Comments from someone who has been Blizzard Map Editing for OVER 10 YEARS!!!
I FOund Your Post A Bit offensive but you should of researched a bit mroe instead of shooting your mouth off thinking of what you think becouse 1 this was one of my first maps 2it wasnt really sopose to be impressive it was sopose to inspire otheres to show it doesnt take fancy smancy things like jass or even triggers all together! to make an ok eceptional map ( not saying ok but enough that someone will enjoy it) and i msorry its not "POILISHED" like your window but it was my first map when i first got into the editor which was wayyyyyy back when Frozen throne just came out and i just set out the first original and i did small things over and over untill it came up ok and if i had the time i would polish it but i am working on a ORPG but really im thinking of quiting working on wc3 i have millions of maps ive made but never really submited them cus i dont wanna overshine maps that deserve more and i just dont like your attitude towards a 5 year old map and i see you are new aug 2007 your join date and well before you start shooting your damn mouth off learn to research a map before you start preaching liek your above me its an old map that ive neglected somewhat SO LEARN TO RESEARCH! A! MAP!!! BEFORE! YOU! SHOOT! YOUR! MOUTH! OFF! YOU! JERK!
Spelling mistakes like this are rampant in your map. This is an example of lack of polish, which you defend.
1 this was one of my first maps 2it wasnt really sopose to be impressive it was sopose to inspire otheres to show it doesnt take fancy smancy things like jass or even triggers all together!
And THIS is why I spent my time and effort to critique it. Your thread topic plus the request for us to play your map before voting had me look at it. I found several problems that does the OPPOSITE of encourage new mapmakers. You have bugs in your terrain, spelling errors rampant, run-on sentences, abilities in the map that require prerequisites that aren't in the map, countless other problems. These together give non-jass users a bad name, because THIS is an example of a Non-jass map. Let's explain it this way, My firemount map, which I feel is so far from completion that I won't let anyone touch yet, is better polished then your map. Granted, it uses triggers pretty heavily, however, it's a different kind of game then yours. Yours has so much wasted potential, I loved how the gameplay generally went, but the gameplay was COMPLETELY overridden by lack of polish.
and if i had the time i would polish it
This is a serious problem to me. This map to the best of my knowledge is not in a competition, so I do not see why it had to be rushed out the door. If you did not have time to polish it, you should not have released it yet.
but really im thinking of quiting working on wc3 i have millions of maps ive made but never really submited them cus i dont wanna overshine maps that deserve more
With your attitude, I strongly recommend you do quit wc3 mapping. Critiques are the only thing that makes mapmakers and individual maps better. You seem to be unable to take a serious critique of your maps, so you need to get out of the game.
i just dont like your attitude towards a 5 year old map and i see you are new aug 2007 your join date and well before you start shooting your damn mouth off learn to research a map before you start preaching liek your above me
Join dates do not accurately represent the entry to someone into map making. I've been making maps since warcraft 2. I had Warcraft 3 map editor open before I even opened the game. One thing I have never done though, is got angry for someone telling me that my map needs work. I've snarled at people who only says "Your map sucks" and takes off without saying what sucked about it so I could fix it, but when someone tells me "Fix your run-on sentences", I have always taken a day out of my busy schedule and fixed it.
well before you start shooting your damn mouth off learn to research a map before you start preaching liek your above me
Your accusation of me not researching a map is somewhat correct, I didn't research your map at all. All I did was what I was asked to do, test the map and give you my opinion of what you need to do to make the map better. Researching a map is not required for me to critique it. However, I believe that you were trying to say,
"Learn how to examine a map before you start shooting your damn mouth off"
For that statement to have any validity, what I said must be false.
Is my statement that the ramps in the red/yellow area false? That's a 10 minute fix.
How about my statement about the run-on sentences? That's a major fix, will probably take you a day.
How about my statement about some stuff having prerequisites that cannot be matched? That's another major fix that will probably take you a day.
If ANY of those 3 claims I made are wrong, Then you need to give me the REAL link to your map, because the map I played had those as hindrances to my ability to enjoy playing the map, making it another example of someone who releases a map without testing it.
I've done my best to try to refrain from personal attacks in this reply, but ray12342, You've got my goat with your reply to my critique, and I want it back.
Your join date here is Nov 2006.
2004. The start date of Firemount, So bite me about my "Lack of Experience"