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Kobold Kingdom v1.5

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

Kobold Kingdom is a solo dungeon-crawler and boss-romp ARPG.

Key map features are:
  • New action RPG user interface.
  • Omnidirectional talent tree to personalize your character.
  • Randomized, affix-based loot drops.
  • Powerful Ancient items with unique effects for end-game progression.
  • 6 different damage types to master and modify.
  • A slew of custom abilities and masteries for each class (over 60 total!).
  • 40+ player stat modifiers.
  • Procedurally generated levels.
  • Scalable difficulty; crank it up to Tyrannical for the ultimate challenge.
  • Collectible badges, with a pin for each class.
  • Intense boss battles featuring missile mayhem.
  • ... and more!
v1.5 Highlights:
  • New: Ancient Items
    • 12 new items have been added to boss loot tables with unique effects.
  • New: Player Models
    • Each class now has a shared model with higher quality animations.
  • New: Balance Updates
    • The Tunneler and Rascal received some long-overdue reworks of less viable abilities.
    • Maps generate with more open space, so you can spend less time digging and more time completing objectives.
v1.4 Highlights:
  • Reforged Fix:
    • Map should now be compatible with 1.33, 1.34 and the upcoming 1.35.
      • Known issues introduced by patch 1.33:
        • Text kerning is funky and there's overflow in some text descriptions and tooltips.
        • Mouse enter/exit visual bug where the cursor jumps around the screen and flickers (no solution yet).
        • Occasionally a button will be unclickable on the first attempt and show a targeting cursor (no solution yet).
    • If you encounter any fatal errors with UI components, please comment in this map thread.
v1.3 Highlights:
  • New Feature: Achievements
    • Unlock badges in your Badge window (hotkey: J) by progressing through the story. For a special challenge, defeat bosses at level 60 on the hardest difficulty (Tyrannical).
    • Each badge features a bonus button per playable class, for a total of 72 accolades for the completionist.
  • New Feature: Mastery Respec
    • A button has been added to the bottom of the Mastery page, allowing you to spend 5,000 gold to reset all spent points.
v1.1 Highlights:
  • New Feature: Save/Load
    • Overview: up to 4 slots are available at a given time, which are managed automatically. Access the save button in the equipment tab (hotkey 'V'). This feature is only available for Story mode. Saves will also automatically occur on quest and mission completion. Saved elements include: inventory, equipment, mastery tree, selected abilities, attributes and story progress.
  • New Feature: Shrines
    • Find new objects in the world which can be right clicked to initiate an event or to provide a powerful buff.
  • New Feature: Ancient Fragments
    • Dig Site Keys are now consumed on completion. In exchange, they can be crafted at a new vendor: The Greywhisker. Gather Ancient Fragments by defeating mini-bosses summoned at Ancient Shrines, which have a small chance to spawn on missions.
  • New Feature: Buff Display
    • A custom buff engine shows key details about item effects and stat-altering boosts such as Shrines.
  • New Feature: Right Click to Move (Auto)
    • Holding right click will now automatically move your character.
  • New Feature: Item Comparison
    • Hovering over an item with the same item type equipped will show a comparison tooltip.
  • New Feature: Item Rarity Borders
    • Easily identify your spoils with color-keyed item borders that signify rarity level.

Choose one of four thematic classes (each built from the ground up with custom abilities) and embark on adventures through perilous, randomized maps as you scour for rare resources while fueling your precious candle to ward off the encroaching Darkness. As you level up, assign attribute points for bonus stats, traverse an omni-directional talent tree, and earn troves of items which feature a variety of modifiers, allowing you to mix and match for your chosen strategy.

Two available game modes:
  • "Story" - Start from level 1 and go through a short, linear narrative as you help rebuild the rundown kingdom of the Tunnel Rat Clan.
  • "Free Play" - Skip the story and jump right in, starting from level 45 with an assortment of items and lots of resources (saving is disabled in this mode).

This is a rundown of the modifiable player statistics in your character panel.


  • X Damage: an increase multiplier for X damage type (from the player). This attribute affects all player damage (minions, triggered effects, Ancient item abilities, etc.).


  • X Resist: a diminishing multiplier for X damage type (from enemies). Max value of 75%.


  • Bonus Health/Mana: an increase multiplier for Health/Mana. Calculates after Vitality and Wisdom respectively, thus scaling with it.
  • Movespeed: a movespeed multiplier (stacks with other multipliers from abilities or Ancient effects).
  • Wax Efficiency: Increases the base timer of your Candle (the bar at the top of the screen during digs and boss fights). As the bar depletes, powerful minions spawn during standard digs, while new abilities are added to bosses during boss fights.


  • Healing Power: an increase multiplier for all player healing output. Increases all percentage-based heals as well as static value heals.
  • Absorb Power: an increase multiplier for absorb effects. Applies to Absorb on Spell attribute.
  • Proliferation: the chance to roll a special damage-type effect when dealing damage over a certain threshold (at least 5% of the target's health).
    • Proliferate effects:
      • Arcane = deals 20% bonus damage and Slows the target for 3 sec.
      • Frost = deals 15% bonus damage and Freezes the target for 1.5 sec.
      • Nature = deals 25% bonus damage and restores 2.5% of your health.
      • Fire = creates a pool of fire that deals 50% of the original damage over 3 sec in a 3m radius.
      • Shadow = summons a demon to attack for 10% of the original damage each sec for 6 sec.
      • Physical = deals 20% bonus damage; if the target is under 20% health, the bonus damage is doubled.
  • Mining Power: an increase multiplier to auto attack damage versus blocks and enemy creatures.

