List of official patches for Warcraft 3

Level 5
Feb 2, 2020

List of official patches for Warcraft 3

Significant patches:
1.00 ROC release
1.03 added computer difficulty (Easy Normal Insane)
1.06 redesigned attack and armor system
1.07 TFT release
1.10 CustomKeys support
1.11 (listfile) file is missing in War3patch.mpq, starting from version ROC 1.11 TFT 1.12 to version 1.27b inclusive
1.13 maps added - TFT Orc campaign - Acts 2 and 3
1.17 w3g replays show the version number of warcraft
1.21b untie from CD
1.24b the maximum map size has been increased from 4MB to 8MB for local game (The map file is too big. Please choose a different map.)
1.26a "folk" version, the most stable and without "extra" frills binding to CD-key \Campaigns\DemoCampaign.w3n is no longer included with Warcraft patches are no longer distributed as an installer. NGDP (Next Generation Download Protocol) transferring data to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III or to %PUBLIC%\Documents\Warcraft III ROC and TFT clients are combined into one deleted the Frozen Throne.exe file expanding the visibility of the game to widescreen increasing the maximum map size to 480x480 distribution via CDN (Build ID) transition from MPQ to CASC (from 9655 PTR) added matching of the game language with a key in the registry (if they do not match, then a black screen) x64 support transition to multilingual maps (_Locales), new maps do not start on the old warcraft Reforged release the button "Custom Campaign" (the Campaigns folder) disappeared​

Installation procedure:
The algorithm for obtaining ROC 1.26:
1. Install from the disc Warcraft 3 ROC 1.00
2. Run the exe-patch ROC 1.26

The algorithm for obtaining TFT 1.26:
1. Install from the disc Warcraft 3 ROC (1.00)
2. Install Warcraft 3 TFT (1.07) add-on from disk
3. Run the exe-patch TFT 1.26

If you already have a folder with Warcraft:
1. Copy to this folder "War3 CurrentDir InstallPath.bat" and run this bat file
2. Run the desired exe patch

Basic information for installing patches:
- ROC = Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
- TFT = Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne
- After installing ROC - the version of the game becomes 1.00
- After installing TFT - the game version becomes 1.07 (Even if it was higher before installation, for example ROC 1.26)
- The language of the game cannot change after patches. Patches from other languages are not suitable. There must be strict compliance. Game language = Patch language
- TFT cannot be set before ROC. ROC game is installed first
- Patches are divided into ROC and TFT. ROC patches do not fit the TFT game. TFT patches do not fit the ROC game. ROC patches are suitable for playing without TFT add-on, TFT patches are suitable for playing with TFT add-on
- The TFT patch is self-contained and already includes the ROC patch (patches both ROC and TFT) (only for games with the TFT add-on)
- The official patch installer will not install the patch on a modified Warcraft, only on the official (checks the checksums)
- Patches are divided into full and cumulative. Full patches can be installed on any previous version (for example, 1.20d at 1.15). Cumulative can only be set if the version is already installed 1 step below. (e.g. 1.24d at 1.24c)
- The patch can only be placed above the current version of the game. You can’t set the version down. (For example, 1.20 to 1.15 - it is possible, 1.15 to 1.20 - it is impossible)
- Changelog is written in the Patch.txt file in the root of the game
- Offline patches in the form of files are available for versions 1.00-1.27b, starting from version 1.28.0 the patch occurs only "on the fly" through Battle.Net. Thus, patches in the form of exe files for 1.28 and higher do not exist.
- Changing the patch is possible only within one language + inside one add-on.


