Legend of Zelda/Oracle of Seasons(1)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my new Zelda Map. It's based on the first dungeon of the GameBoy-Game "The Legend of Zelda - Oracle of Seasons"
It's a single player map.


In this first dangerous dungeon, you have to find a way through many dangers, enemies, puzzles to find the first Essence of Nature, you need for destroying Onox, the master of darkness, who has captured Din, the Oracle of Seasons. You will find useful items on your quest through this cave.


+ many Custom Models
+ Original Music and Sounds of the GameBoy Game
+ more or less difficult puzzles
+ Boss Fights

Many Thanks to:

+ N0001 for his Link model
+ LordRazor for the MineCart model
+ Carrington2k for his Ruby and Heart Container model
+ Elenai for his Fairy model
+ HappyTauren for his Destructable Bush model
+ BlackSebastian for his Block model
+ !!GORO!! for his bag model
+ Splatt for his Bomb Model
+ Illidan(Evil)X for allowing me to edit one of his models
+ Chriz for his Treasure Chest model
+ Discipline for his Heart model
+ HappyTauren for his JarRed model
+ Kitabake for his Key model
+ www.hiveworkshop.com for awesome tutorials and models
+ Blizzard for making the WorldEditor
+ Mago for creating MagosModelEditor
+ Amigurumi for the final idea for fixing the mine cart bug

It's unprotected, feel free to learn from it, but don't change it without my permission.

If the mine cart gets stucked, type in "-unstuck" to fix it.


zelda, link, legend, legend of zelda, oracle of seasons, the legend of zelda, ocarina of time, oot, single player, fun, lol, omg, nintendo, gameboy

Legend of Zelda/Oracle of Seasons(1) (Map)

22:14, 22nd Jul 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected I would give the terrain a 1/5, unlike other reviews here. Since you have based this on the gameboy-version, you could've given it more a gameboy-feeling, which you didn't. I have finished this game many...




22:14, 22nd Jul 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected

I would give the terrain a 1/5, unlike other reviews here.
Since you have based this on the gameboy-version, you could've given it more a gameboy-feeling, which you didn't.
I have finished this game many times on my Gameboy, but I would prefer the gameboy-version above this one.

The boss hits you before you can move, so it's not really a balanced fight.
It's hard to click on objects, since the model is in the way.
It's way too short.
Level 8
Nov 2, 2008
"Legend of Zelda/Oracle of Seasons(1)" Map Review



  • [*][+]Very fun
    [*][+]Fairly original

  • [-]The cart got stuck but i did the command. Fix it.
  • [-]The mini saytr bosses were sleeping. make them not sleep.



  • [+]All models used in game were greate good job.

  • [-]None



  • [+]Gave credits and some information about the map.

  • [-]Need a better description. Tell what you objective in the dungeon is.


I very much liked the game! Reminded me of my own 3 zelda GBA games (minish cap,four swords,and time travel one*lost it*)

It was very well made and almost bug free. Fix the mine cart and everythings seemed good to me. The game play captured a GBA very fanomally. Just one thing. sometime i had to go to a chest twice to get rewards, fix that.


Rating: 4/5
Vote for Approval
Reviewed By:

Level 8
Aug 12, 2008
Rifle-Man's Review

This map has been reviewed by Rifle-Man
Judging criteria:
Map gets from 0-100 points.
-15 for terrain
-15 for imports
-15 for packaging
-15 for spelling
-20 for gameplay
-20 for triggers
Terrain in this map was bland and flat. Randomly thrown tiles and doodads, small cliff level and here-there destructible doodads.
Terrain gets 3 out of 15.