Secondary Utility:

  • Treasure Find: increases your odds of finding items on enemy elites and the chance of rolling higher quality rarities. Applies to all drops.
  • Dig Site XP: increases experience earned on successful dig site completion (normal and boss).
  • Item Sell Value: increases the gold earned when an item is sold.
  • Healing Potion: an absolute percentage increase to your health potion's effectiveness (10% bonus Health Potion stat makes your potion heal for 40% HP instead of 30%).
  • Mana Potion: an absolute percentage increase to your mana potion's effectiveness.
  • Minion Damage: an increase multiplier to the damage of summoned minions from any source, including triggered item effects, Proliferation Shadow procs, minion special effects, etc.


  • Damage Reduction: a diminishing multiplier to all damage taken. Calculated separately from resistance and armor. Max value of 90%.
  • Dodge Rating: a scaling rating which calculates a chance to dodge any attack greater than 10. Every level is 1% less effective per active point (500 @ L60 = 40% chance; 100 @ L20 = 16%). Max dodge chance of 75%.
  • Armor Rating: a scaling rating which calculates damage reduction to any attack greater than 10. Every level is 1% less effective per active point (500 @ L60 = 25% reduction; 100 @ L20 = 15%). Max armor reduction of 75%. Calculated separately from resistance and Damage Reduction.
  • Absorb on Spell: gain a shield for 6 sec on any ability use (including potions) which absorbs damage. Benefits from Absorb Power.

Secondary Other:

  • Missile Range: an increase multiplier to the base range of a projectile. Affects most projectiles.
  • Ability Radius: an increase multiplier to the base radius of ability effects. Affects most on-use abilities.
  • Casting Speed: an increase multiplier to character spell cast animations. Note: due to engine quirks, this may sometimes not apply correctly. Re-equip abilities to toggle the correct value.
  • Ele. Lifesteal: restores health equal to the amount of Non-Physical (elemental) damage dealt.
  • Phys. Lifesteal: restores health equal to the amount of Physical damage dealt. Also applies to auto-attacks.
  • Thorns: reflects a fixed damage amount to enemy creatures that deal damage to you.
  • Add X Dmg.: adds a separate bonus damage effect to any damage you deal that is greater than 10. (With Add 10% Frost Damage, you will deal 100 Physical damage plus a bonus 10 Frost Damage). The damage bonus scales with X Damage multipliers.
What game versions are supported?
This map was designed for 1.32 and up.

Is the map protected?
The main file is not optimized or protected and can be opened in the editor.

Can I export assets or use any of the Lua scripts?
Export and paste to your heart's content. Credit is appreciated but not required.

I found a bug, what do?
Bugs are probably going to occur, as the map is purely custom script and made by one nerd. As always, feel free to leave a quick description of any issues you discover. Most likely, a Lua error will print on the screen. If you can capture the very first error that appears as a screenshot, or record the line number, that will help immensely.

Does this map support Reforged?
No, this map was designed for SD. Attempting to load in Reforged will most likely result in invisible UI components.

Is there multiplayer?
No. This was originally an abandoned project, and the task to fix every desync has proven too much for what it's worth after the disaster that was Reforged.

Can I save my character?
Yes! This feature was added in v1.1

Can I use the default WC3 save feature?
Unfortunately, no. This is a known bug with using custom frames. A save/load system has been added to compensate.

What's the goal?
The game loop is quite simple. Whether in Story or Free Play mode, open your Dig Site Map with 'Tab' to enter randomly generated dungeons.
Complete dig site objectives to level up and acquire sweet loot. You can craft specific items using the ore collected on digs. Each biome features specific ore types.
If you are in Story Mode, follow the map markers to acquire quests and engage in dialogue sequences by speaking to characters (hotkey 'D').

What's the meter at the top?
That's your Candle Light bar. As it depletes, minions of The Darkness will spawn near you and attack. If it fully depletes, The Darkness itself will come for you. (Don't let it get near you!)

What do I do in Free Play mode?
Free Play skips the story component and gets right to the gameplay. The town hub is rendered mostly moot by this mode, so you don't need to spend too much time wandering around the tunnel for goodies other than for sighteeing or testing spells at Ymmud (the target dummy). This mode is essentially for the curious browser, whether it's a one-and-done trial of the map or if you want to experience each class without having to start from level 1. Since you have each of the dig keys in this mode and bonus fragments to craft more, it's ideal for jumping directly into the bosses (and trying them on harder difficulties, if so desired). Lastly, experience gain is greatly increased.

I'm having a hard time on higher difficulties, what's the strategy?
Bosses on higher difficulties will not be easy to defeat with a random hodge-podge of loot. A great way to take on these challenges is to stack a single damage type that you are focusing on for a build. As an example, going pure Physical bonus damage on your items as the Tunneler class while targeting Masteries that use Physical damage is a simple but effective strategy. You will want to be over 200% bonus damage of a specific element to meet the DPS requirement of Tyrannical bosses, else you may be overwhelmed by the lack of wax to fuel your candle light. If you are having trouble dodging boss mechanics, focus on bonus health Mastery nodes, in addition to looking for Vitality and Max Health bonuses on items. Stacking resistances for a boss's damage type (based on the biome) also wards off any heavy-hitting abilities.

