library Missile /* version 3.0.2 (Unofficial Update for patches 1.30+)
Unofficial updates link:
* Creating custom projectiles in Warcraft III.
* Major goal:
* No unessary external requirements.
* Implements code optional.
* Philosophy:
* I want that feature --> Compiler writes that code into your map script.
* I don't want that --> Compiler ignores that code completely.
* Important:
* Take yourself 2 minutes time to setup Missile correctly.
* Otherwise I can't guarantee, that Missile works the way you want.
* Once the setup is done, you can check out some examples and Missile will be easy
* to use for everyone. I promise it.
* Do the setup at:
* 1.) Import instruction
* 2.) Global configuration
* 3.) Function configuration
* Credits to Dirac, emjlr3, AceHart, Bribe, Wietlol,
* Nestharus, Maghteridon96, Vexorian and Zwiebelchen.
* */ requires /*
* */ Table /*
* */ LinkedList /*
* - Make the vJass code shorter and more readable
* Optional requirements listed can reduce overall code generation,
* add safety mechanisms, decrease overhead and optimize handle management.
* For a better overview I put them into blocks.
* I recommend to use at least one per block in your map.
* a) For best debug results: ( Useful )
* */ optional ErrorMessage /*
* b) Fatal error protection: ( Case: unit out moves of world bounds )
* - WorldBounds is safer than BoundSentinel.
* - WorldBounds adds more overhead than BoundSentinel.
* - Using none of these two forces Missile to switch from SetUnitX/Y to the SetUnitPosition native.
* */ optional WorldBounds /*
* */ optional BoundSentinel /*
* c) Unit indexing: ( Avoid an onIndex event )
* - not required for Missile. Only if you use one already.
* */ optional UnitIndexer /*
* d) Allocator:
* - Reduces generated codes and variables
* - Takes advantage of the new JASS_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE value for patches 1.29+
* */ optional Alloc /*
* e) Game version detection:
* - Helps fix bugs introduced in 1.30.x related to new SFX natives
* */ optional GameVersion /*
* 1. Import instruction
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* • Copy Missile into to your map.
* • You need a dummy unit, using Vexorians "dummy.mdx".
* This unit must use the locust and crow form ability. ( Aloc & Amrf )
* ¯¯¯¯
* 2. Global configuration
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* Seven constants to setup!
* Missiles are moved periodically. An interval of 1./32. is recommended.
* • Too short timeout intervals may cause performance issues.
* • Too large timeout intervals may look fishy.
public constant real TIMER_TIMEOUT = 1./32.
* Owner of all Missile dummies. Should be a neutral player in your map.
* (Depreciated in version 3.0.0)
public constant player NEUTRAL_PASSIVE = Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE)
* Raw code of the dummy unit. Object Editor ( F6 )
* • Must be correct, otherwise missile dummies can neither be recycled nor destroyed.
* • Units of other type ids will not be thrown into the recycler bin.
* (Depreciated in version 3.0.0)
public constant integer DUMMY_UNIT_ID = 'dumi'
* The maximum collision size used in your map. If unsure use 197. ( Town hall collision )
* • Applies for all types of widgets.
* • A precise value can improve Missile's performance,
* since smaller values enumerate less widgtes per loop per missile.
public constant real MAXIMUM_COLLISION_SIZE = 197.
* Collision types for missiles. ( Documentation only )
* Missile decides internally each loop which type of collision is required.
* • Uses circular collision dectection for speed < collision. ( Good accuracy, best performance )
* • Uses rectangle collision for speed >= collision. ( Best accuracy, normal performance )
public constant integer COLLISION_TYPE_CIRCLE = 0
public constant integer COLLISION_TYPE_RECTANGLE = 1
* Determine when rectangle collision is required to detect nearby widgets.
* • The smaller the factor the earlier rectangle collision is used. ( by default 1. )
* • Formula: speed >= collision*Missile_COLLISION_ACCURACY_FACTOR
public constant real COLLISION_ACCURACY_FACTOR = 1.
// Optional toogles:
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// Set booleans listed below to "true" and the compiler will write
// the feature into your map. Otherwise this code is completly ignored.
// • Yay, I want that --> "true"
// • Naah that's useless for me --> "false"
* USE_COLLISION_Z_FILTER enables z axis checks for widget collision. ( Adds minimal overhead )
* Use it when you need:
* • Missiles flying over or under widgets.
* • Determine between flying and walking units.
public constant boolean USE_COLLISION_Z_FILTER = true
* WRITE_DELAYED_MISSILE_RECYCLING enables a delayed dummy recycling system. ( Very recommended )
* Use it if:
* • You use a dummy recycling library like MissileRecycler, Dummy or xedummy.
* • You want to properly display death animations of effects added to missiles.
* (Depreciated in version 3.0.0)
public constant boolean WRITE_DELAYED_MISSILE_RECYCLING = true
* Missile holds back a dummy, before recycling it.
* • The time value does not have to be precise.
* (Depreciated in version 3.0.0)
* USE_DESTRUCTABLE_FILTER and USE_ITEM_FILTER are redundant constants from previous Missile versions.
* They do nothing, but remain for backwards compatibilty.
* From Missile version 1.5 on all widget collisions are always enabled.
public constant boolean USE_DESTRUCTABLE_FILTER = true
public constant boolean USE_ITEM_FILTER = true
* 3. Function configuration
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* Four functions to setup!
* GetUnitBodySize(unit) returns a fictional value for z - axis collision.
* You have two options:
* • One constant value shared over all units.
* • Dynamic values based on handle id, type id, unit user data, scaling or other parameters.
function GetUnitBodySize takes unit whichUnit returns real
return 100.// Other example: return LoadReal(hash, GetHandleId(whichUnit), KEY_UNIT_BODY_SIZE)
* Same as GetUnitBodySize, but for destructables.
* Using occluder height is an idea of mine. Of course you can use your own values.
function GetDestructableHeight takes destructable d returns real
return GetDestructableOccluderHeight(d)// Other example: return 100.
* Same as GetUnitBodySize, but for items.
* Again it's up to you to figure out a fictional item height.
function GetItemHeight takes item i returns real
return 16.
* Unit indexers and missiles ( Only if you don't use a dummy recycling library )
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* It is most likely intended that projectiles don't run through a unit indexing process.