List of Released Versions:
Addon - Date - Patch - Version - World Editor - MPQ/CASC - CDN Build ID
ROC - 07.03.2002 - 1.00 - - WE 4448 - MPQ
ROC - 07.05.2002 - 1.01 - - WE 4482 - MPQ
ROC - 07.10.2002 - 1.01b - - WE 4482 - MPQ
ROC - 07.31.2002 - 1.01c - ? - WE 4482 - MPQ
ROC - 08.16.2002 - 1.02 - - WE 4531 - MPQ
ROC - 09.06.2002 - 1.02a - - WE 4531 - MPQ
ROC - 10.09.2002 - 1.03 - - WE 4572 - MPQ
ROC - 11.04.2002 - 1.04 - - WE 4654 - MPQ
ROC - 11.07.2002 - 1.04b - - WE 4654 - MPQ
ROC - 01.30.2003 - 1.04c - - WE 4654 - MPQ
ROC - 01.31.2003 - 1.05 - - WE 4654 - MPQ
ROC - 06.03.2003 - 1.06 - - WE 4654 - MPQ
TFT - 07.01.2003 - 1.07 - - WE 6031 - MPQ
TFT - 07.03.2003 - 1.10 - - WE 6034 - MPQ
TFT - 07.15.2003 - 1.11 - - WE 6035 - MPQ
TFT - 07.31.2003 - 1.12 - - WE 6036 - MPQ
TFT - 12.16.2003 - 1.13 - - WE 6037 - MPQ
TFT - 12.19.2003 - 1.13b - - WE 6037 - MPQ
TFT - 01.07.2004 - 1.14 - - WE 6039 - MPQ
TFT - 01.10.2004 - 1.14b - - WE 6040 - MPQ
TFT - 04.14.2004 - 1.15 - - WE 6043 - MPQ
TFT - 05.10.2004 - 1.16 - - WE 6046 - MPQ
TFT - 09.20.2004 - 1.17 - - WE 6050 - MPQ
TFT - 03.01.2005 - 1.18 - - WE 6051 - MPQ
TFT - 09.19.2005 - 1.19a - - WE 6052 - MPQ
TFT - 09.21.2005 - 1.19b - - WE 6052 - MPQ
TFT - 10.03.2005 - 1.20a - - WE 6052 - MPQ
TFT - 12.12.2005 - 1.20b - - WE 6052 - MPQ
TFT - 01.09.2006 - 1.20c - - WE 6052 - MPQ
TFT - 04.21.2006 - 1.20d - - WE 6052 - MPQ
TFT - 06.22.2006 - 1.20e - - WE 6052 - MPQ
TFT - 01.22.2007 - 1.21a - - WE 6052 - MPQ
TFT - 02.06.2008 - 1.21b - - WE 6052 - MPQ
TFT - 06.30.2008 - 1.22 - - WE 6057 - MPQ
TFT - 03.20.2009 - 1.23 - - WE 6058 - MPQ
TFT - 08.04.2009 - 1.24a - - WE 6059 - MPQ
TFT - 08.25.2009 - 1.24b - - WE 6059 - MPQ
TFT - 12.01.2009 - 1.24c - - WE 6059 - MPQ
TFT - 01.21.2010 - 1.24d - - WE 6059 - MPQ
TFT - 03.11.2010 - 1.24e - - WE 6059 - MPQ
TFT - 03.08.2011 - 1.25b - - WE 6059 - MPQ
TFT - 03.24.2011 - 1.26a - - WE 6059 - MPQ
TFT - 03.14.2016 - 1.27a - - WE 6059 - MPQ
TFT - 12.13.2016 - 1.27b - - WE 6059 - MPQ
TFT - 04.05.2017 - 1.28.0 - - WE 6059 - MPQ -
TFT - 04.27.2017 - 1.28.1 - - WE 6059 - MPQ -
TFT - 05.10.2017 - 1.28.2 - - WE 6059 - MPQ -
TFT - 06.20.2017 - 1.28.3 - - WE 6059 - MPQ -
TFT - 06.20.2017 - 1.28.4 - - WE 6059 - MPQ -
TFT - 07.06.2017 - 1.28.5 - - WE 6059 - MPQ -
TFT - 04.10.2018 - 1.29.0 - - WE 6060 - MPQ -
TFT - 04.23.2018 - 1.29.1 - - WE 6060 - MPQ -
TFT - 05.03.2018 - 1.29.2 - - WE 6060 - MPQ - 0836dab8d1f4bdb2cf61fe155de1ae7d
TFT - 08.08.2018 - 1.30.0 - - WE 6061 - CASC - 2aa787736e88e43f6ace0a4ac897fc8f
TFT - 08.09.2018 - 1.30.0a - - WE 6061 - CASC - 3e7e69c14c807d5df67fd7e10915a99c
TFT - 09.13.2018 - 1.30.1 - - WE 6061 - CASC - 38f31eb67143d03da05854bfb559ed42
TFT - 11.30.2018 - 1.30.2 - - WE 6061 - CASC - ?
TFT - 11.30.2018 - 1.30.2 - - WE 6061 - CASC - e4473116a14ec84d2e00c46af4c3f42f
TFT - 12.04.2018 - 1.30.2 - - WE 6061 - CASC - 58bb40c142187bca81a280eb76e162ea
TFT - 12.06.2018 - 1.30.2 - - WE 6061 - CASC - 8741363b75f97365ff584fda9d4b804f
TFT - 12.13.2018 - 1.30.2 - - WE 6061 - CASC - cb849e73984c98f37ee8f1760356709c
TFT - 01.04.2019 - 1.30.3 - - WE 6061 - CASC - aab047a72e72fb9016192edbf0662b5e
TFT - 01.14.2019 - 1.30.4 - - WE 6061 - CASC - 7c45731c22f6bf4ff30035ab9d905745
TFT - 05.28.2019 - 1.31.0 - - WE 6072 - CASC - cc2dbb838eb5156585bc71cf9951ee65
TFT - 06.10.2019 - 1.31.1 - - WE 6072 - CASC - 9d237ac1c45b0d44bd40e8b09781235d
REF - 01.28.2020 - 1.32.0 - - WE 6105 - CASC - 11be6c175d8996141401fedf8ec09a35
REF - 02.06.2020 - 1.32.1 - - WE 6105 - CASC - 82335baeacb7a47010e4aa377102607a
REF - 02.24.2020 - 1.32.2 - - WE 6106 - CASC - fd283a3545d954fa86e36a1e464fd226