Additionally, considering doing Vicious bosses to acquire Vicious modifier to Ancient items, which increases the maximum roll value of stats.

How many Mythic special effects did you use?
"Hearthstone Interface Assets" = "©2014 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Heroes of Warcraft is a trademark, and Hearthstone is a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries."
"World of Warcraft Interface Assets" = "©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries."
"Open Source RPG Icons" = "Ravenmore @ https://opengameart.org/"
"Hero Glow" = "assasin_lord"
"Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Iron Ore" = "Ergius"
"Pixel to DPI" = "Quilnez/Kazeon"
"Devilsaur Pack, Genesaur" = "Explobomb"
"Magnaron" = "Maldiran"
"Confirmation" = "Epsilon"
"Ground Explosion, Explosion Big, Sparks Explosion, Dirt Explosion" = "WILL THE ALMIGHTY"
"Generic Canister, Orb Elements" = "General Frank"
"Lightning Strike, Blue/Green Fungus, Ratorg Rider" = "Callahan"
"Orcish Runes" = "frostwhisper"
"Purified Maw Giant" = "Draconian"
"Naga Lord Pack" = "Tier10Trash"
"Naga Brute Pack" = "BardBord"
"Running Flame Aura" = "sPy"
"Magic Shield" = "JesusHipster"
"Simple White Bag" = "Captain Bacon, ILH"
"Cannon Turret" = "arnelbigstonepd33r"
"Troll Den, Gold Pile" = "HerrDave"
"Global Init, Timer Utils" = "Bribe"
"Arcing Text Tag" = "Maker"
"Sleet Storm" = "Hate"
"Kobold Slavemaster, Kobold Basher" = "-Grendel"
"HQ Gold Chest" = "HammerFist132"
"Arcane Glaive" = "Infrisios"
"Kobold Stalker" = "levigeorge1617"
"Icon Model Packs" = "Kenathorn"
"Bless" = "Thrikodius"
"Void Missiles, Void Rifts, Void Teleport, Fire Missiles, Conflagrate, Missile I, Missile II, Shot I, Shot II, Malevolence Aura, Pillar of Flame, Rain of Fire II, Judgement, Ember, Storm Bolt, Soul Beam, Soul Armor, Runic Rocket, Singularity I, Singularity II, Righteous Guard, Uber Shield, Climax, Winder Blast, Blink I, Blizzard II, Bondage, Flamestrike, Eldritch Scroll, Chain Grenade, Carrion Bats, Burning Rage, Athelas, Armor Pen/Stimulus, Firebrand Shots, Frostcraft Crystal, Psionic Shot, Heaven's Gate Heal, Ice Shard, Sacred Storm, Shining Flare, Soul Armor, Soul Beam, Soul Discharge, Stormfall, Valiant Charge, Shock Blast, Windwalk, Reaper Claws" = "Mythic"
Additional models by: Glum, bisnar13, Uncle Fester, Blood Raven, Systemfre1, smithyjones, and dioris
* Save feature added for Story Mode. Leveling speed in story mode has been reduced to accommodate this addition. You can now save your equipment, inventory, dig site keys, attributes, selected masteries, and quest progress. This is a beta release, so please let me know if you run into a bug. See the Save/Load quest in-game for system info.
* Holding right click will now automatically move your character.
* The game difficulty has been revamped. Tyrannical and Vicious are more Tyrannical-y and Vicious-y since you can now optimize your build. The map is more difficult in general.
* Items now have colored borders that signify rarity.
* You no longer receive Dig Site Keys from quests.
* New system: Buffs, indicating bonuses and auras which you are currently affected by.
* New currency: Ancient Fragments, use them to craft Dig Site Keys. Gather them from Shrines and Empowered Creatures.
* New vendor: The Greywhisker, who conjures Dig Site Keys in exchange for Ancient Fragments.
* New feature: Shrines. Discover new objects in missions and activate them by right-clicking, some of which are the key source of Ancient Fragments.
* The story screenplay has been slightly adjusted, and a new quest has been added.
* There is now an "unequip all" button in the equipment tab.
* Refactored click-moving of items now allows you to: equip an item, unequip an item, unequip a dig key (i.e. click on the item, then your inventory space, versus only via the options pane).
* Automatic comparison tooltip for items currently equipped vs. in your inventory.
* Tyrannical and Vicious now require level 20 and 30 respectively.
* Epic and Rare items drop less frequently.
* Bosses drop all variety of loot instead of only Ancients.
* Boss chests now create an explosion of loot on the ground instead of putting items into inventory directly. A base Treasure Find bonus is added + an additional bonus for every difficulty level.
* Loot will now drop from certain events (such as Shrines or Empowered Creatures).
* The first triggered Darkness ability for Bosses from lost Candle Light has been replaced.
* Fixed bug allowing the final biome to be selected early.