* ToogleUnitIndexer runs:
* • Directly before a dummy is created.
* • Directly after dummy unit creation.
* Please return the previous setup of your indexing tool ( enabled, disabled ),
* so Missile can properly reset it to the original state.
private function ToogleUnitIndexer takes boolean enable returns boolean
local boolean prev = true//UnitIndexer.enabled
// set UnitIndexer.enabled = enable
return prev
* 4. API
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯
//! novjass ( Disables the compiler until the next endnovjass )
// Custom type Missile for your projectile needs.
struct Missile extends array
// Constants:
// ==========
readonly static constant string ORIGIN = "origin"
// • Attach point name for fxs on dummies.
readonly static constant real HIT_BOX = (2./3.)
// • Fictional hit box for homing missiles.
// while 0 would be the toe and 1 the head of a unit.
// Available creators:
// ===================
static method createEx takes unit missileDummy, real impactX, real impactY, real impactZ returns Missile
// • Core creator method.
// • May launches any unit.
// • Units of type Missile_DUMMY_UNIT_ID get recycled in the end.
static method create takes real x, real y, real z, real angleInRadians, real distanceToTravel, real endZ returns Missile
// • Converts arguments to fit into createEx, then calls createEx.
static method createXYZ takes real x, real y, real z, real impactX, real impactY, real impactZ returns Missile
// • Converts arguments to fit into createEx, then calls createEx.
// Available destructors:
// ======================
return true
// • Core destructor.
// • Returning true in any of the interface methods of the MissileStruct module
// will destroy that instance instantly.
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
// • Destroys the missile during the next timer callback.
method terminate takes nothing returns nothing
// • Destroys the missile instantly.
// Fields you can set and read directly:
// =====================================
unit source
unit target // For homing missiles.
real distance // Distance traveled.
player owner // Pseudo owner for faster onCollide evaluation. The proper dummy owner remains PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE.
real speed // Vector lenght for missile movement in plane x / y. ( DOES NOT TAKE THE TIMER TIMEOUT IN ACCOUNT )
real acceleration
real damage
real turn // Set a turn rate for missiles.
integer data // For data transfer set and read data.
boolean recycle // Is automatically set to true, when a Missile reaches it's destination.
boolean wantDestroy // Set wantDestroy to true, to destroy a missile during the next timer callback.
// Neither collision nor collisionZ accept values below zero.
real collision // Collision size in plane x / y.
real collisionZ // Collision size in z - axis. ( deprecated )
// Fields you can only read:
// =========================
readonly boolean allocated
readonly unit dummy// The dummy unit of this missile.
// Position members for you needs.
readonly MissilePosition origin// Grants access to readonly members of MissilePosition,
readonly MissilePosition impact// which are "x", "y", "z", "angle", "distance", "slope" and the pitch angle "alpha".
// Furthermore method origin.move(x, y, z) and impact.move(x, y, z).
readonly real terrainZ
readonly real x
readonly real y
readonly real z
readonly real angle// Current angle in radians.
// Method operators for set and read:
// ==================================
method operator model= takes string modelFile returns nothing
method operator model takes nothing returns string
// • Adds an effect handle on a missile dummy to it's "origin".
// • You can read the file path.
// • For multiple effects access "this.dummy" in your struct.
method operator scale= takes real value returns nothing
method operator scale takes nothing returns real
// • Set and read the scaling of the dummy unit.
method operator curve= takes real value returns nothing
method operator curve takes nothing returns real
// • Enables curved movement for your missile. ( Pass in radians, NOT degrees )
// • Do not pass in PI/2.
method operator arc= takes real value returns nothing
method operator arc takes nothing returns real
// • Enables arcing movement for your missile. ( Pass in radians, NOT degrees )
// • Do not pass in PI/2.
// Methods for missile movement:
// =============================
method bounce takes nothing returns nothing
// • Moves the MissilePosition "origin" to the current missile coordinates.
// • Resets the distance traveled to 0.
method deflect takes real tx, real ty returns nothing
// • Deflect the missile towards tx, ty. Then calls bounce.
method deflectEx takes real tx, real ty, real tz returns nothing
// • Deflect the missile towards tx, ty, tz. Then calls bounce.
method flightTime2Speed takes real duration returns nothing
// • Converts a fly time to a vector lenght for member "speed".
// • Does not take acceleration into account. ( Disclaimer )
method setMovementSpeed takes real value returns nothing
// • Converts Warcraft III movement speed to a vector lenght for member "speed".
// Methods for missile collision: ( all are hashtable entries )
// ==============================
// By default a widget can only be hit once per missile.
method hitWidget takes widget w returns nothing
// • Saves a widget in the memory as hit by this instance.
method hasHitWidget takes widget w returns boolean
// • Returns true, if "w" has been hit by this instance.
method removeHitWidget takes widget w returns nothing
// • Removes a widget from this missile's memory for widget collision. ( Can hit "w" again )
method flushHitWidgets takes nothing returns nothing
// • Flushes a missile's memory for widget collision. ( All widgets can be hit again )
method enableHitAfter takes widget w, real seconds returns nothing
// • Automatically calls removeHitWidget(w) after "seconds" time. ( Can hit "w" again after given time )
// ============================
method effect.addModel takes string model returns effect
method effect.removeModel takes string model returns nothing
method effect.clearModels takes nothing returns nothing
// • Adds/removes/clears Missile sfx models
method effect.getHandle takes string model returns effect
// • For Missiles with multiple sfx models, allows you to access those individual <effect> handles
// • Useful for example if one wants some <effect> to have a certain offset from the Missile's origin
// Module MissileStruct:
// =====================
module MissileLaunch // ( optional )
module MissileStruct
// • Enables the entire missile interface for that struct.
// Interface in structs: ( Must implement module MissileStruct )
// =====================
// • Write one, many or all of the static method below into your struct.
// • Missiles launched in this struct will run those methods, when their events fire.
// • All of those static methods must return a boolean.
// a) return true --> destroys the missile instance instantly.
// b) return false --> keep on flying.