Version numbers:
Category:Warcraft III patches
Warcraft client builds
Warcraft III patch information
Warcraft III patches
Warcraft/Public client builds
Category:Patches - Liquipedia Warcraft Wiki
Warcraft III | WhatPulse
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Hallfiry's unofficial Blizzard Archive
Hallfiry's unofficial Blizzard Archive

World Editor Version:
4448 - 1.00 (
4482 - 1.01-1.01c (
4531 - 1.02-1.02a (
4572 - 1.03 (
4654 - 1.04-1.06 (
6031 - 1.07 (
6034 - 1.10 (
6035 - 1.11 (
6036 - 1.12 (
6037 - 1.13-1.13b (
6039 - 1.14 (
6040 - 1.14b (
6043 - 1.15 (
6046 - 1.16 (
6050 - 1.17 (
6051 - 1.18 (
6052 - 1.19-1.21b (
6057 - 1.22 (
6058 - 1.23 (
6059 - 1.24-1.28.5 (
6060 - 1.29.0b-1.29.2 (
6061 - 1.30.0-1.30.4 (
6072 - 1.31.0-1.31.1 (
6105 - 1.32.0-1.32.1 (
6106 - 1.32.2 (

Launch options (different options work on different versions):
Window State:
-w = To force the game to appear in windowed mode
-nativefullscr = To launch Warcraft in native fullscreen
-fullscreen = Starts the game in windowed fullscreen mode
-window = To force the game to appear in windowed mode
-windowmode fullscreen = To launch Warcraft in native fullscreen
-windowmode windowedfullscreen = Starts the game in windowed fullscreen mode
-windowmode windowed = To force the game to appear in windowed mode
-nowfpause = Stops the game from pausing when the window loses focus, useful for testing

Video Mode:
-swtnl = To use software transform and lighting video mode
-d3d = Starts the game using Direct3D mode
-opengl = Starts the game using OpenGL mode
-graphicsapi OpenGL = Starts the game using OpenGL
-graphicsapi OpenGL2 = Works as the old opengl
-graphicsapi OpenGL4 = CRASHES THE GAME
-graphicsapi Direct3D9 = Starts the game using Direct3D
-graphicsapi Direct3D11 = CRASHES THE GAME
-graphicsapi Direct3D12 = CRASHES THE GAME
-graphicsapi Metal2 = CRASHES THE GAME
-graphicsapi Null = CRASHES THE GAME

