THis isn't a seriuos request and yet I know if this is made itll be hilarious...
Requast #1
-Goblin Gundam-
Mobile suit made by goblin engineers... its meant to have to be able to take out large armies... has kaboom animation which would be a passive 3 level hero ability that I would give it.... Morph animation making it fly with reckless explosions and expending tons of fuel, eat tree animation (which i wuld make give it back mana) and obviously spell throw and channel.... Gears, Springs and explosions....
Request #2
-Power Goblins-
Picture Power rangers as Goblins... and very suicidal technology.... Give each one the hippograph ability so they can add on to eachother.... building the ultimate rediculous mech....
Request #3
-A yellow elemental firelord-
We have red fire, Blue Ice but what is yellow? Pee? Gold? So... A Golden Firlord.... I'll give it Amutation PAssive, Spawn Gold elemental (which leave gold upon death) and Bribery (Incenerate only unit doesn't take damage over time, but rather gives a percentage of the amount of gold it costs to make it upon death to killing player) and as an ultimate...
"Buy buy buy, Sell Sell Sell."-It sells your cheapest units for their prices to neutral hostile and buys the most expensive units in an area giving you the most expensive units in the area.... after it dies though.... this doesn't effect heroes....
Requast #1
-Goblin Gundam-
Mobile suit made by goblin engineers... its meant to have to be able to take out large armies... has kaboom animation which would be a passive 3 level hero ability that I would give it.... Morph animation making it fly with reckless explosions and expending tons of fuel, eat tree animation (which i wuld make give it back mana) and obviously spell throw and channel.... Gears, Springs and explosions....
Request #2
-Power Goblins-
Picture Power rangers as Goblins... and very suicidal technology.... Give each one the hippograph ability so they can add on to eachother.... building the ultimate rediculous mech....
Request #3
-A yellow elemental firelord-
We have red fire, Blue Ice but what is yellow? Pee? Gold? So... A Golden Firlord.... I'll give it Amutation PAssive, Spawn Gold elemental (which leave gold upon death) and Bribery (Incenerate only unit doesn't take damage over time, but rather gives a percentage of the amount of gold it costs to make it upon death to killing player) and as an ultimate...
"Buy buy buy, Sell Sell Sell."-It sells your cheapest units for their prices to neutral hostile and buys the most expensive units in an area giving you the most expensive units in the area.... after it dies though.... this doesn't effect heroes....