// Available static method:
// ========================
static method onCollide takes Missile missile, unit hit returns boolean
// • Runs for units in collision range of a missile.
static method onDestructable takes Missile missile, destructable hit returns boolean
// • Runs for destructables in collision range of a missile.
static method onItem takes Missile missile, item hit returns boolean
// • Runs for items in collision range of a missile.
static method onTerrain takes Missile missile returns boolean
// • Runs when a missile collides with the terrain. ( Ground and cliffs )
static method onFinish takes Missile missile returns boolean
// • Runs only when a missile reaches it's destination.
// • However does not run, if a Missile is destroyed in another method.
static method onPeriod takes Missile missile returns boolean
// • Runs every Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT seconds.
static method onRemove takes Missile missile returns boolean
// • Runs when a missile is destroyed.
// • Unlike onFinish, onRemove will runs ALWAYS when a missile is destroyed!!!
// For onRemove the returned boolean has a unique meaning:
// • Return true will recycle this missile delayed. ( Only if WRITE_DELAYED_MISSILE_RECYCLING = true )
// • Return false will recycle this missile right away.
static method launch takes Missile toLaunch returns nothing
// • Well ... Launches this Missile.
// • Missile "toLaunch" will behave as declared in the struct. ( static methods from above )
// Misc: ( From the global setup )
// =====
// Constants:
// ==========
public constant real TIMER_TIMEOUT
public constant player NEUTRAL_PASSIVE
public constant integer DUMMY_UNIT_ID
public constant real MAXIMUM_COLLISION_SIZE
public constant boolean USE_COLLISION_Z_FILTER
public constant boolean USE_DESTRUCTABLE_FILTER
public constant boolean USE_ITEM_FILTER
readonly static constant string ORIGIN
readonly static constant real HIT_BOX
// Functions:
// ==========
public function GetLocZ takes real x, real y returns real
function GetUnitBodySize takes unit whichUnit returns real
function GetDestructableHeight takes destructable d returns real
function GetItemHeight takes item i returns real
// Missile system. Make changes carefully.
//! endnovjass ( Enables the compiler )
// Hello and welcome to Missile.
// I wrote a guideline for every piece of code inside Missile, so you
// can easily understand how the it gets compiled and evaluated.
// Let's go!
private keyword Init
// Core constant handle variables of Missile.
private constant trigger CORE = CreateTrigger()
private constant trigger MOVE = CreateTrigger()
private constant timer TMR = CreateTimer()
private constant location LOC = Location(0., 0.)
private constant rect RECT = Rect(0., 0., 0., 0.)
private constant group GROUP = CreateGroup()
// For starting and stopping the timer.
private integer active = 0
// Arrays for data structure.
private integer array instances
private Missile array missileList
private boolexpr array expression
private triggercondition array condition
private integer array removed
private boolean array destroying
private boolean array recycling
// Internal widget filter functions.
private boolexpr destFilter
private boolexpr itemFilter
private boolexpr unitFilter
private TableArray table
private boolean fixedRotationAxes
public function GetLocZ takes real x, real y returns real
call MoveLocation(LOC, x, y)
return GetLocationZ(LOC)
* Detects game version - Credits to TriggerHappy
private function IsRotationAxesFixed takes nothing returns boolean
static if LIBRARY_GameVersion then
return GetPatchLevel() == PATCH_LEVEL_131
local image img = CreateImage("ReplaceableTextures\\WorldEditUI\\Editor-Toolbar-MapValidation.blp", 64, 64, 0, 0,0,0,64,64,0, 1)
local string tmp = GetLocalizedString("ERROR_ID_CDKEY_INUSE")
if (GetHandleId(img) == -1) then
return false
call DestroyImage(img)
return not ((JASS_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE <= 8192) or (GetLocalizedString("DOWNLOADING_MAP") == "DOWNLOADING_MAP") or (SubString(tmp, StringLength(tmp)-1, StringLength(tmp)) == ")") or (GetLocalizedString("WINDOW_MODE_WINDOWED") == "WINDOW_MODE_WINDOWED"))
* One allocator for the whole library
private struct Node extends array
static if LIBRARY_Alloc then
implement optional Alloc
* Credits to MyPad for the allocation algorithm
private static thistype array stack
static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
local thistype node = stack[0]
if stack[node] == 0 then
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowError(node == (JASS_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE - 1), "Missile", "allocate()", "thistype", node, "Overflow")
set node = node + 1
set stack[0] = node
set stack[0] = stack[node]
set stack[node] = 0
return node
method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowError(this == 0, "Missile", "deallocate()", "thistype", 0, "Null node")
debug call ThrowError(stack[this] > 0, "Missile", "deallocate()", "thistype", this, "Double-free")
set stack[this] = stack[0]
set stack[0] = this
* For calculating <effect> orientation
private struct EulerAngles extends array
private static constant integer XY_STEPS = 420
private static constant integer Z_STEPS = 270
private static TableArray angleTable
private static real xyDelta = (2.00*bj_PI)/XY_STEPS
private static real zDelta = (2.00*bj_PI)/Z_STEPS
private static integer zSteps = 0
readonly static real yaw = 0.00
readonly static real pitch = 0.00
readonly static real roll = 0.00
static method from takes real xyAngle, real zAngle returns nothing
local integer key
set xyAngle = ModuloReal(xyAngle, 2.00*bj_PI)
set zAngle = ModuloReal(zAngle, 2.00*bj_PI)
set key = R2I(zAngle/zDelta)*XY_STEPS + R2I(xyAngle/xyDelta)
set yaw = angleTable[0].real[key]
set pitch = angleTable[1].real[key]
set roll = angleTable[2].real[key]
* Based on Cyclotrutan's algorithm
private static method initAngles takes integer key, real dx, real dy, real dz returns nothing
local real N = dx*dx + dy*dy
local real norm = N + dz*dz
local real cp
local real pitch
if norm == 0 then
set norm = 1.00001*SquareRoot(norm)
set dx = dx/norm
set dy = dy/norm
set dz = dz/norm
if N == 0 then
set angleTable[0].real[key] = 0.00
set angleTable[2].real[key] = 0.00
