"Hearthstone Interface Assets" = "©2014 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Heroes of Warcraft is a trademark, and Hearthstone is a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries."
"World of Warcraft Interface Assets" = "©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries."
"Open Source RPG Icons" = "Ravenmore @ https://opengameart.org/"
"Hero Glow" = "assasin_lord"
"Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Iron Ore" = "Ergius"
"Pixel to DPI" = "Quilnez/Kazeon"
"Devilsaur Pack, Genesaur" = "Explobomb"
"Magnaron" = "Maldiran"
"Confirmation" = "Epsilon"
"Ground Explosion, Explosion Big, Sparks Explosion, Dirt Explosion" = "WILL THE ALMIGHTY"
"Generic Canister, Orb Elements" = "General Frank"
"Lightning Strike, Blue/Green Fungus, Ratorg Rider" = "Callahan"
"Orcish Runes" = "frostwhisper"
"Purified Maw Giant" = "Draconian"
"Naga Lord Pack" = "Tier10Trash"
"Naga Brute Pack" = "BardBord"
"Running Flame Aura" = "sPy"
"Magic Shield" = "JesusHipster"
"Simple White Bag" = "Captain Bacon, ILH"
"Cannon Turret" = "arnelbigstonepd33r"
"Troll Den, Gold Pile" = "HerrDave"
"Global Init, Timer Utils" = "Bribe"
"Arcing Text Tag" = "Maker"
"Sleet Storm" = "Hate"
"Kobold Slavemaster, Kobold Basher" = "-Grendel"
"HQ Gold Chest" = "HammerFist132"
"Arcane Glaive" = "Infrisios"
"Kobold Stalker" = "levigeorge1617"
"Icon Model Packs" = "Kenathorn"
"Bless" = "Thrikodius"
"Void Missiles, Void Rifts, Void Teleport, Fire Missiles, Conflagrate, Missile I, Missile II, Shot I, Shot II, Malevolence Aura, Pillar of Flame, Rain of Fire II, Judgement, Ember, Storm Bolt, Soul Beam, Soul Armor, Runic Rocket, Singularity I, Singularity II, Righteous Guard, Uber Shield, Climax, Winder Blast, Blink I, Blizzard II, Bondage, Flamestrike, Eldritch Scroll, Chain Grenade, Carrion Bats, Burning Rage, Athelas, Armor Pen/Stimulus, Firebrand Shots, Frostcraft Crystal, Psionic Shot, Heaven's Gate Heal, Ice Shard, Sacred Storm, Shining Flare, Soul Armor, Soul Beam, Soul Discharge, Stormfall, Valiant Charge, Shock Blast, Windwalk, Reaper Claws" = "Mythic"
Additional models by: Glum, bisnar13, Uncle Fester, Blood Raven, Systemfre1, smithyjones, and dioris