* Added arcing text indicators for a variety of pickups.
* Elementalist items no longer cost gold; some items now cost 20 ore instead of 10.
* Should no longer throw an error when speaking to NPCs after quest line is complete.
* Shinykeeper items have had a price increase.
* All items are now worth less gold.
* Dig Site Keys have new icons.
* Duplicate stat merging on items should now work again.
* Frigid Dagger -> lower mana cost, more piercing damage, shorter travel time, +0.75 sec freeze.
* Glacial Grenade -> lower mana cost, lower cooldown, much more damage, +1 sec freeze.
* Abominable -> more damage.
* Gamble -> lower mana cost.
* Nether Bomb -> more damage, lower cooldown.
* Devitalize -> higher percentage of health dealt, lower cooldown.
* Rock Saw -> more damage per sec.
* Fixed bug with certain quests not generating a mission.
* Fixed bug with boss marker on dig site map not going away after completion.
* Fixed bug where mission starting point logic got mixed up.
* Fixed bug with Ancient Shrines loot reward timer.
* Ancient Shrines spawn more often.
* Tuned down Ancient Shrine mini-boss strength.
* Ancient Shrines no longer give free fragments if mission fails.
* Properly fixed the spawning point issue for Candle Heist missions.
* Ancient Shrine mini-bosses slightly tuned down further (still a challenge on Heroic difficulty and higher).
* Fixed a bug with Tunneler's Mole Hole and Rascal's Deadly Shadows causing vulnerability during objective completed stage.
* Can now buy ore at the Elementalist after selecting an ore type.
* Can now buy Ancient Fragments at the Greywhisker.
* Sell All Items now ignores Ancient quality.
* Right click auto movement will properly move you on mouse release.
* New shrine: Ancient Coffer - a new method to acquire fragments.
* Free Play now starts you with 100 Ancient Fragments.
* Fixed Tunneler's Kobolt Auto-Turret damage.
* Tunneler's Wrecking Ball now reduces damage taken by 75%.
* Shrines now last 120 seconds.
* Tyrannical bosses now always drop at least 1 Ancient item.
* Vault boss now drops 1 bonus Ancient item and 2 bonus items of a random rarity to accommodate the higher Dig Site Key cost.
* Vault Dig Site Key now costs 15 fragments instead of 20.
* Fixed a bug for Shrine effects not lasting the full duration.
* Shadowflame costs less mana.
* Demon Bolt costs less mana.
* Force Wave costs less mana and deals more damage.
* Frigid Dagger costs less mana and deals more damage.
* Tremor costs less mana and deals more damage.
* Triumverate cooldown reduced.
* Kobolt Auto Turrent deals more damage.
* Rift Rocket deals more damage.
* The Big One cooldown reduced.
* Wrecking Ball cooldown reduced.
* Shroompocalypse cooldown reduced.
* Curse of Doom cooldown reduced.
* Abominable cooldown reduced.
* Candlepyre cooldown reduced.
* Waxshell cooldown reduced.
* Dreadfire cooldown reduced and duration increased.
* Unstable Arcana costs less mana.
* Glaciate costs less mana.
* Fixed a bug where ability effects such as slows and stuns would no longer work during a lengthy game session.
* Fixed a bug with Tunneler and Rascal invulnerable state abilities
* Bosses above Greenwhisker difficulty now always drop at least 1 Ancient item
* Vicious and Tyrannical scaling reduced by 25%
* Ancient Chests now drop additional fragments on higher difficulties
* Shrines that summon minions now scale damage with your character level
* New shrine: Ancient Crystal - drops ancient fragments and a random ore type
* Expanded dig site exit area to prevent boss chest items from landing out of bounds when immediately clicked
* Reduced Ancient Shrine mini boss scaling per the player's level
* Elementalist crafting now always results in a damage type modifier matching the selected ore type, with a chance to roll mostly ore-specific modifiers
* Story mode quests now award 50% more experience.
* Difficulties now award fixed loot rarities for bosses.
* Difficulty descriptions updated to reflect new boss loot table.
* UI modal now hides during digs.
* New feature: Mastery Respec - undo all spent points for 5,000 gold.
* New feature: Achievements - unlock badges for progressing through the story and its bosses.
* Quest progression objects can no longer be destroyed by Tunneler abilities.
* Bosses at level 60 have an additional 10% health, but now have 50% reduced scaling resistance to their biome damage type at all levels.
* Glaciate and Icebound Globe now have caster special effects.
* Map is no longer optimized and thus can be directly opened in order to reduce total download size.