if dz > 0 then
set angleTable[1].real[key] = -bj_PI*0.5
set angleTable[1].real[key] = bj_PI*0.5
set N = SquareRoot(N)
if dy < 0 then
set pitch = Asin(dx*dz/N) + bj_PI
set cp = Cos(pitch)
if fixedRotationAxes then
set angleTable[0].real[key] = Acos(dx/cp)
set angleTable[2].real[key] = -Asin(dy*dz/(N*cp)) + bj_PI
set angleTable[0].real[key] = -Asin(dy*dz/(N*cp)) + bj_PI
set angleTable[2].real[key] = Acos(dx/cp)
set pitch = -Asin(dx*dz/N)
set cp = Cos(pitch)
if fixedRotationAxes then
set angleTable[0].real[key] = Acos(dx/cp)
set angleTable[2].real[key] = Asin(dy*dz/(N*cp))
set angleTable[0].real[key] = Asin(dy*dz/(N*cp))
set angleTable[2].real[key] = Acos(dx/cp)
set angleTable[1].real[key] = pitch
private static method initOrientationTables takes integer zStep returns nothing
local real xy = Cos(zStep*zDelta)
local real z = Sin(zStep*zDelta)
local integer xySteps = 0
exitwhen xySteps == XY_STEPS
call initAngles(zStep*XY_STEPS + xySteps, xy*Cos(xySteps*xyDelta), xy*Sin(xySteps*xyDelta), z)
set xySteps = xySteps + 1
private static method initTables takes nothing returns nothing
call initOrientationTables(zSteps)
call initOrientationTables(zSteps + Z_STEPS/2)
static method onScopeInit takes nothing returns nothing
set angleTable = TableArray[3]
set fixedRotationAxes = IsRotationAxesFixed()
exitwhen zSteps == Z_STEPS/2
call ForForce(bj_FORCE_PLAYER[0], function thistype.initTables)
set zSteps = zSteps + 1
* List of <effect>s
private struct EffectHandle extends array
effect effect
private static method onRemove takes thistype node returns nothing
call DestroyEffect(node.effect)
set node.effect = null
call Node(node).deallocate()
private static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
return Node.allocate()
private method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
call Node(this).deallocate()
implement InstantiatedList
* Effect is a cluster of <effect>s that can easily be controlled as a single object
private struct Effect extends array
private static TableArray lookupTable
private method operator handle takes nothing returns EffectHandle
return this
method operator missile takes nothing returns Missile
return this
method addModel takes string model returns effect
local EffectHandle node = Node.allocate()
set lookupTable[this][StringHash(model)] = node
set node.effect = AddSpecialEffect(model, this.missile.x, this.missile.y)
call BlzSetSpecialEffectZ(node.effect, this.missile.z)
call BlzSetSpecialEffectScale(node.effect, this.missile.scale)
call this.handle.pushBack(node)
return node.effect
method removeModel takes string model returns nothing
local integer stringId = StringHash(model)
call EffectHandle.remove(lookupTable[this][stringId])
call lookupTable[this].remove(stringId)
method clearModels takes nothing returns nothing
call this.handle.flush()
call lookupTable[this].flush()
method getHandle takes string model returns effect
return EffectHandle(lookupTable[this][StringHash(model)]).effect
method scale takes real value returns nothing
local EffectHandle node =
exitwhen node == this.handle
call BlzSetSpecialEffectScale(node.effect, value)
set node =
method move takes real x, real y, real z returns nothing
local EffectHandle node =
local real dx = x - this.missile.x
local real dy = y - this.missile.y
local real dz = z - this.missile.z
static if not LIBRARY_BoundSentinel and not LIBRARY_WorldBounds then
if not RectContainsCoords(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, x, y) then
elseif LIBRARY_WorldBounds then
if not (x < WorldBounds.maxX and x > WorldBounds.minX and y < WorldBounds.maxY and y > WorldBounds.minY) then
exitwhen node == this.handle
call BlzSetSpecialEffectPosition(node.effect, BlzGetLocalSpecialEffectX(node.effect) + dx, BlzGetLocalSpecialEffectY(node.effect) + dy, BlzGetLocalSpecialEffectZ(node.effect) + dz)
set node =
method orient takes real xyAngle, real pitch returns nothing
local EffectHandle node =
call EulerAngles.from(xyAngle, pitch)
exitwhen node == this.handle
call BlzSetSpecialEffectOrientation(node.effect, EulerAngles.yaw, EulerAngles.pitch, EulerAngles.roll)
set node =
static method create takes nothing returns thistype
return EffectHandle.create()
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
call lookupTable[this].flush()
call this.handle.destroy()
static method onScopeInit takes nothing returns nothing
set lookupTable = TableArray[JASS_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE]
// Simple trigonometry.
struct MissilePosition extends array
readonly real x
readonly real y
readonly real z
readonly real angle
readonly real distance
readonly real square
readonly real slope
readonly real alpha
// Creates an origin - impact link.
private thistype ref
private static method math takes thistype a, thistype b returns nothing
local real dx
local real dy
set dx = b.x - a.x
set dy = b.y - a.y
set dx = dx*dx + dy*dy
set dy = SquareRoot(dx)
exitwhen dx != 0. and dy != 0.
set b.x = b.x + .01
set b.z = b.z - Missile_GetLocZ(b.x -.01, b.y) + Missile_GetLocZ(b.x, b.y)
set a.square = dx
set a.distance = dy
set a.angle = Atan2(b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x)
set a.slope = (b.z - a.z)/dy
set a.alpha = Atan(a.slope)*bj_RADTODEG
// Set b.
if b.ref == a then
set b.angle = a.angle + bj_PI
set b.distance = dy
set b.slope = -a.slope
set b.alpha = -a.alpha
set b.square = dx
static method link takes thistype a, thistype b returns nothing
set a.ref = b
set b.ref = a
call math(a, b)
method move takes real toX, real toY, real toZ returns nothing
set x = toX
set y = toY
set z = toZ + Missile_GetLocZ(toX, toY)
if ref != this then
call math(this, ref)
static method create takes real x, real y, real z returns MissilePosition
local thistype this = Node.allocate()
set ref = this
call move(x, y, z)
return this
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
call Node(this).deallocate()
struct MissileList extends array
method operator missile takes nothing returns Missile
return this
implement StaticList
struct Missile extends array
// Attach point name for effects created by model=.
readonly static constant string ORIGIN = "origin"
// Set a ficitional hit box in range of 0 to 1,
// while 0 is the toe and 1 the head of a unit.
readonly static constant real HIT_BOX = (2./3.)