Not bad, but not good too. Link's model is good, but animations are average. Bushes and chest are found good, while mine cart is used for it's purpose - driving Link.
Imports get 6 of 15.
Excellent. You described what was map about and gave credit to model makers. You however need to work on your spelling.
Packaging gets 13 of 15.
Awful. You REALLY need to work on English. Examples: "bushes" and "to".
Spelling gets 2 of 15.
Now there is a big problem. The gameplay is:
These are big problems of your map. And Legend of Zelda is RPG. I haven't seen much of RPG elements in this map. Only walking, talking and killing. Light points of your map are riddles. Every corner has to be checked to find what you are looking for.
Gameplay gets 5 OF 20.
Completely normal. Except mine cart, that was kinda... different. Everything is too simple, but balanced. Mine cart often stucks. And what was that thing "turns the mouse click controls off"? It haven't done anything.
Triggers get 10 OF 20.

That's 39 in total. Vote for Rejection.
To be honest, if you don't improve, this map has a bad future.
Level 8
Nov 2, 2008
rifleman you have to see it was bassed of GB A or GBC so the terrain was well based of the GB game. He could use less cliffs and more tile variations yes but in comparison to the GB it was fine. spelling was pretty bad I admit. Also the game play was repetative becouse it followed the GB gameplay. So with those in mine i cheked out you criteria and thought that you should of gave it atleast a 65 so that a 3/5 barely approved, but its up too you just pointing somethings out that you might not of understood.
you forgot in some triggers the
  • Trigger - Turn off (This Trigger)
example: I was near the chest after the mine cart. I got bombs, then I came near it a second time, and I got the bomb again (but lost the other bombs.)
with some work, it could be quite nice.
And where normally the gold and lumber is, the tooltips were written in german.

oh, and I just realise, that I'm in the team :p
I've send you the system.
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
Thanks for the reviews, the map once was completely in german, before I decided to upload it here, so I forgot to translate everything.
I tried everything to fix this mine cart stuck bug, but I don't know how. ?
I will fix the boxes and the sleeping mini bosses and the forgotten turn off actions.
RifleMan, why are the imports bad? There aren't better here.
I didn't realise any grammar of spelling mistakes.
Please tell me where.
Yes I once had inside there an atacking system and arrow movement, but it didn't work fine for this map. I will fix that quest entry.
But I still wonder why this fucking minecart drives back. I set it can't flee and made extra regions. But still no succes.
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
Okay, I try that, but who the fuck rated it only 1/5?
Edit: *lol* RifleMan, you told me "bushes" is a spelling mistake? Look in your review at imported material, you wrote it the same way

Updated, the bug is fixed, i hope all german phrases translated, added everywhere turnoff actions, satyrs don't sleep anymore, fixed some spelling mistakes.
Last edited:
Level 2
Jan 27, 2008
Not a terrible little map, not really anything special. I would give it a 2/5 (Minimum for acceptable in a map) as my personal score, mostly because the terrain was bland and the gameplay was a bit on the dull side. Sadly, I'm forced to give this map a vote of 1/5 due to it's soul-numbing butchery of the English language. Seriously, while it's "technically" in English, the grammar and conjugation is ridiculous. I'm not a big stickler on spelling, but basic sentence structure is a must. If you don't speak the language well enough to do it yourself, find someone else to do it for you. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would help you out.
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
Edit: *lol* RifleMan, you told me "bushes" is a spelling mistake? Look in your review at imported material, you wrote it the same way
Because I showed you how to spell it, and you spelled it i think "booshes" in your map

It's nowhere written like that.
And remember this is complete based on the gameboy game, the terrain is made like there, so don't complain about that. All who played zelda games on gameboy colour or advance would love this game. Sure it's boring, but it's like in the gameboy games.

Edit: Updated again, fixed all grammar and spelling mistakes!
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
Here is my full review of the map:

The idea was nice, to create map based on gameboy game for single player.

It`s good enough, but in 50% empty.

It was sometimes boring... Maybe because I prefer more combat games, but anyway, it was too slow like for me.

Empty terrain and slow gameplay makes me to vote this for 4/5. Anyway there is everything seemed to work.

Description at Hive and Credits are good. Also sounds from gameboy fits the game. So:
+1 point for description & credits
+2 point for sounds

So let`s count:
3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 3 = 16/25 = 64% = 2/5 and vote for approval.

Overall it`s quiet interesting map, which still can be better.

- Do something with that empty terrain