For the turn based system use
----Creep Creating Triggers----
A unit enters region
Event Response-Entering Unit equal to HeroGuy<gen>
Owner of Entering unit equal to Player 1 Red
(Region) contains Entering Unit equal to true(Boolean Comparison)
Enable Creep Spawn Region (region) Trigger
Enable Disable Spawn (region) Trigger
----Creep Spawn Region (region)----
Every 3 seconds of game
Create 1 Small Creep Camp in (region)
----Disable Creep Spawn (region)----
A unit enters a region
Entering unit equal to HeroGuy<gen>
Owner of entering unit equal to Player 1 Red
(region use in last trigger) contains Entering Unit equal to false
Disable this Trigger
Disable Creep Spawn Region (region) Trigger
Pick every unit in (region) and do Remove Picked Unit
----Battle Trigger----
A unit notices a target in range
Unit type of Targeted Unit equal to Small Creep Camp
Owner of Triggering Unit equal to Player 1 Red
Triggering Unit equal to HeroGuy<gen>
Remove Targeted Unit
Move Marker<gen>(Instantly) to positon of HeroGuy<gen>
Move HeroGuy<gen>(Instantly) to center of PlayerStartCombatZone
Create 1 MiniBossUnits at center of MiniBoss spawn for Neutral Hostile
Create 1 MinionUnits in random point of Minion Spawn for Neutral Hostile
Create 1 MinionUnits in random point of Minion Spawn for Neutral Hostile
Create 1 MinionUnits in random point of Minion Spawn for Neutral Hostile
Turn BattleEnd Trigger on
----Battle End Trigger----
Every 1 seconds
Number of units in CombatZone Owned by Neutral Hostile equal to 0
Move HeroGuy<gen>(Instantly) to position of Marker<gen>
Move Makre<gen>(Instantly) to Maker HideOut
Disable This Trigger
Dont take my word for it though that this will work, i just thought of it in my head