// Checks for double launching. Throws an error message.
debug boolean launched
// The position of a missile using curve= does not
// match the position used by Missile's trigonometry.
// Therefore we need this member two times.
// Readable x / y / z for your needs and posX / posY for cool mathematics.
private real posX
private real posY
private real dist// distance
// Readonly members:
// =================
// Prevents a double free case.
readonly boolean allocated
// The dummy unit.
readonly unit dummy
// Position members for your needs.
readonly MissilePosition origin// Grants access to readonly members of MissilePosition,
readonly MissilePosition impact// which are "x", "y", "z", "angle", "distance", "slope" and "alpha".
readonly real terrainZ
readonly real x
readonly real y
readonly real z
readonly real angle// Current angle
readonly real prevX
readonly real prevY
readonly real prevZ
// Collision detection type. ( Evaluated new in each loop )
readonly integer collisionType// Current collision type ( circular or rectangle )
unit source
unit target // For homing missiles.
real distance // Distance traveled.
player owner // Pseudo owner for faster onCollide evaluation. The proper dummy owner is PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE.
real speed // Vector lenght for missile movement in plane x / y.
real acceleration
real damage
integer data // For data transfer set and read data.
boolean recycle // Is set to true, when a Missile reaches it's destination.
real turn // Sets a turn rate for a missile.
real collision // Collision size in plane x / y.
private static method onInsert takes thistype node returns nothing
call MissileList.pushBack(node)
private static method onRemove takes thistype node returns nothing
call MissileList.remove(node)
implement List
static method p_makeHead takes thistype node returns nothing
set node.prev = node
set = node
method operator effect takes nothing returns Effect
return this
// Setting collision z is deprecated since Missile v2.5.
method operator collisionZ= takes real value returns nothing
method operator collisionZ takes nothing returns real
return collision
method operator sfx takes nothing returns effect
return null
private string path
method operator model= takes string file returns nothing
call effect.clearModels()
// null and ""
if StringLength(file) > 0 then
call effect.addModel(file)
set path = file
set path = null
method operator model takes nothing returns string
return path
real open
// Enables curved movement for your missile.
// Remember that the result of Tan(PI/2) is infinity.
method operator curve= takes real value returns nothing
set open = Tan(value)*origin.distance
method operator curve takes nothing returns real
return Atan(open/origin.distance)
private real height
// Enables arcing movement for your missile.
method operator arc= takes real value returns nothing
set height = Tan(value)*origin.distance/4
method operator arc takes nothing returns real
return Atan(4*height/origin.distance)
private real scaling
method operator scale= takes real value returns nothing
call SetUnitScale(dummy, value, 0., 0.)
call effect.scale(value)
set scaling = value
method operator scale takes nothing returns real
return scaling
method bounce takes nothing returns nothing
call origin.move(x, y, z)
set dist = 0.
method deflect takes real tx, real ty returns nothing
local real a = 2.*Atan2(ty - y, tx - x) + bj_PI - angle
call impact.move(x + (origin.distance - dist)*Cos(a), y + (origin.distance - dist)*Sin(a), impact.z)
call bounce()
method deflectEx takes real tx, real ty, real tz returns nothing
call impact.move(impact.x, impact.y, tz)
call deflect(tx, ty)
method flightTime2Speed takes real duration returns nothing
set speed = RMaxBJ(0.00000001, (origin.distance - dist)*Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT/RMaxBJ(0.00000001, duration))
method setMovementSpeed takes real value returns nothing
set speed = value*Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT
boolean wantDestroy// For "true" a missile is destroyed on the next timer callback. 100% safe.
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
set wantDestroy = true
// Instantly destroys a missile.
method terminate takes nothing returns nothing
if allocated then
set allocated = false
call impact.destroy()
call origin.destroy()
call table[this].flush()
set source = null
set target = null
set dummy = null
set owner = null
call this.effect.destroy()
call remove(this)
// Runs in createEx.
private method resetMembers takes nothing returns nothing
set path = null
set speed = 0.
set acceleration = 0.
set distance = 0.
set dist = 0.
set height = 0.
set turn = 0.
set open = 0.
set collision = 0.
set collisionType = 0
set stackSize = 0
set scaling = 1.
set wantDestroy = false
set recycle = false
// Launches a dummy of your choice.
static method createEx takes unit missileDummy, real impactX, real impactY, real impactZ returns thistype
local real originX = GetUnitX(missileDummy)
local real originY = GetUnitY(missileDummy)
local real originZ = GetUnitFlyHeight(missileDummy)
local thistype this = Effect.create()
call resetMembers()
set origin = MissilePosition.create(originX, originY, originZ)
set impact = MissilePosition.create(impactX, impactY, impactZ)
call, impact)
set posX = originX
set posY = originY
set x = originX
set y = originY
set z = originZ
set angle = origin.angle
set dummy = missileDummy
set allocated = true
if UnitAddAbility(missileDummy, 'Arav') then
call UnitRemoveAbility(missileDummy, 'Arav')
call SetUnitFlyHeight(missileDummy, originZ, 0.)
set table[this].unit[GetHandleId(missileDummy)] = missileDummy
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowWarning(GetUnitTypeId(missileDummy) == 0, "Missile", "createEx", "missileDummy", this, "Invalid missile dummy unit ( null )!")
debug set launched = false
return this
// Wrapper to createEx.
static method create takes real x, real y, real z, real angle, real distance, real impactZ returns thistype
local real impactX = x + distance*Cos(angle)
local real impactY = y + distance*Sin(angle)
local thistype this = Effect.create()
call resetMembers()
set origin = MissilePosition.create(x, y, z)
set impact = MissilePosition.create(impactX, impactY, impactZ)
call, impact)
set .posX = x
set .posY = y
set .x = x
set .y = y
set .z = z
set angle = origin.angle
set dummy = null
set allocated = true
debug set launched = false
return this
static method createXYZ takes real x, real y, real z, real impactX, real impactY, real impactZ returns thistype
local real dx = impactX - x
local real dy = impactY - y
local real dz = impactZ - z
return create(x, y, z, Atan2(dy, dx), SquareRoot(dx*dx + dy*dy), impactZ)
// Missile motion takes place every Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT
// before accessing each active struct.