* Nether Bomb deals more damage.
* Frigid Dagger deals more damage, missile speed increased.
* Gamble reworked - now throws 3 blades with less damage, with a chance to double blade count to 6, missile speed increased.

* Waxshell resistance bonus duration increased, mana cost reduced.
* Wickfire Leap travel time reduced, damage increased.
* Basalt Mortar damage increased, cooldown reduced.
* Seismic Slam mana cost reduced.
* Dreadfire mana cost reduced.
* Molten Shield cooldown reduced.

* Fungal Infusion heal over time increased.
* Geo-Portal mana cost reduced.
* Shroompocalypse reworked - now also restores health over its duration.

* Kobolt Auto-Turret attack rate increased, duration increased, missile speed increased, mana cost reduced.
* Rift Rocket cooldown reduced, mana cost reduced.
* Triumverate damage increased, cooldown reduced.

Mastery Abilities:
* Forcewave cooldown reduced, mana cost reduced.
* Magnet Rod cooldown reduced, mana cost reduced.
* Ignite reworked - deals more damage over shorter duration, longer cooldown.
* Shadowflame deals more damage, mana cost reduced.
* Scoreboard skip duration reduced from 5 to 3 seconds.
* Scaling experience requirement per level reduced by about 35%; boss fights now double XP earned (you now reach level 60 much faster and achieve a higher level by the end of the main story).
* Free Play experience earned greatly increased.
* Gold earned per mission is now a baseline of 100; the bonus earned based on character level has been increased by 20%.
* 7 new element keywords have been added for artifacts, tools, and gloves which allow for a stacking damage bonus specific to 1 element or to proliferation (similar to what was possible with previous non-crafted tool drops).
* Shinykeeper and Elementalist vendors no longer always roll Physical damage affixes for crafted tools and can now properly stack damage multipliers.
* Amalgam of Greed no longer has lingering ability missiles after loading into a new dig too quickly.
* Thawed Experiment's ice crystal obstacle duration reduced.
* Thawed Experiment no longer keeps casting certain spells after being defeated.
* Bosses no longer have lingering units around them after being defeated.
* Bosses should correctly play their death animations if defeated during a spell.
* Thunderbolt effect fixed and reworked: now restores 3% mana per enemy killed and properly plays its special effect if a target dies.
* Icebound Globe cooldown reduced, freeze duration increased, mana cost reduced.
* Glaciate damage greatly increased.
* Magnet Rod damage increased.

Added the Player Stats Codex to the map page to explain modifiable character metrics.
* Boss health bar no longer extends into scoreboard screen when player is defeated.
* Auto right-click-to-move system has been overhauled to be much more responsive.

Added a preview of all collectible Ancient items to the screenshots section.
* Units created by Ancient item effects now utilize the minion AI class.
* Proliferate Shadow procs that summon a demon now utilize the minion AI class.
* Minions now scale damage properly when damage type modifiers are 0.
* Proliferation effects now properly proc on Ymmud, the target dummy.
* Proliferation effects now properly proc on bosses.
* Ancient effects have had a balance pass. Some of them are very desirable, while others feel unrewarding and unfun, or too niche. In general, 'ability-like' procs now trigger much more often, minions are more powerful, and some damage-type requirements have been removed or expanded.
* Doomwalkers - Proc cooldown reduced.
* Slag King's Torch - Proc cooldown reduced.
* Cuirass of the Flame - Damage reduction penalty reduced.
* Phoenix Crown - Minion damage increased.
* Broiling Mittens - Cooldown greatly reduced, damage increased.
* Battlescarred Vestments - Now also restores health.
* Mutant Husk - Minion damage increased.
* Quagmirator - Cooldown greatly reduced, damage increased, procs from all damage types.
* Sssnake Ssskin - Now absorbs damage based on your health pool, procs from all damage types.
* Mawchomper - Cooldown reduced, now procs off of any damage.
* Fossilized Turboshell - Cooldown reduced.
* Skeleton Grasps - Fixed the proc rate (was incorrectly 10% instead of 15%).
* Reaping Picksickle - Reworked. Now procs off of any Frost, Shadow, or Arcane damage and has an internal cooldown.
* Reversed Frost-Steppers - Cooldown reduced.
* Bluewyrm Skullhelm - Cooldown reduced.
* Gravel Lob-o-matic - Fixed description, never had an internal cooldown.
* Fleeting Adventurer's Pack - Greatly increased Dodge Rating bonus.
* Deep Fathom Seashell - Minion damage increased.
* Bauble of Endless Absorption - Increased Absorb on Spell bonus.
* Shadowy Ore Spiker - Now applies to all damage.
* Gauntlets of Impending Doom - Now applies to all damage types, damage bonus increased.
* Darkness Hauberk - Now gives added Shadow damage instead of scaling damage.
* Looted Scourgehelm - Now procs off of any damage.
* Fungal Infusion typo fixed.
* Candlepyre typo fixed.
* Wickfire Leap travel time reduced to 0.5 sec.
* Sssnake Ssskin's buff icon updated to match standard icon style.
* Free Play reworked: start at level 45 with 100,000 gold, 200 of each ore, 1000 ancient fragments, and a full set of rare equipment.
* Fixed various dialogue spelling and grammatical errors.
* Map should now work with 1.33, 1.34 and 1.35 (after Blizzard broke frame event natives).
* Proliferation will no longer recursively proc off of stationary area-effect damage (such as fire proliferate) or demonic minions.
* Proliferation internal proc cooldown introduced, can now only occur once every 0.33 sec.
* Font kerning issue from 1.33 fixed for huge text titles (such as vendors).
  • Player characters now use a modified high-quality model by Glum, plus attachments by bisnar13, Uncle Fester, Blood Raven, Systemfre1, smithyjones, and dioris.
  • 12 new Ancient items have been added.
  • Added a green glow to the quest indicator on the dig site panel for better visibility on objective location.
  • Fixed a bug where the item select pane stayed visible after sorting.
  • Fixed a bug where your downed Kobold would spin with click-to-move.
  • Fixed a bug where Pickerang would not last its stated duration.
  • Various text adjustments to address 1.33 kerning/overflow issue.
  • Maps will excavate more blocks for more open levels.
  • Magnet Rod cooldown reduced by 50%.
  • Frost Strike reworked: deals slightly less damage, but base damage is now frost.
  • Backstab reworked: deals slightly less damage, but base damage is now shadow.
  • ‘Kobolt’ Auto-Turret reworked: cooldown reduced to 1 second, slightly more mana cost, faster attack rate, and now lasts 30 seconds.
  • Rift Rocket reworked: now deals Fire, Frost and Nature damage instead of Arcane; deals more combined damage.
  • Gravel Lob-o-matic now has a 1 second internal cooldown.

