Who says I'll use that idea? I just said it would be cool. Sorry, no rep today, I gotta get some too
Eh.... Reps overrated....
If ya'll have good ideas/enjoy putting them out there/support the culture that any idea could be good one if worked right then you have something special....
Thats when your trully worth giving Rep to...
Otherwise... its Just Like a Prom Queen Type situation...
-Everyone is trying to look like
the hottest girl has the best ideas around....
Heres Some Development on Solar Powered Robots vs Treants
Treant Spells
-Grow Trees- To block Off enemies (Grow Tree Spell [It was there during the Wcsear.ch years... But I haven't found it {I had it on my computer... But due to some accident with Cutting and Pasting My old Maps to a CD it was lost......}])
-Spawn Treants off Trees-Easy Access to Units
-Lay seeds- (seeds are burrowed Naturally) Stronger Units
-Parasite-Treants Grow off target Unit
-Spy-Your Treants Would Turn into Trees but Still Give you Vision
Solar Powered Wooden Robot Spells
-Eat Trees-Give Mana
-Speed Upgrade-Burns Trees to move faster with Engine
-Flame Thrower-Trees are Transfered into Liquid and Spat out as a spray
-Throw Bomb-Trees are Condensed into Hyper Flammable Solids and thrown as a bomb
-Kaboom-Your Unit Explodes on enemies
There would be a Natural Forest Fire Element which would target every unit near something on fire
Treants would be about massing a huge army
-SOlar Powered Robots would Be the Attackers