static Missile temp = 0
static method move takes nothing returns boolean
local integer loops = 0 // Current iteration.
local integer limit = 150 // Set iteration border per trigger evaluation to avoid hitting the operation limit.
local thistype this = thistype.temp
local MissilePosition p
local real a
local real d
local unit u
local real newX
local real newY
local real newZ
local real vel
local real point
exitwhen this == MissileList.head or loops == limit
set p = origin
// Save previous, respectively current missile position.
set prevX = x
set prevY = y
set prevZ = z
// Evaluate the collision type.
set vel = speed
set speed = vel + acceleration
if vel < collision*Missile_COLLISION_ACCURACY_FACTOR then
set collisionType = Missile_COLLISION_TYPE_CIRCLE
set collisionType = Missile_COLLISION_TYPE_RECTANGLE
// Update missile guidance to its intended target.
set u = target
if u != null then
if 0 == GetUnitTypeId(u) then
set target = null
call origin.move(x, y, z)
call impact.move(GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), GetUnitFlyHeight(u) + GetUnitBodySize(u)*Missile.HIT_BOX)
set dist = 0
set height = 0
set curve = 0
set a = p.angle
// Update the missile facing angle depending on the turn ratio.
if 0. != turn and Cos(angle - a) < Cos(turn) then
if 0. > Sin(a - angle) then
set angle = angle - turn
set angle = angle + turn
set angle = a
// Update the missile position on the parabola.
set d = p.distance// origin - impact distance.
set recycle = dist + vel >= d
if recycle then
set point = d
set distance = distance + d - dist
set distance = distance + vel
set point = dist + vel
set dist = point
set newX = posX + vel*Cos(angle)
set newY = posY + vel*Sin(angle)
set posX = newX
set posY = newY
// Update point(x/y) if a curving trajectory is defined.
set u = dummy
if 0. != open and target == null then
set vel = 4*open*point*(d - point)/p.square
set a = angle + bj_PI/2
set newX = newX + vel*Cos(a)
set newY = newY + vel*Sin(a)
set a = angle + Atan(-((4*open)*(2*point - d))/p.square)
set a = angle
// Update pos z if an arc or height is set.
call MoveLocation(LOC, newX, newY)
set terrainZ = GetLocationZ(LOC)
if 0. == height and 0. == p.alpha then
set newZ = p.z - terrainZ
set newZ = p.z - terrainZ + p.slope*point
if 0. != height and target == null then
set newZ = newZ + (4*height*point*(d - point)/p.square)
// Set missile position and orientation
call .effect.move(newX, newY, newZ)
call .effect.orient(a, Atan2(newZ - prevZ, vel))
if u != null then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(u, newZ, 0.)
call SetUnitFacing(u, a*bj_RADTODEG)
call SetUnitLookAt(u, "bone_head", u, 2.*newX - prevX, 2.*newY - prevY, 2.*newZ - prevZ)
// WorldBounds > BoundSentinel.
static if not LIBRARY_BoundSentinel and not LIBRARY_WorldBounds then
if RectContainsCoords(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, newX, newY) then
call SetUnitX(u, newX)
call SetUnitY(u, newY)
elseif LIBRARY_WorldBounds then
if newX < WorldBounds.maxX and newX > WorldBounds.minX and newY < WorldBounds.maxY and newY > WorldBounds.minY then
call SetUnitX(u, newX)
call SetUnitY(u, newY)
call SetUnitX(u, newX)
call SetUnitY(u, newY)
set .x = newX
set .y = newY
set .z = newZ
set loops = loops + 1
set this = MissileList(this).next
set u = null
set thistype.temp = this
return this == MissileList.head
// Widget collision API:
// =====================
// Runs automatically on widget collision.
method hitWidget takes widget w returns nothing
if w != null then
set table[this].widget[GetHandleId(w)] = w
// All widget which have been hit return true.
method hasHitWidget takes widget w returns boolean
return table[this].handle.has(GetHandleId(w))
// Removes a widget from the missile's memory of hit widgets. ( This widget can be hit again )
method removeHitWidget takes widget w returns nothing
if w != null then
call table[this].handle.remove(GetHandleId(w))
// Flushes a missile's memory for collision. ( All widgets can be hit again )
method flushHitWidgets takes nothing returns nothing
call table[this].flush()
call hitWidget(dummy)
// Tells missile to call removeHitWidget(w) after "seconds" time.
// Does not apply to widgets, which are already hit by this missile.
readonly integer stackSize
method enableHitAfter takes widget w, real seconds returns nothing
local integer id = GetHandleId(w)
local Table t
if w != null then
set t = table[this]
if not t.has(id) then
set t[id] = stackSize
set t[stackSize] = id
set stackSize = stackSize + 1
set t.real[id] = seconds
method updateStack takes nothing returns nothing
local integer dex = 0
local integer id
local real time
local Table t
exitwhen dex == stackSize
set t = table[this]
set id = t[dex]
set time = t.real[id] - Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT
if time <= 0. or not t.handle.has(id) then
set stackSize = stackSize - 1
set id = t[stackSize]
set t[dex] = id
set t[id] = dex
// Enables hit.
call t.handle.remove(id)
// Remove data from stack.
call t.real.remove(id)
call t.remove(id)
call t.remove(stackSize)
set t.real[id] = time
set dex = dex + 1
// Widget collision code:
// ======================
private static boolean circle = true
// 1.) Rectangle collision for fast moving missiles with small collision radius.
// Runs for destructables and items in a rectangle.
// Checks if widget w is in collision range of a missile.
// Is not precise in z - axis collision.
private method isWidgetInRectangle takes widget w, real wz, real distance returns boolean
local real wx = GetWidgetX(w)
local real wy = GetWidgetY(w)
local real dz = Missile_GetLocZ(wx, wy) - terrainZ
local real dx = x - prevX
local real dy = y - prevY
local real s = (dx*(wx - prevX) + dy*(wy - prevY))/(dx*dx + dy*dy)
if s < 0. then
set s = 0.
elseif s > 1 then
set s = 1.
set dx = (prevX + s*dx) - wx
set dy = (prevY + s*dy) - wy
return dx*dx + dy*dy <= distance*distance and dz + wz >= z - distance and dz <= z + distance
// 2.) Circular collision detection for all other missiles.