Kobold Kingdom v1.5 (Map)


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
So, if saving and loading doesn't work, then we are supposed to play this one in one run. How much gameplay time does it require?
The downside is that you can't, say, play on and on like in those games that don't have an endgame and if you encounter game breaking bugs, you have to start over.
Level 14
Feb 7, 2020
So, if saving and loading doesn't work, then we are supposed to play this one in one run. How much gameplay time does it require?
The downside is that you can't, say, play on and on like in those games that don't have an endgame and if you encounter game breaking bugs, you have to start over.
The 'story' is quite short. In casual QA runs I was able to complete it in about 1.5-2 hours. It's really just a carrot on a stick system to introduce the player to features and to go through the bosses one-by-one.

In Free Play, you can clear all the bosses in under 30 minutes after getting the hang of things.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Am I supposed to start this with Reforged graphics? From the screenshots it looks like Classic.
This is how it looks for me on Classic:

EDIT: worked on restart.

A very polished map. Great work on the UI part among others.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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Map Description Making: Good & Bad
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How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

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Level 14
Feb 7, 2020
Greetings, Hive friends.

I fast tracked v1.1 with a boatload of improvements. See the description for key highlights. The main takeaway is that a save/load system has been implemented for story mode as long as 'Allow Local Files' is enabled. Please message me if you find any bugs with saving/loading, as it was a hassle to write since there were no existing systems in Lua to plop in (plus, this game's data is more complex than usual).

The difficulty and speed of story mode has been overhauled to accommodate this new feature.

More of the boring stuff can be found below. Many QoL improvements have been added.

edit: I accidentally released a deprecated script that broke Ancient Shrines (printed errors over and over), this has been fixed in 1.1a.

  • Save feature added for Story Mode. Leveling speed in story mode has been reduced to accommodate this addition. You can now save your equipment, inventory, dig site keys, attributes, selected masteries, and quest progress. This is a beta release, so please let me know if you run into a bug. See the Save/Load quest in-game for system info.
  • Holding right click will now automatically move your character.
  • The game difficulty has been revamped. Tyrannical and Vicious are more Tyrannical-y and Vicious-y since you can now optimize your build. The map is more difficult in general.
  • Items now have colored borders that signify rarity.
  • You no longer receive Dig Site Keys from quests.
  • New system: Buffs, indicating bonuses and auras which you are currently affected by.
  • New currency: Ancient Fragments, use them to craft Dig Site Keys. Gather them from Shrines and Empowered Creatures.
  • New vendor: The Greywhisker, who conjures Dig Site Keys in exchange for Ancient Fragments.
  • New feature: Shrines. Discover new objects in missions and activate them by right-clicking, some of which are the key source of Ancient Fragments.
  • The story screenplay has been slightly adjusted, and a new quest has been added.
  • There is now an "unequip all" button in the equipment tab.
  • Refactored click-moving of items now allows you to: equip an item, unequip an item, unequip a dig key (i.e. click on the item, then your inventory space, versus only via the options pane).
  • Automatic comparison tooltip for items currently equipped vs. in your inventory.
  • Tyrannical and Vicious now require level 20 and 30 respectively.
  • Epic and Rare items drop less frequently.
  • Bosses drop all variety of loot instead of only Ancients.
  • Boss chests now create an explosion of loot on the ground instead of putting items into inventory directly. A base Treasure Find bonus is added + an additional bonus for every difficulty level.
  • Loot will now drop from certain events (such as Shrines or Empowered Creatures).
  • The first triggered Darkness ability for Bosses from lost Candle Light has been replaced.
  • Fixed bug allowing the final biome to be selected early.
  • Added arcing text indicators for a variety of pickups.
  • Elementalist items no longer cost gold; some items now cost 20 ore instead of 10.
  • Should no longer throw an error when speaking to NPCs after quest line is complete.
  • Shinykeeper items have had a price increase.
  • All items are now worth less gold.
  • Dig Site Keys have new icons.
  • Duplicate stat merging on items should now work again.
  • Frigid Dagger -> lower mana cost, more piercing damage, shorter travel time, +0.75 sec freeze.
  • Glacial Grenade -> lower mana cost, lower cooldown, much more damage, +1 sec freeze.
  • Abominable -> more damage.
  • Gamble -> lower mana cost.
  • Nether Bomb -> more damage, lower cooldown.
  • Devitalize -> higher percentage of health dealt, lower cooldown.
  • Rock Saw -> more damage per sec.
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Warcraft IP includes Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft, and Warcraft I II III. It is great to use their content and inspiration to enrich our map.

The images and voice materials in Hearthstone's adventure mode "Kobolds and the Underground World" are very suitable for making a dungeon adventure RPG map, which is an exciting and great innovation.