-launch = launch Reforged World Editor or Warcraft
-classic = To start the game in Reign of Chaos mode
-loadfile <path> = This allows you to instantly start a replay or a map without going through the menu. Specifies which file to load, the file must be in a subdirectory of your Warcraft III installation. This also works with the editor
-loadfile "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III\Maps\(2)BootyBay.w3m"
-loadfile "C:\Games\Warcraft III\Maps\(2)BootyBay.w3m"
-loadfile "C:\Games\Warcraft III\Replays\LastReplay.w3g"
-datadir <path> = This is a single command that allows you to load all resources from a different directory. Useful for things like total conversions. CustomWar3.mpq
-gametype <string> (It is unknown what this command does, but it works with loadfile and must be a number.)
-crash (Instantly crashes the game, maybe used to test the error reporter)
-locale <locale> (Appears to change the game from English to another language)
-rockey <key> (Possibly sets the Reign of Chaos CD-Key)
-tftkey <key> (Possible sets the The Frozen Throne CD-Key)
-plugindir <path?> (Are we getting plugins)
-routerconfig <string>
-nomouseclip = Prevents the mouse from being confined to the game window when running in windowed mode.
-mouseclip = Confines the mouse to the game window when running in windowed mode.

Why do we need old versions of patches if there is the newest latest?
- Some custom maps do not work on new versions
- Replays need to be watched on that patch on which players played
- In old patches, a different balance
- In old patches, some other models and effects
- In old patches, other versions of embedded maps from Blizzard
- And also the Blizzard turned off the ftp server with patches and some old patches could not be reached at all, if only from the hands of collectors

How to decrypt version?
_English for the English version of warcraft
War3PatchXXX and War3Patches_XXX - patch for ROC, not suitable for TFT
War3ROC - patch for ROC, not suitable for TFT
War3TFT - patch for TFT, not suitable for ROC
_124c_124d_ - if there are two numbers, then the patch is cumulative, where the first digit is the version number of the game to be installed on, the second digit is the patch number that will become after patching
War3ROC_124b_124c_English - patch for ROC, cumulative patch 1.24c, set to 1.24b, English language
War3TFT_121b_English - patch for TFT, full patch 1.21b, put on any version from 1.07 to 1.20a, English language

What is the difference between v1 and v2?
Patches are different, but the result is the same.

I get an error while installing the patch, because of what?
- the installed version of Warcraft is higher than the version of the patch being launched
- Warcraft language and patch language do not match
- the addon does not match (starting the ROC patch when the TFT addon is installed and vice versa)
- the folder with Warcraft files is not in the path that is registered in the registry
- not enough rights, you need to update in safe mode
- a modified Warcraft is installed, or some separate files are modified

Why are some patches small size?
There are full patches of large size that can be put on any previous version.
And there are small-size cumulative patches that can be installed on only one specific version.

What is the difference between full and cumulative patches?
Patches are different, but the result is the same.

Do I need to follow the language of the installed Warcraft and patch?
It is necessary, patches with a different language will not be installed.

Is it possible to change the language of Warcraft by installing a patch with another language?
No. You need to install from scratch a Warcraft with the desired language, and then patch it.

Do I need to install both ROC and TFT patches?
No, if you have a version of ROC, then you need to install only ROC.
If you have a TFT version, then you need to install only TFT

Do I need to install all the old patches in order?
No, not necessarily, just put the very last one. (War3TFT_127b_English or War3ROC_127b_English)

If I have a 1.18 patch, can I immediately install 1.24c? Or should I install it in order from 1.01?
It is enough to run one of the two files, depending on the installed version:

What needs to be done to install patch?
Install the version of ROC 1.0 + optionally TFT 1.07, run the selected patch.

