This is not a recource request, it is a trigger request and so should it not go in the trigger sections?
Also a image for all of us who do not know what you mean might help (I do but others might not). And why not make it your self? You have also not explained properly how it is meant to work, must it be something makeable or something that is always in a fixed, non respawning location?
You should be asking in one of the editor/trigger help sections how to do this, not requesting it since it is easy to do and requires no tools to make, unlike models or icons.
NOTE - Moderators, I am awair this post has nothing to do with the request, but to me this request is not properly requested and also is too easy to do ones self to be a good request. He also failed to explain why can he not make this himself since it requires no hard to aquire tools to make (only needs WC3) and also if needbe, he could ask for help in the trigger sections. Also he is requesting help for making the map he is making which I did not see any section in the rules saying he can. Can he actually ask for help for making his map?
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