added map version to the multiboard so it is always visible in screenshots.
  • Fixed the load screen's text protection position for the new update's location.
  • Added more testers from the Discord :)
  • Fixed bug where advanced repair bots wouldn't auto repair on upgrade.
Blood Elves:
  • Increased cost of Blast Staff from 105 / 20 -> 185 / 40 gold & lumber.
    • This item is still too strong.
  • Updated model for Skyfury tower to add building animation, making it easier to construct.
    • Speed building and resuming construction should be possible now.
  • Grand Necromancer's transformation into Lich complete!!
  • Fixed bug that let Warriors attack Caora
  • Increased the mana transfer range and speed of the Necropolis.
  • Added Champion skeleton - a super strong skeleton summoned from the graveyard.
    • Cleaves nearby units; upgradable at the armory.
    • Has research to unlock summoning like other advanced skeletons.
    • Limit 1 per graveyard, not increased by Horde research.
  • Lowered Skeleton Warrior cost 50 -> 45.
  • Unlocking Archers, Mages, and Champions now increases Graveyard max mana.
  • Added upgrade for mana capacity of mana possesing buildings.
  • Added Empowered Ziggurat, upgraded to from Ziggurat
    • Slightly more durable, double the mana maximums, and has a minor tower of souls ability.
  • Fixed glitch where skeletons would take a small amount of damage immediately on summon.
  • Necromancer structures do not gain mana when they receive upgrades that increase max mana.
    • This applies to upgrading ziggurats as well.
  • Reduced Warrior base damage 9-18 -> 6-12.
  • Raised max level of Skeletal Strength, Armor, and Animation from 5 -> 6.
  • Add spells to Skeleton Mages.
  • Added Ancient Inscriptions technology that reduces the magic damage taken by skeletons.
  • Added many new items.
  • Reduced health regen on Necromancer structures.
  • Many more changes as I worked to complete this race.

Version 0.2.2 -- Necromancer Revelation​

  • Added more testers from the Discord :)
  • Fountains of Mana now lose life while on blight, dying well before game end.
  • Skeletons nerfed in many ways:
    • BIG: Skeletons no longer regenerate health, increasing the mana consumption of the graveyard.
    • Reduced effects of Ancient Bows and Shields upgrades.
    • Increased the cost of unlocking Archers and Mages.
    • Reduced base damage of Archers and Warriors.
    • Reduced upgrade bonus for Archers and Mages.
    • Increased cost for Skeletal Hordes research.
    • Increased costs for Strength and Armor upgrades.
  • Renamed Arch Necromancer -> Grand Necromancer
  • Added new structure: Shrine of the Lich -- provides upgrades for the hero
    • Added 3 "Studies" for the Grand Necromancer.
    • Added in the components of a ritual to transform the Necromancer to a Lich, but did not implement Lich.
  • Increased Necropolis max mana from 200 -> 500

Version 0.2.1 -- Necromancers Rising​

Cult of Necromancers released in alpha to testers only! Necromancers fight fire with fire, summoning vast armies of skeletons and undead to fend off the monsters. They have no walls, leading to an advanced play style.

  • Fixed glitch where red wasn't being defeated properly.

Version 0.2.0 -- Goblins Release!​

  • Fountains of Mana have full mana at the start of the game.
  • All walls repair cost slightly increased
  • Repair Kit item heal dramatically increased from 250 -> 600.
  • Khadgar's Gem of Health regen reduced from 5 -> 4 HP / second.
  • Belt of Dwarven Strength bonus strength increased from 10 -> 12.
Goblins released!!!
  • 12 walls
  • 7 different tower types
  • 5 repair golem and 3 repair bot types!
  • Cyclic economy based on Mana -> Gold -> Lumber -> Mana
  • Many upgrades with many levels.
  • Full detailed changelog not here, since so much has changed to make ready for release.

Version 0.1.13 -- Balanced on the Backs of Gryphons​

The patch focuses on the balance of the new Gryphons and the Dwarven late game. Most importantly, the Siege Tank has now positioned itself as a later game technology, requiring investment in other units to provide defense before building tanks.