How does the patch know where the Warcraft is installed?
From the registry (string parameter)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
"InstallPath"="C:\Program Files\Warcraft III"
"InstallPathX"="C:\Program Files\Warcraft III"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III] (takes precedence)
"InstallPath"="C:\Program Files\Warcraft III"
"InstallPathX"="C:\Program Files\Warcraft III"

Why doesn’t the Warcraft start after the patch and ask for a disk?
Because in versions 1.00-1.21a a disk is required
Starting with version 1.21b no disk is required

Where does it indicate which Warcraft CD drive checks for a disc before launching the game? (Drive letter)
From the registry (string parameter)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]

How can I change the installation folder in the registry for the patch?
Five ways:
1. Manually delete data from the registry and reinstall Warcraft from the original CD
2. Manually register a new path in the registry (regedit.exe)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III] (takes precedence)
3. Through the WarRun program
4. Generate a reg file on the site WarCraft III Registry Fixer and run it
5. Create a bat file, copy it to any folder with Warcraft and run:
@echo by Firstrun70
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPath /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPathX /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPath /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPathX /f
reg add "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPath /t REG_SZ /d "%CD%"
reg add "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPathX /t REG_SZ /d "%CD%"

Can I play on
To play on requires a purchased key of the game Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, Frozen Throne or Reforged

Can I buy a ROC or TFT key?
Only Reforged keys are sold in the official store.
ROC and TFT keys are valid only previously purchased when they were on sale.

How to find out which addon I have installed?
1.00 - - If there is a Frozen Throne.exe file, then TFT, otherwise ROC - 1.32 - TFT

How to find out which version I have installed?
1.00- File War3.exe or Game.dll - RMB - Properties - Details - File version Warcraft III.exe file - RMB - Properties - Details - File version

And can you somehow lower the version from 1.24 to 1.23?
Yes, you can:
1. Delete registry branches
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
2. Install Warcraft in a new folder
3. Patch to 1.23
Or 4. Have several folders with different versions of installed Warcraft. Then you can run different versions at any time. For absolutely all versions 1.00-1.27b, 60 Gb (ROC+TFT) is required, each version is 1 GB in size.
Or 5. Have different files for all versions and copy them before starting. Folder Copy (9 Gb) or Warcraft 3 Version Switcher (7 Gb) or Warcraft Assistant

How to change CD Key?
Delete registry branches:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
Reinstall Warcraft, specify a new key during installation
Or use the "Warcraft 3 CD Key Changer"

What files change during the patch?

Folder \Maps\
Frozen Throne.exe
Warcraft III.exe
+ 1.27b
Folder \Movies\
Folder \redist\miles\
- The patch is changed between 1.00 and 1.27b by replacing several small files, and it is also possible to roll back by copying these files, while starting from 1.28 each build (each patch) changes the contents of the main mpq files of the game (War3.mpq War3Local.mpq War3x.mpq War3xLocal.mpq), which occupy more than 1 GB. Thus, changing the patch is almost no different from changing the entire client. The situation is complicated by the small distribution in the network of versions from to and the lack of official patches.

How to enable the launch of the intro video?
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III\Misc]

How to see the license agreement in World Editor?
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit]
"Has Been Run"=dword:00000000

Why does Warcraft offer to transfer game files from the game directory to \User\Documents\ ?
Starting with version, Warcraft stores all data in the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III folder or in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\Warcraft III
At the first start, it moves there all the folders from the game directory.
Moves folders such as - Maps, Replays, Campaigns, AI Scripts, Errors, Logs, Screenshots, Scripts.

How to disable file transfer to \User\Documents\ ?
To prevent the transfer of folders, you need to add a key in the registry
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
"Migration Complete"=dword:00000001

Warcraft does not see the Maps folder, how to make it possible to copy maps to the Warcraft folder?
In order for Warcraft to work in a local directory (as it was in older versions), you need to add a registry key
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
"Allow Local Files"=dword:00000001

So many different versions, I can’t figure it out.
People use three Warcraft names:
1. The "Old" Warcraft - 1.00 - 1.27b
2. "New" Warcraft - 1.28 - 1.31
3. Warcraft Reforged - 1.32

Where to find patches newer than 1.27b?
Nowhere, they are not officially distributed, because the client is updated online.

How can I play old versions of warcraft above version 1.27b?
Only download the full client.