Well done.:mwahaha:
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Really interesting and unique custom map, this is why Warcraft 3 is the best game ever because of maps like this even tho the old Blizzard did create a masterpiece with the original game and story what the community managed to do over the years was even more amazing, If Warcraft 3 was already A King of Kings when it was created, the community managed to upgrade the game from a King status to a God status!

Now i must say this kind of maps are not on my liking sadly, i can still appreciate the hard work and just how something so different from the original warcraft 3 maps can be made through the world editor is still something mind blowing to me!

I did play a bit of the story route and it was great, but the gameplay is just not for me.

I liked the dialogues a lot, the whole vibe with the kobolds and their world is great.

I did fight against a boss as well cuz i was curious, and what can i say, the fight was epic!

Now i have to explain why i don't like the map, its pretty simple, even tho the new User interface you created is great and gives the map a whole new and unique vibe it also makes the game feel less war3 related, and that to me is just not good no matter how good someone can re-invent the wheel.

The original Warcraft 3 User interface with the Hero portraits being able to move and being able to see them all the time, the hero stats and the bonuses you see in those stats, the hero items in the inventory as well, all those things being right there in your face the entire time makes the player feel super attached to their characters/heroes, this creates this unique experience where you feel you really do play with your own avatar, seeing your own avatar/character evolve little by little, stat by stat, level by level, getting new items and actually seeing them in your inventory,

This whole thing, this whole User interface is like the holy grail, the War3 UI is pretty much sacred to me and to many players and when that UI is changed, deleted or replaced it just kills the entire mood of the game, no matter how good and unique the game can be.

When i played this map i just couldn't feel any emotions or any attachment for my own character, it feels like i am playing with someone's else character, is weird.

Also the gameplay itself is weird, the auto attacks are slow, the main damage comes only from spells, and the q spell can be spammed as well, which is not really that great in my opinion, it makes the gameplay boring, i also noticed all the other spells are kinda bad dmg wise, there is no reason to use any other dmg spell other than the Q spell.

Now beside the negative aspects i just commented on, i do believe this is a subjective thing after all, there are lots of games out there that have this other UIs and are very popular and i get it.

One other thing i forgot to say, how exactly does one save his progress in this game? i didn't seem to find that out and trying to save normally and loading the save crashes the game so that doesn't work, i think there needs to be some sort of saving mechanism so the progress isn't lost.

My rating for this map as a single player rpg/dungeon crawl type map is a solid S
Level 3
Mar 16, 2011
Seems there is a bug. If you use "Mole Hole" skill of the tunneler in the base, then on dig site you will be invulnerable. Though if you use it again on dig site, you will be vulnerable again.
Level 14
Feb 7, 2020
Seems there is a bug. If you use "Mole Hole" skill of the tunneler in the base, then on dig site you will be invulnerable. Though if you use it again on dig site, you will be vulnerable again.
Thank you for the report.

I am unable to reproduce the issue. Do you have any other details on when the ability was used that caused this?
Level 3
Mar 16, 2011
Thank you for the report.

I am unable to reproduce the issue. Do you have any other details on when the ability was used that caused this?
Yeah, sorry, it wasn't that easy to reproduce.
Actually seems you need to finish at least one dig site. (I used all first QWER skills of tunneler in it, and it was dig site with kobold diggers protection if that matter)
After you complete dig site you use Mole Hole and on next dig site you will be invulnerable.

Also when I tried to reproduce this bug by myself, I found out, that you also can use first spells on E and R of the tunneler without cooldown.
You use E, after you emerge you can use E again, since there is no cd error, though cd countdown is shown. Same for R and I guess it can be on other similar spells.

Also I somehow managed to broke first E and R spells of the tunneler, so I could use spells in it, but dunno how to reproduce it, just happened at some point of the game.

Overall nice idea and execution, though I got bored after 4 boss, cuz if I'm right there are only 3 types of dungeons and it become boring pretty quickly.
Level 14
Feb 7, 2020
I'm curious what exactly your process for ripping the hearthstone UI assets was? Pretty interesting systems otherwise but the ui is on another level.

It was a mix of googling Hearthstone assets and installing the client to do screengrabs, followed by Photoshop merging and modifying (stretch, shrink, blend together - slicing assets into pieces and then removing/adding sections). The dig site map's "start" button is a cutout of the league of explorers card back. The dig site map backdrop is a modified version of the map art used in one of the adventures.

For icon work, I used Wowhead's icon browser and put all icons into a grid with Photoshop, batch exported them, then imported into the editor which allowed them to be referenced by indexed file names.

Lastly, bundle up finished pieces in a BLP batch converter and import them to the editor.

There's also some assets borrowed from the WoW UI asset rip which can be found here.


For the technical implementation, I designed every asset in Photoshop to the proper dimensions I'd see on my personal 1920 x 1080 screen. When fitting an asset within code, the dimensions used in the mockup were converted to percentage of screen width with helper functions (the WC3 frame API requires proportional scaling).

In pseudo-code, it'd be something like:

inventoryframe = newframe(px(300), px(400))

The pixels would be converted to proportional scaling for height and width, offsets, etc. (0.167 and 0.222 in the example above).