  • Reduced damage dealt by Death Comes for All against air and reduced range.
  • Change Harpy Harasser armor type from Spirit -> Flesh.
  • Increased the amount and number of waves of Harpy Harrassers, pushing them into the late game.
  • Added 'Gryphon War Training' upgrade to increase Gryphon Rider durability.
  • Added 'Military Drills' tech for Riflemen and Mortar Team's max HP and move speed.
  • Added 'Bombardment' technology and ability for Mortar Teams.
  • Decreased supply cost of Stronghold from 10 -> 8.
  • Gyrocopter base damage increased from 7-12 -> 9-17
  • Gyrocopter attack range reduced from 500 -> 250.
  • Gyrocopter cost reduced from 95/115 -> 80/110 gold/lumber costs.
  • Gryocopter no longer requires any technologies to build.
  • 'Gryphon Training' technology no longer requires a Stronghold, unlocking Gryphons earlier.
  • 'Gryphon Training' wood cost reduced from 380 -> 190.
  • Gryphon Rider damage from 'Improved Hammers' increased from 6 -> 7.
  • Gryphon Rider base damage increased from 18-28 -> 18-36.
  • Gryphon Rider 'Storm Hammers' technology cost decreased significantly.
  • Gryphon Riders have a single target air attack now.
  • Siege Tank now requires 'Advanced Mechanisms' technology to unlock.
  • Siege Tank projectile arc increased from .30 -> .35 (more height).
  • Siege Tank base damage increased from 25-40 -> 24-46
  • Dwarf King can now quickly destroy structures he owns on attack.
  • New Structure: Beer Hall
    • Upgrades from the Barley Farm -- provides the same supply.
    • Has the ability 'Free Beer' which provides health regeneration to all nearby organic units for a long duration.
    • Automatically casts the ability off cooldown, providing a persistent supply of beer.

Version 0.1.12 -- Flight of the Gryphons and Dwarven Balance​

  • Harpy Harasser (late game air) max life increased from 145 -> 195.
  • Nerfed the Faceless One Terror's air attack significantly.
  • Fixed issue where loading timer window would not be removed if a player disconnected during loading.
  • Fixed dwarven exploit.
  • Added more testers from Discord :)
  • Fixed bug where emergency repair kit could only be used on structures.
  • Tooltips for many researches improved.
  • Workboots research movement speed per level increased from 20 -> 25.
  • Khadgar's Gem regen reduced from 6 -> 5, max life bonus increased from 50 -> 70.
  • Khadgar's Gem now has a 45 second restock period.
  • Riflemen and Mortar teams now benefit from magic resistance research.
  • Siege Tank supply cost increased from 4 -> 6 supply.
  • Siege Tank build time increase from 24 -> 32 seconds.
  • Siege Tank siege mode cooldown increased from 2.4 -> 3.0 seconds.
  • Siege Tank projectile speed reduced from 900 -> 700.
  • Seige Tank maximum hit points reduced from 350 -> 220.
  • Reinforced Siege Cannons upgrade damage increased from 9 -> 10 per level.
  • Mortar Team attack cooldown decreased from 3.5 -> 3.3 seconds.
  • Mortar Team attack damage increased from 12-24 -> 14-28.
  • Mortar Team damage increase from Refined Gunpowder increased by 1.
  • Gyrocopter re-worked to cheaper and more interesting to build.
    • Does not require 'Flying Machine' tech to build (tech removed from game).
    • Removed ground attack, replaced it with anti air attack.
    • Deals a significant amount of damage to air.
  • New unit built from barracks: Gryphon Rider!
    • Flying unit which deals magic damage and can only attack ground.
    • Requires research 'Gryphon Training' from the Forge before they can be trained.
    • Has Storm Hammers technology, allowing for area damage in a line.
    • Benefits from Improved Hammers, Dwarven Armor, and Runed Bracers upgrades.

Version 0.1.11 -- Fixes and Small Dwarven Patch​

  • Most non-mana floating text should be player specific now.
  • Fixed Blood Elf Phoenix attacking Caora.
  • Druid structures can no longer carry non-Tiodhcalan items.
  • Nerfed damage on Blood Elf Blast Staff from 50 -> 35
  • Added more testers from Discord :)

  • Added 'Runed Bracers' upgrade to reduce spell damage dealt to workes.
  • Made Dwarven King's Stomp scale with strength.
  • Dwarven King's ability tooltips are more descriptive
  • Fixed exploit recently discovered.

