March of the Ents: An Aos Map...maybe?

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Level 4
Jan 6, 2008
I was watching LotR: The Two Towers the other day, and when it got to the part when the ents attack Isengard, I thought: "Hey! What if I made an AoS map in which ents (ancients, basically) defended their forest against orc, goblin, and troll (LotR troll, not WCIII) lumberjacks?"

Any comments?
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
SOunds..... Interesting....

I'd rather see it...
Trees vs Solar Powered Robots.....

But thats just me....
Level 4
Jan 6, 2008
Sounds fun, but how will it play?
Basically like a DotA map, but with more emphasis on backstory and some gameplay changes (for example, I'll be using the Honor system [kill a hero, get 1 honor point] to use as currency for very powerful items)

And what's with the solar-powered robot thing?
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Basically like a DotA map, but with more emphasis on backstory and some gameplay changes (for example, I'll be using the Honor system [kill a hero, get 1 honor point] to use as currency for very powerful items)

And what's with the solar-powered robot thing?

whats the difference between a treant and a Solar powered robot?
Level 24
May 9, 2007
Perhaps not an AOS but more of a strategy map. ONe player could control the trolls/orcs. . . and the other the ent armies. Another possibility could be a tech wars style map using this story line but make it so the castle is being seiged and forces are building up.

Additional Note: This sounds rather alot like AOTZ: Advent of the Zenith. If you have not played AOTZ do so before making this map. It is one of the best AOS's of all time.
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Level 4
Jan 6, 2008
Perhaps not an AOS but more of a strategy map. ONe player could control the trolls/orcs. . . and the other the ent armies. Another possibility could be a tech wars style map using this story line but make it so the castle is being seiged and forces are building up.

Additional Note: This sounds rather alot like AOTZ: Advent of the Zenith. If you have not played AOTZ do so before making this map. It is one of the best AOS's of all time.
That's a pretty good idea, actually. It might be cool as a strategy. And AotZ is my favorite map of all time.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Who says I'll use that idea? I just said it would be cool. Sorry, no rep today, I gotta get some too :grin:

Eh.... Reps overrated....
If ya'll have good ideas/enjoy putting them out there/support the culture that any idea could be good one if worked right then you have something special....
Thats when your trully worth giving Rep to...
Otherwise... its Just Like a Prom Queen Type situation...
-Everyone is trying to look like the hottest girl has the best ideas around....

Heres Some Development on Solar Powered Robots vs Treants

Treant Spells
-Grow Trees- To block Off enemies (Grow Tree Spell [It was there during the years... But I haven't found it {I had it on my computer... But due to some accident with Cutting and Pasting My old Maps to a CD it was lost......}])
-Spawn Treants off Trees-Easy Access to Units
-Lay seeds- (seeds are burrowed Naturally) Stronger Units
-Parasite-Treants Grow off target Unit
-Spy-Your Treants Would Turn into Trees but Still Give you Vision

Solar Powered Wooden Robot Spells
-Eat Trees-Give Mana
-Speed Upgrade-Burns Trees to move faster with Engine
-Flame Thrower-Trees are Transfered into Liquid and Spat out as a spray
-Throw Bomb-Trees are Condensed into Hyper Flammable Solids and thrown as a bomb
-Kaboom-Your Unit Explodes on enemies

There would be a Natural Forest Fire Element which would target every unit near something on fire

Treants would be about massing a huge army
-SOlar Powered Robots would Be the Attackers
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