Why does it start to update when it starts?
After 1.27b you need to run through Warcraft III.exe, and not through Warcraft III Launcher.exe
And you can’t accept the offer to upgrade to the latest version after launching through Warcraft III.exe

What is the difference between Warcraft III Launcher.exe and Warcraft III.exe?
Warcraft III Launcher.exe - Updates Warcraft
Warcraft III.exe - Launches Warcraft

Where are CD keys stored?
1.00-1.27b "War3.mpq" (ROC) and "War3X.mpq" (TFT). The keys are in the MPQ archives, in the "font" folder (in encrypted form) roc.w3k tft.w3k in the Warcraft folder roc.w3k tft.w3k in the folder C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III

Do I need to have both ROC and TFT keys?
1.00-1.06 - only ROC key + CD
1.07-1.21a - ROC or ROC+TFT keys + CD
1.21b-1.27b - ROC or ROC+TFT keys - ROC or ROC+TFT keys - only ROC key - REF key for HD, ROC key for SD

What is SD and HD in Reforged?
SD - old graphics, models and voice acting
HD - new graphics, models and voice acting

Where are official maps stored?
Starting with ROC 1.11 TFT 1.12 patches, the file (listfile) is not stored in War3Patch.mpq, but in the patch.exe file and is fed during installation.
Blizzard Maps are stored in exe patch (copied to \Maps\ during the patch, replacing the old ones)
Blizzard Campaign are stored in war3.mpq (ROC) + War3xlocal.mpq (TFT) + War3Patch.mpq (TFT_OrcX2)
1.28 -
Blizzard Maps are stored on Blizzard servers (copied to \Maps\ during the online patch, replacing the old ones)
Blizzard Campaign are stored in war3.mpq (ROC) + War3xlocal.mpq (TFT + TFT_OrcX2) - 1.32:
Blizzard Maps stored in CASC
Blizzard Campaign stored in CASC

How to open MPQ?
Ladik's MPQ Editor

How to open CASC?
Ladik's Casc Viewer (CascView)
CASC Explorer

Where are the settings stored?
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III\War3Preferences.txt
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III\WorldEditPreferences.txt

Warcraft used to be portable, and now it’s put in Program Files, can’t it be transferred anymore?
Any version from 1.00 to 1.32 can still be transferred to any folder and run it from this folder. You can also install different versions (>50 pieces) at the same time in different folders and run any of them without additional manipulations.

How to find out what patch number is needed for each specific map?
You need to parse the World Editor number in which the map is created from the file war3map.w3i. From the number you can find out the patch.

How to reinstall Warcraft from scratch?
1.00 - 1.27b:
1. Delete:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
2. Install ROC 1.00 / TFT 1.07 from the original CD
3. Install the desired patch
1.28 - 1.31:
Search for an already installed version
1. Download the Launcher
2. Delete
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\Telemetry
optionally remove %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III and %PUBLIC%\Documents\Warcraft III
3. Run installation

Why do I have a black screen at startup? (relevant for versions
The client’s language and the language in the registry do not match, you need to change the language in the registry to the one in the client.
(w3 - Retail, w3t - Test PTR, w3b - Beta)
(enUS ruRU deDE esES frFR itIT koKR plPL zhCN zhTW - ROC TFT)
(enUS ruRU deDE esES frFR itIT koKR plPL zhCN zhTW enGB esMX jaJP ptBR thTH - Reforged)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Classic Launcher\w3] "Locale"="enUS"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Classic Launcher\w3t] "Locale"="enUS"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Classic Launcher\w3b] "Locale"="enUS"

How to re-select the language when installing the game from the launcher?
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Classic Launcher\w3]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Classic Launcher\w3t]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Classic Launcher\w3b]

How to download the latest version of Warcraft?
By links:

What is a CDN Build ID?

List of exe patches:
Beta ROC\w3b_101.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_102.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_103.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_110.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_110_111.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_111_112.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_112.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_112_113.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_113_120.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_120_121.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_121_130.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_130_131.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_131_132.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_132_133.exe
Beta ROC\w3b_133_134.exe

Beta TFT\w3xp300.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp301.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp302.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp303.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp304.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp304a.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp305.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp305a.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp306.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp307.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp308.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp309.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp310.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp311.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp312.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp313.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp314.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp314a.exe
Beta TFT\w3xp315.exe

ROC multi\War3Patch100_101.exe
ROC multi\War3Patch100_101b.exe
ROC multi\War3Patch101c.exe
ROC multi\War3Patch101_101b.exe
ROC multi\War3Patch102.exe
ROC multi\War3Patch102a.exe
ROC multi\War3Patch102_102a.exe
ROC multi\War3Patches_103.exe