Version 0.1.10 -- Small Patch for Goblins​

  • Mostly made changes to the Goblin race, currently in test.
  • Added "Show Mana Transfer Range" ability to all structures with mana transfer abilities.
  • Increased the hit point bonus on dwarven leather armor by 10 at the first level.
  • Added more testers from the Discord :)

Version 0.1.9 -- Blood Elf Towers and Goblin Progress​

Goblin Tinker is released in Alpha to testers only!!
It's probably around 50% complete. Lacks offensive options and late game.

  • Removed warnings about restarting your client to load saved data since it should no longer be a problem in 1.35
  • Repair time on both farms reduced from 20 -> 12.
Blood Elves:
  • Slight hit point increases to Taverns and Temples.
  • Increased supply cost of Ballista from 3 to 4.
  • Archers attack interval increased from 1.5 -> 1.6
  • Reworked the Guard Tower to have more use:
    • Renamed the Guard Tower to Skyfury Tower.
    • Increased the range and damage of the Skyfury Tower (FNA Guard Tower).
    • Added ability 'Skyfury' to Skyfury Tower (FNA Guard Tower) which deals additional fire damage to air.
    • Buffed its armor to increase durability.
  • Chain Lightning Tower Buffed
    • This structure took MASSIVE amounts of mana but didn't have the output of other magical sources.
    • Increased the number of bounces of chain lightning at all levels. Now hits 12 units at max level.
    • Increased base damage of lightning at all levels. Now deals 190 damage to primary target max level.
    • Mana consumption still the same.
    • Attack range increased
    • Basic attack given a medium amount of damage.
  • Added new research to Tower of Mages: Blood of the Phoenix Lord
    • Increase the strength of the Elven Lord's Flame Strike and gives the Lord some damage and max mana.

Version 0.1.8 -- Bugs and Balance​

  • Increase the proportion of mobs that are sent to attack non-wall structures
    • This should make it more difficult to hide structures in other players' bases.
  • Small balance changes to some of the better bases -- especially the two entrance based on the map.
  • Renamed races to be a little more in theme - Dwarven Kingdom and Blood Elf Citystate
  • Started work on goblin tinker.
  • Small buff to the Dwarven Stronghold's damage.
  • Reduce damage gained by Blood Elf Archers from Barracks upgrades
  • Changed format of kills in the column to switch to thounds with '###k' format
  • Blood Elven Lord's flame strike no longer hits mana fountains.
  • Druids' first Cruth Fas should no longer be able to teleport while under construction.
  • Fixed Dwarven gyrocopters being able to hit Caora and other wards.
  • Fixed broken poison effect of Druid poison orb.
  • Added additional protections against getting multiple druid heroes.
  • Fixed spam clicking to pick up items for Druid walls and towers.
  • Fixed Druid walls and towers being unable to use the slots from inventory size upgrades.
  • Prevented Blood Elves from building second Admin Center after upgrading it.
  • Fixed Blood Elf economy breaking when constructing a second Admin Center.

Version 0.1.7 -- Emergency fix with small additional changes​

  • Mana transfer range should be a little longer with correct unit contact size factored in.
  • Fix Blood Elf barracks tooltip -- it does not train priests anymore.
  • Fixed Blood Elf ballista not gaining damage from upgrades.
  • Small changes to bases that were feeling too strong.
  • Significant nerf to dwarven stronghold damage
  • Fixed major bug with monster pathing that could break the game for players in high player slots
    • if you ever had a game where you had no monsters, this is the probable cause.

Version 0.1.6 -- Boss Fix and Druid Buffs​

  • Western Single entrance base has been given a small back entrance (this base was too strong).
  • Attempted to fix issue where bosses, including the final boss, never got to player bases.
  • Update inaccurate dwarf worker tooltip.
  • Added beginner advice card to Dwarf selection unit.
  • Cruth Dion and Cruth Cogaidh damage numbers buffed, both base and from upgrades.
  • Cruth Dion regeneration and max life increased.
  • Attack damage bonus on Iaan increased to +10 from +8.
  • Tidsear base damage increase by 2.

