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[Trigger] Making a following equipment dummy

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Level 30
Jul 23, 2009
I am trying to have an additional inventory system in my map and I have made a dummy unit that is moved to the location of the hero every 1 second. The hero is supposed to be able to give items to the dummy to store more than 6 items and that works fine but I found a problem when the player wants the dummy to give the item to the hero. If the unit is ordered to give the item to the hero and then the 1 sec move intrevall strikes it will be moved and the order will be nullified.

If I change the move timer to a higher number this will occur less seldom but that means the hero can walk further away from the equipment and then it will take longer time for the dummy to move to the hero's location and thetefore it will not work.

Does anyone have a solution please?
Level 23
Feb 6, 2014
I think ordering a unit to give an item cannot be detected by triggers. Try changing the Item dropping/giving range in Gameplay Constant and see if it helps.
If not, the only way I can think of to solve this problem is to Add an ability to the dummy with names "Give Item in Slot1" and trigger the effect. Of course you have to make 6 of these so I suggest putting all of these in 1 spell book.
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
  • Custom Script : call SetUnitX(udg_tempUnit, GetUnitX(udg_yourHero))
  • Custom Script : call SetUnitY(udg_tempUnit, GetUnitY(udg_yourHero))
i dont think the setunitx/y natives cancel orders
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