Making game run on gold, getting rid of wood, and a few others

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Level 1
Apr 9, 2009
One thing I really want for a map I am working on is this: I want to make the game run on gold and delete wood as a resource.

I'm getting the idea from Battle for Middle Earth II. In the game, you build farm-like buildings that generate resources over time, and these resources are infinite. I want a map that only uses gold, the gold mines are infinite, and where the primary way to overpower the enemy player is to control the gold. The reason being is that gold mines always run out and forests get depleted; it makes long games eventually reach stagnation.

In accordance with this, I want to delete wood as a resource from the map. I work hard on my maps and I like my forests looking like forests. Plus, as stated, I want it to all run on gold mines. So I need a way to not only remove wood as a resource, and also remove peasants'/peon's/wisps'/ghouls' ability to gather wood while still letting them gather gold. Maybe remove the whole wood concept from the AI as well.

Lastly, I want to remove the population cost for workers, but set it so you can only have a certain amount. For instance, a total of 30 or 40 workers, and you can't have any more, but they don't cost food.

If anyone would help me out here, I would appreciate it.
Level 6
Aug 22, 2008
A question: Have you ever tried the Object Editor?
You will simply have to set the lumber costs for all of your buildings to zero, if you wish your workers not to collect lumber, just edit their collection ability or remove it completely. You should be able to refresh Goldmines using a function that can be found in the neutrals section of the Triggereditor (F4) or simply create a new one when the old one is finished, using a trigger as well.:wink:
Level 7
May 11, 2008
  • Events
    • Destructible - A destructible dies
  • Conditions
    • Destructible-Type Comparison - (Destructible-type of (Dying Destructible Equal to Summer Tree Wall
  • Actions
    • Wait 120 seconds
    • Destructible - Create a Summer Tree Wall at (Position of ((Dying Destructible)) Facing (Random Angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
You dont need to remove wood. Just make them revive
Level 4
Sep 27, 2009
One thing I really want for a map I am working on is this: I want to make the game run on gold and delete wood as a resource.

I'm getting the idea from Battle for Middle Earth II. In the game, you build farm-like buildings that generate resources over time, and these resources are infinite. I want a map that only uses gold, the gold mines are infinite, and where the primary way to overpower the enemy player is to control the gold. The reason being is that gold mines always run out and forests get depleted; it makes long games eventually reach stagnation.

In accordance with this, I want to delete wood as a resource from the map. I work hard on my maps and I like my forests looking like forests. Plus, as stated, I want it to all run on gold mines. So I need a way to not only remove wood as a resource, and also remove peasants'/peon's/wisps'/ghouls' ability to gather wood while still letting them gather gold. Maybe remove the whole wood concept from the AI as well.

Lastly, I want to remove the population cost for workers, but set it so you can only have a certain amount. For instance, a total of 30 or 40 workers, and you can't have any more, but they don't cost food.

If anyone would help me out here, I would appreciate it.

A question: Have you ever tried the Object Editor?
You will simply have to set the lumber costs for all of your buildings to zero, if you wish your workers not to collect lumber, just edit their collection ability or remove it completely. You should be able to refresh Goldmines using a function that can be found in the neutrals section of the Triggereditor (F4) or simply create a new one when the old one is finished, using a trigger as well.:wink:

Yep, they have an ability called harvest in the Object Editor - just remove that ability from the workers, as well as edit their food cost and reduce it down to zero.

For the number of workers I'd do that with triggers - unit being trained when you have X amount of units - cancel the worker.
Level 10
Oct 22, 2006
  • Events
    • Destructible - A destructible dies
  • Conditions
    • Destructible-Type Comparison - (Destructible-type of (Dying Destructible Equal to Summer Tree Wall
  • Actions
    • Wait 120 seconds
    • Destructible - Create a Summer Tree Wall at (Position of ((Dying Destructible)) Facing (Random Angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
You dont need to remove wood. Just make them revive


Dude... seriously read the post first, or at least the title!

EDIT: Solved this...
Lastly, I want to remove the population cost for workers, but set it so you can only have a certain amount. For instance, a total of 30 or 40 workers, and you can't have any more, but they don't cost food.

If anyone would help me out here, I would appreciate it.

Variables Required:
Workers[12] (Integer, Array12)

  • Workers
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins training a unit
    • Conditions
      • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Peasant
          • (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Peon
          • (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Acolyte
          • (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Wisp
      • Workers[(Player number of (Owner of (Trained unit)))] Equal to 40
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Stop

  • Workers Count
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit
    • Conditions
      • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Peasant
          • (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Peon
          • (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Acolyte
          • (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Wisp
    • Actions
      • Set Workers[(Player number of (Owner of (Trained unit)))] = (Workers[(Player number of (Owner of (Trained unit)))] + 1)

+REP me if I helped you!

Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
  • Events
    • Destructible - A destructible dies
  • Conditions
    • Destructible-Type Comparison - (Destructible-type of (Dying Destructible Equal to Summer Tree Wall
  • Actions
    • Wait 120 seconds
    • Destructible - Create a Summer Tree Wall at (Position of ((Dying Destructible)) Facing (Random Angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
You dont need to remove wood. Just make them revive

When i saw it was like,

Nevermind these staff can be fixed in Advanced>Game Interface,Object Editor,and a few simple trigger.VergilThazaar has posted it above.
Level 9
Dec 17, 2008
There is a action that goes something like:
Unit - Limit training of <Unit> to X for <Player(s)>
For event add initialization.

It should solve your peasant problem.
Level 5
Apr 22, 2008
the trigger regenerating the forests would still be useful, because some abilitys like eat tree or war club can kill trees no matter how much health they have
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