// Returns true for widgets in a xyz collision range.
private method isWidgetInRange takes widget w, real wz, real distance returns boolean
local real wx = GetWidgetX(w)
local real wy = GetWidgetY(w)
local real dz = Missile_GetLocZ(wx, wy) - terrainZ
// collision in plane x and y, collision in z axis.
return IsUnitInRangeXY(dummy, wx, wy, distance) and dz + wz >= z - distance and dz <= z + distance
// 3.) Action functions inside the widget enumeration thread.
// Runs for every enumerated destructable.
// • Directly filters out already hit destructables.
// • Distance formula based on the Pythagorean theorem.
private static method filterDests takes nothing returns boolean
local destructable d = GetFilterDestructable()
local boolean b = false
if not table[temp].handle.has(GetHandleId(d)) then
if circle then
set b = temp.isWidgetInRange(d, GetDestructableHeight(d), temp.collision)
set b = temp.isWidgetInRectangle(d, GetDestructableHeight(d), temp.collision)
set d = null
return b
// Runs for every enumerated item.
// • Directly filters out already hit items.
// • Distance formula based on the Pythagorean theorem.
// • Items have a fix collision size of 16.
private static method filterItems takes nothing returns boolean
local item i = GetFilterItem()
local boolean b = false
if not table[temp].handle.has(GetHandleId(i)) then
if circle then // Item in missile collision size or item pathing in missile range.
set b = temp.isWidgetInRange(i, GetItemHeight(i), RMaxBJ(temp.collision, 16.))
set b = temp.isWidgetInRectangle(i, GetItemHeight(i), RMaxBJ(temp.collision, 16.))
set i = null
return b
// 4.) Filter function for rectangle unit collision.
// Runs for every enumerated units.
// • Filters out units which are not in collision range in plane x / y.
// • Inlined and therefore a bit faster than item and destructable collision.
private static method filterUnits takes nothing returns boolean
local thistype this = thistype.temp
local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
local real dx
local real dy
local real s
local boolean is = false
if not table[this].handle.has(GetHandleId(u)) then
set dx = x - prevX
set dy = y - prevY
set s = (dx*(GetUnitX(u) - prevX) + dy*(GetUnitY(u)- prevY))/(dx*dx + dy*dy)
if s < 0. then
set s = 0.
elseif s > 1. then
set s = 1.
set is = IsUnitInRangeXY(u, prevX + s*dx, prevY + s*dy, collision)
set u = null
return is
// 5.) Proper rect preparation.
// For rectangle.
private method prepareRectRectangle takes nothing returns nothing
local real x1 = prevX
local real y1 = prevY
local real x2 = x
local real y2 = y
local real d = collision + Missile_MAXIMUM_COLLISION_SIZE
// What is min, what is max ...
if x1 < x2 then
if y1 < y2 then
call SetRect(RECT, x1 - d, y1 - d, x2 + d, y2 + d)
call SetRect(RECT, x1 - d, y2 - d, x2 + d, y1 + d)
elseif y1 < y2 then
call SetRect(RECT, x2 - d, y1 - d, x1 + d, y2 + d)
call SetRect(RECT, x2 - d, y2 - d, x1 + d, y1 + d)
// For circular.
private method prepareRectCircle takes nothing returns nothing
local real d = collision + Missile_MAXIMUM_COLLISION_SIZE
call SetRect(RECT, x - d, y - d, x + d, y + d)
// 5.) API for the MissileStruct iteration.
method groupEnumUnitsRectangle takes nothing returns nothing
call prepareRectRectangle()
set thistype.temp = this
call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(GROUP, RECT, unitFilter)
// Prepares destructable enumeration, then runs enumDests.
method checkDestCollision takes code func returns nothing
set circle = collisionType == Missile_COLLISION_TYPE_CIRCLE
if circle then
call prepareRectCircle()
call prepareRectRectangle()
set thistype.temp = this
call EnumDestructablesInRect(RECT, destFilter, func)
// Prepares item enumeration, then runs enumItems.
method checkItemCollision takes code func returns nothing
set circle = collisionType == Missile_COLLISION_TYPE_CIRCLE
if circle then
call prepareRectCircle()
call prepareRectRectangle()
set thistype.temp = this
call EnumItemsInRect(RECT, itemFilter, func)
method nullBefore takes nothing returns nothing
// Does not check for 'Aloc' and 'Amrf' as they could be customized.
private static method onScopeInit takes nothing returns nothing
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowError((Missile_MAXIMUM_COLLISION_SIZE < 0), "Missile", "DEBUG_MISSILE", "collision", 0, "Global setup for public real MAXIMUM_COLLISION_SIZE is incorrect, below zero! This map currently can't use Missile!")
set unitFilter = Filter(function thistype.filterUnits)
set destFilter = Filter(function thistype.filterDests)
set itemFilter = Filter(function thistype.filterItems)
call TriggerAddCondition(MOVE, Condition(function thistype.move))
set table = TableArray[JASS_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE]
implement Init
// Boolean expressions per struct:
// ===============================
// Condition function for the core trigger evaluation. ( Runs for all struct using module MissileStruct )
private function MissileCreateExpression takes integer structId, code func returns nothing
set expression[structId] = Condition(func)
// Creates a collection for a struct. ( Runs for all struct using module MissileStruct )
private function MissileCreateCollection takes integer structId returns nothing
local Missile node = Node.allocate()
call Missile.p_makeHead(node) // Make a circular list
set missileList[structId] = node
// Core:
// =====
// Fires every Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT.
private function Fire takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = removed[0]
set removed[0] = 0
exitwhen 0 == i
if recycling[i] then
call TriggerRemoveCondition(CORE, condition[i])
set condition[i] = null
set active = active - 1
set destroying[i] = false
set recycling[i] = false
set i = removed[i]
if 0 == active then
call PauseTimer(TMR)
// Move all launched missiles.
//set Missile.temp = nextNode[0]
set Missile.temp = MissileList.front
set i = 0
exitwhen TriggerEvaluate(MOVE)
exitwhen i == 60// Moved over 8910 missiles, something buggy happened.
set i = i + 1 // This case is impossible, hence never happens. But if I'm wrong, which also never happens
endloop // then the map 100% crashes. i == 66 will prevent the game crash and Missile will start to
// to debug itself over the next iterations.