ROC en\War3Patches_104b_English.exe
ROC en\War3Patches_104c_English.exe
ROC en\War3Patches_104_English.exe
ROC en\War3Patches_105_English_v1.exe
ROC en\War3Patches_105_English_v2.exe
ROC en\War3Patches_105_English_v3.exe
ROC en\War3Patches_106_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_110_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_111_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_112_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_113b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_113_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_114b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_114_English_v1.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_114_English_v2.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_115_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_116a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_117a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_118a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_119a_119b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_119a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_120a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_120b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_120c_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_120c_to_120d_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_120d_120e_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_120d_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_120e_121a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_120e_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_121a_121b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_121a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_121b_122a_English_v1.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_121b_122a_English_v2.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_121b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_122a_123a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_122a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_123a_124a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_123a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124a_124b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124b_124c_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124c_124d_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124c_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124d_124e_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124d_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124e_125b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_124e_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_125b_126a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_125b_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_126a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_127a_English.exe
ROC en\War3ROC_127b_English.exe

TFT en\War3TFT_110_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_111_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_112_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_113b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_113_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_114b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_114_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_115_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_116a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_117a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_118a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_119a_119b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_119a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_120a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_120b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_120c_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_120c_to_120d_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_120d_120e_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_120d_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_120e_121a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_120e_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_121a_121b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_121a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_121b_122a_English_v1.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_121b_122a_English_v2.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_121b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_122a_123a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_122a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_123a_124a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_123a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124a_124b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124b_124c_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124c_124d_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124c_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124d_124e_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124d_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124e_125b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_124e_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_125b_126a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_125b_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_126a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_127a_English.exe
TFT en\War3TFT_127b_English.exe

bat - Blizzard Cleaning:
Required for manual system cleaning or for reinstalling settings
By default, in the middle of the script execution it is stopped at the place where the game settings, Bonjour, keys begin. For a complete cleanup, you need to remove two lines of "pause exit" in the middle of the code.

Blizz clear.bat
taskkill /F /IM Agent.exe
taskkill /F /IM
del /s "C:\Windows\Prefetch\AGENT*.pf"
del /s "C:\Windows\Prefetch\BATTLE.NET*.pf"
del /s "C:\Windows\Prefetch\SYSTEMSURVEY*.pf"
RMDIR "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Blizzard Entertainment" /S /Q
RMDIR "%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\" /S /Q
RMDIR "%TEMP%\blizzard_browser_cache" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\Program Files (x86)\" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\Program Files\" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\ProgramData\" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\" /S /Q
reg delete "HKCR\battlenet" /f
reg delete "HKCR\blizzard" /f
reg delete "HKCR\Blizzard.URI.Battlenet" /f
reg delete "HKCR\Blizzard.URI.Blizzard" /f
reg delete "HKCR\Blizzard.URI.Heroes" /f
reg delete "HKCR\Blizzard.URI.SC2" /f
reg delete "HKCR\heroes" /f
reg delete "HKCR\starcraft" /f
reg delete "HKCR\Warcraft3.Replay" /f
reg delete "HKCR\Warcraft3.Save" /f
reg delete "HKCR\WorldEdit.AIData" /f
reg delete "HKCR\WorldEdit.Campaign" /f
reg delete "HKCR\WorldEdit.MapInfo" /f
reg delete "HKCR\WorldEdit.Scenario" /f
reg delete "HKCR\WorldEdit.ScenarioEx" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\battlenet" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\blizzard" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Blizzard.URI.Battlenet" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Blizzard.URI.Blizzard" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Blizzard.URI.Heroes" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Blizzard.URI.SC2" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\heroes" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\starcraft" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Warcraft3.Replay" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Warcraft3.Save" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\WorldEdit.AIData" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\WorldEdit.Campaign" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\WorldEdit.MapInfo" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\WorldEdit.Scenario" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\WorldEdit.ScenarioEx" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications" /v "Warcraft III World Editor" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications" /v "Warcraft III" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications" /v /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Warcraft III" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RegisteredApplications" /v "Warcraft III World Editor" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RegisteredApplications" /v "Warcraft III" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RegisteredApplications" /v /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Blizzard Error" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Launcher" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\System Survey" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Classic Launcher" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III Beta" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III Public Test" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit Beta" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit" /f
RMDIR "%PUBLIC%\Documents\Warcraft III Beta" /S /Q
RMDIR "%PUBLIC%\Documents\Warcraft III Test" /S /Q
RMDIR "%PUBLIC%\Documents\Warcraft III" /S /Q
RMDIR "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III Beta" /S /Q
RMDIR "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III Test" /S /Q
RMDIR "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\Program Files\Blizzard" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\Program Files\Bonjour" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III Beta" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III Public Test" /S /Q
RMDIR "C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /S /Q
reg delete "HKCR\.w3g" /f
reg delete "HKCR\.w3i" /f
reg delete "HKCR\.w3m" /f
reg delete "HKCR\.w3n" /f
reg delete "HKCR\.w3x" /f
reg delete "HKCR\.w3z" /f
reg delete "HKCR\.wai" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.w3g" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.w3i" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.w3m" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.w3n" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.w3x" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.w3z" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.wai" /f
::Delete manually
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\DirectInput\BATTLE.NET.EXEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" /f