Version 0.1.5 -- Blood Elves and Monster Balance​

  • Renamed Monster controlling players from "Invaders" to "Monsters" (duh!)
  • Skeleton Warrior and Spider join the ranks of weak melee Monsters!
  • Buffed durability of strong melee creeps (late game)
  • Reduce HP increase with time for all creeps
  • Reduce medium melee monster scaling with time.
  • Overall, I think last 8 minutes of the game are slightly easier.
Blood Elves:
  • Add 1 gold to Blood Elf base income; Should help smooth out the start
  • Reduce Blood Elf tier 3 houses max mana by 25%; will help keep the gold more reasonable late game.
  • Fixed glitch where Blood Elves could increase house mana by canceling upgrades.
  • Fixed small issue where Blood Elf casters in "Stop Movement" could move extremely slowly.
  • Increased HP of Farms and Magic Lanterns, but made repairing Magic Lanterns more expensive.
  • Added 1 supply cost to Blood Elf Builders and made the Administrative center provide supply
    • Shouldn't effect gameplay too much, but encourages new players to build tents at supply block.
  • Buffed Flamecaster Dragon Slave damage to increase impact late game.

Version 0.1.4 -- Fixes & Desync​

  • Fixed mana sytem to not use potentially desyncing algorithms.
  • Small changes to race picking.

Version 0.1.3 -- Hotfix​

  • Fixes issue where players without buildings at monster spawn would cause monsters to not spawn.
  • Fixed issue with blood elves attacking wards

Version 0.1.2 -- Race Selection​

  • Changed race selection to require certain number of kills for the advanced races.
  • Attempted to fix some mid game desyncs by removing player slot status comparisons
  • Small tooltip changes to make things clearer for players.
  • Fixed issue with load timeout not actually proceeding with the game.
  • Fix minor issue which defeated players twice when leaving.
  • Mobs now spawn with the team color of their target player.

Version 0.1.1 -- Hotfix​

  • Fixed game breaking bug where an AFK random would make the game not work.

Version 0.1.0 -- Initial Release​

  • 3 races fully implemented (Dwarves, Druids, Blood Elves)
  • Monsters spawning for 30 minutes
    • Many types with 3 bosses (including final boss).
  • Codeless Save/Load of kills & victories across games.
  • Full map of terrian with like 40 bases


Thanks to all the authors of the assets used in game, listed below. Also thanks to Button Manager by Shadow Demon for transforming many icons in game into passive forms.

Thanks for the input from the players who have reported bugs, issues, and given me feedback on Discord!

Used Resources

  • Dwarven Worker by IamMclovin
  • Arcane Observatory Castle by Ujimasa Hojo
  • Elf Barn and Elf Outpost by Bakr
  • Blood Elf Upgrades by Zephyrius2412
  • Kobold Slave by Gyrosphinx
  • Kobodl Hero by Memento
  • Draenei Haven by Retera
  • Laboratory (Goblin) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
  • Gold Mine and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
  • Goblin Fuel Pump by skymarshall
  • BTNOldUndeadBow by The Panda
  • Undead Consume by Mustang (custom made!)
  • Malevolence Aura by Vinz

Monster Defense v0.5.2 (Map)