These are the functions:

function kui:pxdpiscale()
    -- run at map start. get screen height (screenh) at map start.
    -- for screens that have smaller than standard 0.6 max Y size
    -- since pixel values were pulled from a 1080px screen, use
    -- that as the baseline denominator.
    self.dpiratio = 0.6*(self.screenh/1080.0)

function kui:pxtodpi()
    return self.dpiratio/self.screenh

function kui:px(pixels)
    return pixels*kui:pxtodpi()
Level 14
Feb 7, 2020

v1.3 is now out and features some nifty additions, plus an overall balance pass (see description for more info).

This will mark the final development effort of this title—save for minor updates to fix any bugs.

Lastly, to reduce the download size I am no longer optimizing the main file (not sure why I continued to do that). Instead, the main map can now be directly opened in the editor. Per this post and the FAQ, you are free to export any assets or reference/copy any bits of code present in the map file.
Level 1
Jan 12, 2019
i dont really play that much custom games but this map is soo good! good the dialogs and gameplay :D
looking forward for you're future content!


Spam Moderator
Level 11
Dec 2, 2012
This map is so good. I can't believe you've managed to do this all in Warcraft III. The UI, the missions, the enemies, the item system, the four heroes each with their own abilities, the constantly scaling difficulty, the hero save system... I could go on. Absolutely unreal!

EDIT: I should mention: The map doesn't just look good, it is fun as heck. I could keep playing for a long time thanks to its procedurally generated levels, difficulty, and item system.
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Level 14
Feb 7, 2020
FYI: 1.33 broke FRAMEEVENT_MOUSE_ENTER so this map is currently unplayable on retail (the reforged train wreck continues).

On top of that dumpster fire, I cannot save the map now without it crashing, so there is currently no quick fix in sight.

Update: I was able to implement some changes to save the project, but have now discovered that FRAMEEVENT_MOUSE_UP and FRAMEEVENT_CONTROL_CLICK are also not working properly. Thus, this map will not work on 1.33 in its current state.
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Level 3
May 20, 2022
Is this map going to be fixed for 1.33? It was fun and I want to try it again. I can't make it work in my patch 1.33. Is there a way to turn it back to 1.32?
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Is this map going to be fixed for 1.33? It was fun and I want to try it again. I can't make it work in my patch 1.33. Is there a way to turn it back to 1.32?
Did you read this (inside the purple box)?
Kobold Kingdom Notice.jpg

1.33 not only broke several things related to this map (infinite mouse enter/exit loop on buttons). The most dangerous thing is that your game might randomly crashes due to the fact it uses higher memory usage.
If you want to play this map, you'll probably need 1.32.10. There's only one method you can do, which is Blizzget. However, you can use Google to download working Warcraft 3 1.32.10 (I won't post the download links due to the piracy rule).
Level 3
May 20, 2022
Did you read this (inside the purple box)?
View attachment 413020
1.33 not only broke several things related to this map (infinite mouse enter/exit loop on buttons). The most dangerous thing is that your game might randomly crashes due to the fact it uses higher memory usage.
If you want to play this map, you'll probably need 1.32.10. There's only one method you can do, which is Blizzget. However, you can use Google to download working Warcraft 3 1.32.10 (I won't post the download links due to the piracy rule).
Hi, I tried Blizzget, but it didn't work. I don't have to use a pirated version as I have already bought Reforged. When I launched it, it was still in patch 1.33 and it launched in Reforged, not Frozen Throne as the tutorial shows
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Hi, I tried Blizzget, but it didn't work. I don't have to use a pirated version as I have already bought Reforged. When I launched it, it was still in patch 1.33 and it launched in Reforged, not Frozen Throne as the tutorial shows
If you don't want auto-update to 1.33, you'll have to start the game using the "-launch" parameter so that it won't redirect you to Battle.net app.
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Yes, I did that, but it still didn't work
If you followed the instructions on this thread, especially the "Play Reforged without Battle.net", you should be able to play the game without errors.
To be honest, this is where "Warcraft III.exe" and "World Editor.exe" is situated on:
_retail_\x86_64\Warcraft III.exe
You'll have to add those shortcuts with the "-launch" parameter since running the application by double-clicking will still redirect you to the Blizzard Launcher. I assume you have already played WC3 through Battlenet on the same PC. Once again, you'll have to enter the CD-Keys.
Level 3
May 20, 2022
If you followed the instructions on this thread, especially the "Play Reforged without Battle.net", you should be able to play the game without errors.
To be honest, this is where "Warcraft III.exe" and "World Editor.exe" is situated on:
_retail_\x86_64\Warcraft III.exe
You'll have to add those shortcuts with the "-launch" parameter since running the application by double-clicking will still redirect you to the Blizzard Launcher. I assume you have already played WC3 through Battlenet on the same PC. Once again, you'll have to enter the CD-Keys.
Ok, I tried again and got it right. Thanks!



HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
can I suggest the button positions of the spells to be back in the bottom row so they could be compatible in my quick cast grid?

Level 14
Feb 7, 2020
can I suggest the button positions of the spells to be back in the bottom row so they could be compatible in my quick cast grid?

My understanding is this would only benefit the first 4 skills, is that correct and still useful?
Level 14
Feb 7, 2020
Who is the author of the model? I can't find -Grendel. He closed his profile.

View attachment 469607
I can't quite remember. That guy had a dramatic breakdown or something, if I recall, and deleted all his submissions (sad).

Attached the .mdx, it uses in-game textures.


  • mdl-Slavemaster.mdx
    94.9 KB · Views: 2