// Access all structs using module MissileStruct.
static if DEBUG_MODE and LIBRARY_ErrorMesssage then
if not TriggerEvaluate(CORE) then
call ThrowWarning(true, "Missile", "Fire", "op limit", 0, /*
*/"You just ran into a op limit!
The op limit protection of Missile is insufficient for your map.
The code of the missile module can't run in one thread and must be splitted.
If unsure make a post in the official 'The Hive Workshop' forum thread of Missile!")
call TriggerEvaluate(CORE)
// Conditionally starts the timer.
private function StartPeriodic takes integer structId returns nothing
if 0 == instances[structId] or destroying[structId] then
if destroying[structId] then
set recycling[structId] = false
if 0 == active then
call TimerStart(TMR, Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT, true, function Fire)
set active = active + 1
set condition[structId] = TriggerAddCondition(CORE, expression[structId])
set instances[structId] = instances[structId] + 1
// Conditionally stops the timer in the next callback.
private function StopPeriodic takes integer structId returns nothing
set instances[structId] = instances[structId] - 1
if 0 == instances[structId] and condition[structId] != null then
if not destroying[structId] and not recycling[structId] then
set destroying[structId] = true
set recycling[structId] = true
set removed[structId] = removed[0]
set removed[0] = structId
// Modules:
// ========
// You want to place module MissileLaunch at the very top of your struct.
module MissileLaunch
static method launch takes Missile missile returns nothing
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowError(missile.launched, "thistype", "launch", "missile.launched", missile, "This missile was already launched before!")
debug set missile.launched = true
call missileList[thistype.typeid].pushBack(missile)
call StartPeriodic(thistype.typeid)
module MissileTerminate
// Called from missileIterate. "P" to avoid code collision.
static method missileTerminateP takes Missile node returns nothing
if node.allocated then
static if thistype.onRemove.exists then
call thistype.onRemove(node)
call node.terminate()
call StopPeriodic(thistype.typeid)
// Allows you to inject missile in certain stages of the motion process.
module MissileAction
static if DEBUG_MODE then
// Runs check during compile time.
static if thistype.onMissile.exists then
Error Message from library Missile in struct thistype !
thistype.onMissile is a reserved name for Missile, once you implemented MissileStruct.
thistype.onMissile is currently not supported by library Missile.
Please delete or re-name that method.
static if thistype.onItem.exists then
private static method missileActionItem takes nothing returns nothing
local item i = GetEnumItem()
local Missile this = Missile.temp
if this.allocated then
set table[this].item[GetHandleId(i)] = i
if thistype.onItem(this, i) then
call missileTerminateP(this)
set i = null
static if thistype.onDestructable.exists then
private static method missileActionDest takes nothing returns nothing
local destructable d = GetEnumDestructable()
local Missile this = Missile.temp
if this.allocated then
set table[this].destructable[GetHandleId(d)] = d
if thistype.onDestructable(this, d) then
call missileTerminateP(this)
set d = null
// Runs every Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT for this struct.
static method missileIterateP takes nothing returns boolean
local Missile this = missileList[thistype.typeid].front
local Missile node
local real collideZ
local boolean b
local unit u
exitwhen this == missileList[thistype.typeid]
set node = The linked list should not lose the next node.
if this.wantDestroy then
call thistype.missileTerminateP(this)
if this.stackSize > 0 then
call this.updateStack()
// Runs unit collision.
static if thistype.onCollide.exists then
if this.allocated and 0. < this.collision then
set b = this.collisionType == Missile_COLLISION_TYPE_RECTANGLE
if b then
call this.groupEnumUnitsRectangle()
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(GROUP, this.x, this.y, this.collision + Missile_MAXIMUM_COLLISION_SIZE, null)
set u = FirstOfGroup(GROUP)
exitwhen u == null
call GroupRemoveUnit(GROUP, u)
if not table[this].handle.has(GetHandleId(u)) then
if b or (this.dummy == null and IsUnitInRangeXY(u, this.x, this.y, this.collision)) or IsUnitInRange(u, this.dummy, this.collision) then
// Eventually run z collision checks.
static if Missile_USE_COLLISION_Z_FILTER then
set collideZ = Missile_GetLocZ(GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u)) + GetUnitFlyHeight(u) - this.terrainZ
if (collideZ + GetUnitBodySize(u) >= this.z - this.collisionZ) and (collideZ <= this.z + this.collisionZ) then
// Mark as hit.
set table[this].unit[GetHandleId(u)] = u
if thistype.onCollide(this, u) then
call thistype.missileTerminateP(this)
exitwhen true
// Runs unit collision without z collision checks.
set table[this].unit[GetHandleId(u)] = u
if thistype.onCollide(this, u) then
call thistype.missileTerminateP(this)
exitwhen true
// Runs destructable collision.
static if thistype.onDestructable.exists then
// Check if the missile is not terminated.
if this.allocated and 0. < this.collision then
call this.checkDestCollision(function thistype.missileActionDest)
// Runs item collision.
static if thistype.onItem.exists then
// Check if the missile is not terminated.
if this.allocated and 0. < this.collision then
call this.checkItemCollision(function thistype.missileActionItem)
// Runs when the destination is reached.
if this.recycle and this.allocated then
static if thistype.onFinish.exists then
if thistype.onFinish(this) then
call thistype.missileTerminateP(this)
call thistype.missileTerminateP(this)
// Runs on terrian collision.
static if thistype.onTerrain.exists then
if this.allocated and 0. > this.z and thistype.onTerrain(this) then
call missileTerminateP(this)
// Runs every Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT.
static if thistype.onPeriod.exists then
if this.allocated and thistype.onPeriod(this) then
call missileTerminateP(this)
set this = node
set u = null
static if DEBUG_MODE and LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
return true
return false
module MissileStruct
implement MissileLaunch
implement MissileTerminate
implement MissileAction
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call MissileCreateCollection(thistype.typeid)
call MissileCreateExpression(thistype.typeid, function thistype.missileIterateP)
private module Init
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call EulerAngles.onScopeInit()
call Effect.onScopeInit()
call Missile.onScopeInit()
// The end!