🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
I want that every 60 sec a light screen start trigger with the sound of the lightning in the entire map,but i don't know how please guys can you help me?
That requires triggers to do the job, but alright.
Time - Every 60.00 seconds of game time
Sound - Play LightningBolt1.wav
First you have to import a sound from the library to your map. To do this go to Sound Editor, find LightningBolt1.wav (Doodads -> Cinematic -> Lightningbolt of you can use Ctrl + F to open search window), import it to your map. In it's settings untick the "Positioned sound" button (that makes sound be heard anywhere on the map).
Use cinematic filters - white mask - 100% white 70% transparant for a lightning effect. Use this effect a few seconds before the sound for realistic lightning
hey, i think this will be more useful. The thunder sound comes after the screen effects (like in real life). Also, every time a random thunder sound plays.
hey, i think this will be more useful. The thunder sound comes after the screen effects (like in real life). Also, every time a random thunder sound plays.
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