bat - Change the letter of a CD in the registry:
1. Create bat file
@echo by Firstrun70
set CD=E:\
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v War3CD /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v War3XCD /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v War3CD /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v War3XCD /f
reg add "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v War3CD /t REG_SZ /d %CD%
reg add "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v War3XCD /t REG_SZ /d %CD%
2. Change the drive letter to the one in which the Warcraft disc is located
3. Run the bat file

bat - Changing the installation directory in the registry (for applying the patch):
1. Create bat file
@echo by Firstrun70
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPath /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPathX /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPath /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPathX /f
reg add "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPath /t REG_SZ /d "%CD%"
reg add "HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III" /v InstallPathX /t REG_SZ /d "%CD%"
2. Copy the bat file to the folder where the Warcraft is located, which you need to patch
3. Run the bat file

Start screens (236 unique screenshots):
Beta ROC 1.00-1.34 - Imgur (16 images)
Demo ROC 1.01 - (1 image)
Beta TFT 300-315 - Imgur (21 images)
Beta REF 1.32 - Imgur (18 images)
1.00-1.27 ROC en - Imgur (45 images)
1.00-1.27 TFT en - Imgur (33 images) - Imgur (14 images) ROC en - Imgur (18 images) TFT en - Imgur (18 images)
PTR - Imgur (13 images)
1.32 REF en - Imgur (6 images)
Other useful images - Imgur (33 images)

Related links:
List of official maps for Warcraft 3


  • Warcraft 3 Build List
    36 KB · Views: 2,110
  • graph en 1.01.png
    graph en 1.01.png
    299.3 KB · Views: 652
  • list en 1.01.png
    list en 1.01.png
    541.4 KB · Views: 740
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 5
Feb 2, 2020
Xlsx updated to 1.02 (from to

Updated strings:
ROC beta 113
1.25a -

Added strings:
1.24a -



  • Build list 1.02.png
    Build list 1.02.png
    516.1 KB · Views: 222
  • Warcraft 3 Build List
    42 KB · Views: 162
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
After looking into the unofficial 1.10 patch (1.07->1.10) it appears that it was never released as a standalone patch. Instead it was ripped (BNFTP) from the bnet in-game update service for PVPGN servers and their players. The unofficial patcher uses the game's own update utility to install it and there's Blizzard's original changelog in there too.

The game files are authentic, but the installer isn't.

Then realistically, ROC 1.07 is not a standalone version. While it runs on top of TFT's updated core, there is no separate game data patch MPQ for the ROC version. At the same time, it loads some stuff from the TFT MPQ archives. ROC 1.10 does have it's own patched data, but it does not exist separately from a TFT installation (since the patch is only 1.07->1.10 and no patch for ROC x->1.07 existed, there's no pure ROC 1.07/1.10). However ROC 1.11+ again existed as standalone.

UPD: 1.07/1.10 ROC doesn't load correctly (black screen in main menu, only version shown) if you delete the war3x.mpq and war3xlocal.mpq. ROC v1.11 patch restores the ROC-only install. QED.
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