A nice altered melee/vampiris-tree tag defense map that pretty much relies extensively on Warcraft III default material. Maybe you could add more game modes or something for more gameplay variety. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
A nice altered melee/vampiris-tree tag defense map that pretty much relies extensively on Warcraft III default material.
Maybe you could add more game modes or something for more gameplay variety.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 12
Jan 4, 2014
Great game, the learning curve is perfect, it's starts super simple, but as you go it gets more complex. I also like how you experience-gate the more complicated night-elf race, so you have at least some game knowledge before reaching it. Kills unlocking extra content makes it a lot of to play again and adds something to build towards beyond your single run.
The night elf race was really really unique, but not like overly stupid-complex. I thought it was really well designed. Once you get the basic idea, it's a lot of fun. The dwarven race is also good, simple and straight forward.
So I really like everything so far, my main criticism is the wave stuff is kinda one-note. There's just a bunch of units being thrown at you, it's hard to tell which is stronger or which has a different mechanic. The bosses are cool though, they are strong but they give you a little window to react. Another thing that would be cool is progression with your builder unit. You gain exp, but you don't really feel like it's building towards anything. I know there's upgrades, but everyone likes feeling multiple fronts of progression.
Anyways excited to see where you take this game.
Level 4
Jan 3, 2019
One of the best base defenses i ever played and i playing all of the from the reighn of chaos. Amazing balance, GENIUS races and their mechanics, tried just gnomes and night elfes for now. Will play with friends and wait for update. Thank you so much for your work.
Level 12
May 29, 2008
One of the best base defenses i ever played and i playing all of the from the reighn of chaos. Amazing balance, GENIUS races and their mechanics, tried just gnomes and night elfes for now. Will play with friends and wait for update. Thank you so much for your work.
Thanks so much for the high praise. I try my hardest to strike the perfect balance of challenge and create really unique races.
Level 6
Jan 13, 2013
Like it quite a lot, reminds me of Infection Attack. It would be great if you could rebuild your starting building if lost however, it would let people build shanty towns outside your walls after they lose their main base. That was one of the most fun parts of Infection Attack, leading to us calling it "shitty serfdoms" frequently.
Level 2
Apr 28, 2024
hello hello, I downloaded the map recently and for some reason it isnt tracking and loading kills, after several games it still just says 14 kills. wanna play the other races so thought I would ask if this is an issue, if I am doing something wrong or if something else is going wrong somewhere.
Level 12
May 29, 2008
You need to play on the same PC every time you play, as the saves are stored locally as just a file on your computer. You also need to be playing online with other people; kills in single player do not count (because you could cheat). Finally, the game tries to choose intelligent times to save your code, but you can use the -save command to manually save your current statistics.
Level 2
Apr 28, 2024
You need to play on the same PC every time you play, as the saves are stored locally as just a file on your computer. You also need to be playing online with other people; kills in single player do not count (because you could cheat). Finally, the game tries to choose intelligent times to save your code, but you can use the -save command to manually save your current stat
does the save function work if you play online with only one person or do you need at least 2? Fair enough also, assumed it might have been the single player thing, so ran a game or two online but it didnt save, though I was alone in the lobby so that may have been it. either or, thanks for the replyt and the fun game mode!
Level 12
May 29, 2008
You need to have at least one other person in the game with you :) To encourage people who like the game to share it with more people. The map is big enough that I think there's enough spaces for people to not step on other people's toes.
Level 2
Apr 28, 2024
You need to have at least one other person in the game with you :) To encourage people who like the game to share it with more people. The map is big enough that I think there's enough spaces for people to not step on other people's toes.
Fair enough! recently played with a couple mates and it worked fine and was fun. thanks for the work on the game and all the best to your future endeavours and life in general!
Level 12
Jan 4, 2014
Hey came back to the game after a while glad you're still working on it, really enjoy the game, but noticed that if you accidentally host an old version it deletes your save file which was a bit frustrating, especially since, if you have multiple versions and you host the latest one, for some reason wc3 will auto-select the oldest version when you go back into your custom games folder. So I kind of fucked myself and everyone that was in my lobby.
On a different note, I like that you gave the generic waves some personality!
Unfortunately, maybe as a bi-product of making the waves more unique and some units tankier, the game can get extremely laggy on the tail end. We did a four-man chain base and we lost because everyone's fps dropped to 0. On older versions it wasn't really an issue, probably because units died quicker.

Anyway, love the game, excited to see what you bring in next!
Level 12
May 29, 2008
Hey thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, I just wrote bad code in the old loading system that just decides to fail instead of partially loading the code. 0.4.2 and 0.5.0 are better about it, but it's one of those things that I can't fix sadly. I'm not sure if your feedback is for the 0.5.0 version, but dropping the mob count will hopefully lower the number of monsters on the map late game. I did it in response to players having the same complaint in my Discord.